Feds say these nuts "Had to be Taken Down"

Well...if their country hadn't been harboring an international terrorist organization that flew several planes into buildings in the "outside country" maybe the "outside country" wouldn't be bombing the ever-loving shit out of them and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Food for thought.

1) Who says they had AK47's when they were picked up? You know a lot of them were "dobbed in' by their neighbours.
2) Their country was? You are really naive when it comes to the inner mechanisms of how Afghanistan is run. I am not surprised at your lack of knowledge. Your inept conclusions and Jingoistic neocon populism that reeks out of every pore in your posts are there for all to see. As somebody rightly pointed out recently, Afghanistan is a tribal society, but having a PhD in brainfarts you try and attribute modern, western ideals to a tribal-based society.
3) Food for thought indeed.....

1) Who says they didn't have AK47's when they were picked up? You know a lot of them were not dobbed in by their neighbors.
2) You are really naive when it comes to the inner workings of Afghanistan and the U.S.A. and I'm not surprised by that either. Your inept conclusions and eurotrash socialist gibberish on this board reflect your supreme ignorance and intolerance of anyone's opinion other than your own. Your lofty opinion of yourself is only recognized by the stupidest of people in your little fantasy world you live in. Instead of fucking sheep why don't you get a job instead of sitting in your momma's basement and leaching off your fucked up racist government.

Isn't it funny how that "innocent til proven guilty" thingee disappeared from your vernacular?
Who gets to say whether or not you're a Christian? Where's the rulebook on that?

Well that would be Christ... anyone can claim to be a Christian; but it's a rare Christian that plots to strip an innocent of their life; particularly on the justification that they're going to be taking on that which Christ himself will be dealing with personally.

Ya see, those who believe in the Anti-Christ are hard pressed to not recognize that such represents the pending rapture... so there can't be better news than a beast sighting.

I can't tell ya what these people believed, except that the evidence is fairly clear, that they were intent on bustin' it off in the man and that's more of a Bill Ayers thing than that of Jesus Christ.

I just love it when you spin like that...
It's amazing that we can not even agree to agree that stopping these alleged terrorists was a good thing done by the FBI? :(

My only concern is the deterioration of the illusion of privacy and where this could lead. The (un)Patriot Act is a de facto Constitutional arbitrary editor so while it is obviously a great thing a possible attack was stopped this is not the norm. If I had to choose between tyranny of the State or terrorism I would choose to live with the threat of terrorists because life is not life when you are not free.
How about equal treatment for ALL suspected terrorists?

What a brilliant fucking idea.
I'm glad I thought of it.

So you agree then? Throw these Christian Warriors in Gitmo without a trial or representation for the next few years until we "figure out what to do with them"?


Why hasn't Obama freed them then or even given them a trial? Seems to me you should be protesting your president and your congress for the justice you think they deserve.
Shouldn't we wait till they've been convicted before finding them guilty? Just a thought.

How many terrorists in Gitmo are "allegedly" guilty??

None. They were all caught on the battlefield.

False. All of the people put in Gitmo were not caught on the battlefield.

Perhaps the only people left there now, 7 years later, were those caught on the batlefield, but certainly not even the majority of the original inmates were.
What a brilliant fucking idea.
I'm glad I thought of it.

So you agree then? Throw these Christian Warriors in Gitmo without a trial or representation for the next few years until we "figure out what to do with them"?


Why hasn't Obama freed them then or even given them a trial? Seems to me you should be protesting your president and your congress for the justice you think they deserve.

Did I assign blame? I think not. But, since you brought it up, it is worth noting that Bushie boy put them there in the first place, not Obama. And every time a civilian trial is mentioned for these people, the Republicans' heads start to collectively explode.

I said that all terrorists should be treated equally. So if you're going to imprison the Muslim ones in gitmo without a trial, then you certainly need to do the same things with right-wing fanatic terrorists from Michigan.
So you agree then? Throw these Christian Warriors in Gitmo without a trial or representation for the next few years until we "figure out what to do with them"?


Why hasn't Obama freed them then or even given them a trial? Seems to me you should be protesting your president and your congress for the justice you think they deserve.

Did I assign blame? I think not. But, since you brought it up, it is worth noting that Bushie boy put them there in the first place, not Obama. And every time a civilian trial is mentioned for these people, the Republicans' heads start to collectively explode.

I said that all terrorists should be treated equally. So if you're going to imprison the Muslim ones in gitmo without a trial, then you certainly need to do the same things with right-wing fanatic terrorists from Michigan.

How can you even say that if you're against the incarceration of the men at Gitmo? I'm not imprisoning Muslims at Gitmo, our government, i.e. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are imprisoning them. The republicans didn't want health care either, but that didn't stop them. Why aren't you as upset now about them being there as you most likely were when Bush was in office. Wasn't Obama supposed to close it?? Nice of you to excuse Obama for keeping them there. Very lame.
Why hasn't Obama freed them then or even given them a trial? Seems to me you should be protesting your president and your congress for the justice you think they deserve.

Did I assign blame? I think not. But, since you brought it up, it is worth noting that Bushie boy put them there in the first place, not Obama. And every time a civilian trial is mentioned for these people, the Republicans' heads start to collectively explode.

I said that all terrorists should be treated equally. So if you're going to imprison the Muslim ones in gitmo without a trial, then you certainly need to do the same things with right-wing fanatic terrorists from Michigan.

How can you even say that if you're against the incarceration of the men at Gitmo? I'm not imprisoning Muslims at Gitmo, our government, i.e. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are imprisoning them. The republicans didn't want health care either, but that didn't stop them. Why aren't you as upset now about them being there as you most likely were when Bush was in office. Wasn't Obama supposed to close it?? Nice of you to excuse Obama for keeping them there. Very lame.

Posts like this are why you'll always be a newby to politics.
How can you even say that if you're against the incarceration of the men at Gitmo? I'm not imprisoning Muslims at Gitmo, our government, i.e. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are imprisoning them. The republicans didn't want health care either, but that didn't stop them. Why aren't you as upset now about them being there as you most likely were when Bush was in office. Wasn't Obama supposed to close it?? Nice of you to excuse Obama for keeping them there. Very lame.

The Obama administration has been trying to bring the people at Gitmo to trial, or didn't you notice? Once they are tried and convicted, their incarceration at Gitmo will end, as they will be moved to real prisons. But again, YOU are the one who keeps trying to divert the conversation to my support or non-support of the current occupants of Gitmo, not I.

And of course, you haven't addressed my actual point, which was:

If Muslim terrorists are in fact being held without trial at Gitmo, then why wouldn't fanatic, right-wing Christian terrorists be subject to the exact same treatment?

Do you have no answer for that?
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How does one "try" to bring Gitmo prisoners to trial?
"A suspected Al Qaeda organizer once called "the highest value detainee" at Guantanamo Bay was ordered released by a federal judge in an order issued Monday."
Judge Orders Release of Gitmo Detainee With Ties to 9/11 Attacks - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

"Return to Jihad for Released GITMO Detainees on the Rise:"
Return to Jihad for Released GITMO Detainees on the Rise - Steve Schippert - The Tank on National Review Online

"Two Uighur Brothers at Gitmo Released to Switzerland"
Two Uighurs at Gitmo Released to Switzerland - WSJ.com

Gitmo recidivism rate over 20 percent
Gitmo recidivism rate over 20 percent | San Francisco Examiner

Now, less than four months later, he's back home in Afghanistan and working for the Taliban -- just the latest of more than 100 released detainees who have returned to terrorism, according to the Pentagon.
FOXNews.com - More Guantanamo Detainees Are Returning to Terror Upon Release
How does one "try" to bring Gitmo prisoners to trial?
"A suspected Al Qaeda organizer once called "the highest value detainee" at Guantanamo Bay was ordered released by a federal judge in an order issued Monday."
Judge Orders Release of Gitmo Detainee With Ties to 9/11 Attacks - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

"Return to Jihad for Released GITMO Detainees on the Rise:"
Return to Jihad for Released GITMO Detainees on the Rise - Steve Schippert - The Tank on National Review Online

"Two Uighur Brothers at Gitmo Released to Switzerland"
Two Uighurs at Gitmo Released to Switzerland - WSJ.com

Gitmo recidivism rate over 20 percent
Gitmo recidivism rate over 20 percent | San Francisco Examiner

Now, less than four months later, he's back home in Afghanistan and working for the Taliban -- just the latest of more than 100 released detainees who have returned to terrorism, according to the Pentagon.
FOXNews.com - More Guantanamo Detainees Are Returning to Terror Upon Release

Oh, wait, just one minute ago you all were claiming that Obama wasn't releasing the people at Gitmo, and now you're saying that Obama HAS been releasing Gitmo prisoners, and you're denouncing it.

You guys better get your story straight.

And while your at it, how about answering my question?
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How can you even say that if you're against the incarceration of the men at Gitmo? I'm not imprisoning Muslims at Gitmo, our government, i.e. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are imprisoning them. The republicans didn't want health care either, but that didn't stop them. Why aren't you as upset now about them being there as you most likely were when Bush was in office. Wasn't Obama supposed to close it?? Nice of you to excuse Obama for keeping them there. Very lame.

The Obama administration has been trying to bring the people at Gitmo to trial, or didn't you notice? Once they are tried and convicted, their incarceration at Gitmo will end, as they will be moved to real prisons. But again, YOU are the one who keeps trying to divert the conversation to my support or non-support of the current occupants of Gitmo, not I.

And of course, you haven't addressed my actual point, which was:

If Muslim terrorists are in fact being held without trial at Gitmo, then why wouldn't fanatic, right-wing Christian terrorists be subject to the exact same treatment?

Do you have no answer for that?

In legal terms the Hutaree shitbags are US Citizens so they automatically are legally entitled to many Rights not conferred upon non-Citizens.
How can you even say that if you're against the incarceration of the men at Gitmo? I'm not imprisoning Muslims at Gitmo, our government, i.e. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are imprisoning them. The republicans didn't want health care either, but that didn't stop them. Why aren't you as upset now about them being there as you most likely were when Bush was in office. Wasn't Obama supposed to close it?? Nice of you to excuse Obama for keeping them there. Very lame.

The Obama administration has been trying to bring the people at Gitmo to trial, or didn't you notice? Once they are tried and convicted, their incarceration at Gitmo will end, as they will be moved to real prisons. But again, YOU are the one who keeps trying to divert the conversation to my support or non-support of the current occupants of Gitmo, not I.

And of course, you haven't addressed my actual point, which was:

If Muslim terrorists are in fact being held without trial at Gitmo, then why wouldn't fanatic, right-wing Christian terrorists be subject to the exact same treatment?

Do you have no answer for that?

In legal terms the Hutaree shitbags are US Citizens so they automatically are legally entitled to many Rights not conferred upon non-Citizens.

Many of the people originally assigned to Gitmo were also US citizens.
In legal terms the Hutaree shitbags are US Citizens so they automatically are legally entitled to many Rights not conferred upon non-Citizens.

you mean like the rights conferred on the MS-13 Shitbags?....who have a hell of a lot of non-citizens in their ranks....but at one point had the ACLU telling the LAPD ....."you cant do this and you cant do that....these guys have rights"...is that what you are talking about?......
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In legal terms the Hutaree shitbags are US Citizens so they automatically are legally entitled to many Rights not conferred upon non-Citizens.

you mean like the rights conferred on the MS-13 Shitbags?....who have a hell of a lot of non-citizens in their ranks....but at one point had the ACLU telling the LAPD ....."you cant do this and you cant do that....these guys have rights"...is that what you are talking about?......

in other words you only have deflection
So the FBI is monitoring these people, a group which has existed apparently for years with just ranting and raving, and now they are terrorists because the Feds believe the leopard has changed its spots? That a bunch of blowhard losers will suddenly take up arms and come out shooting? That claim would take a lot of proof to convince me.

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