Feds say these nuts "Had to be Taken Down"

Feds: Christian militia needed to be 'taken down' - Yahoo! News

I wonder what would have happened if they hadn't been caught? What kind of bloodshed would have happened? Thank you FBI!

The said that about Waco too.:rolleyes:

Did they? But we are talking about what happened this week, aren't we, not something that happened years ago. At least I am, trying to make sense of it all.

What gets me is this was something the FBI stopped BEFORE any bloodshed from either side happened. Nobody knows what could have happened, but why wait to see if you have the evidence to stop killings. Why is everyone so against the FBI doing their job, to save innocent people and police officers from being killed? Again, I just don't get it.
Feds: Christian militia needed to be 'taken down' - Yahoo! News

I wonder what would have happened if they hadn't been caught? What kind of bloodshed would have happened? Thank you FBI!

The said that about Waco too.:rolleyes:

Did they? But we are talking about what happened this week, aren't we, not something that happened years ago. At least I am, trying to make sense of it all.

What gets me is this was something the FBI stopped BEFORE any bloodshed from either side happened. Nobody knows what could have happened, but why wait to see if you have the evidence to stop killings. Why is everyone so against the FBI doing their job, to save innocent people and police officers from being killed? Again, I just don't get it.
A lot of people tend to have sympathy for militia groups. Well, unless they are black or brown militia groups.
They do sound pretty crazed. And they actually have weapons, apparently.


so do street gangs....like the MS 13 gangs (Mara Salvatrucha) .....these guys are more blood thirsty then those white rednecks....but these guys dont matter....apparently...
Why are you putting words in my mouth? It sounds as if you are excusing one group because the other group also exists.

no im telling you that this "terrorist" white boy group aint shit compared to some of the Gangs who are getting bigger and more dangerous everyday.....these are extensions of the drug gangs from Mexico and beyond Ravi....you do know whats going on down there...right?....these guys seem to be looked at as..."gangs"....wayward Latinos who need guidance.....while these "Militia" type Gangs are looked at as REAL threats to society and have to be "taken" down now....im saying the attitude the federal govt. and apparently some of its citizens has comparing the two.....is amazing.....one says they are targeting the Govt.....one DOES target the people and is now threatening law enforcement agencies.....but the Militia group is more dangerous....the other is just a bunch of neglected Latinos....
this administration is starting to bring back memories of Waco, where Janet Reno with the blessing of Billy Clinton murdered 80 American citizens, 20 of them children.

How does spreading gasoline around your own compound turn into murder by the Feds? They were rather restrained IMO, considering some of their own were gunned down. What would have happened, if some of your local officers were shot serving a search warrant? Do you also support Mumia???
I don't care if they are Hutarees or Queens.......I'm simply saying there should be some skepticism for cases like this. Just like the 12 year old going on trial for murder in PA I'm seeing a hell of a lot of convictions being done from soundbites.

It's very important that we all sit back and wait for all the information before rushing to judgement...

...just like we all did in the Fort Hood shooting massacre.

So you want to put a hood on the Constitution based on fear. I don't agree but it's understandable.

See also: USA PATRIOT Act
Feds: Christian militia needed to be 'taken down' - Yahoo! News

I wonder what would have happened if they hadn't been caught? What kind of bloodshed would have happened? Thank you FBI!

The said that about Waco too.:rolleyes:

Did they? But we are talking about what happened this week, aren't we, not something that happened years ago. At least I am, trying to make sense of it all.

What gets me is this was something the FBI stopped BEFORE any bloodshed from either side happened. Nobody knows what could have happened, but why wait to see if you have the evidence to stop killings. Why is everyone so against the FBI doing their job, to save innocent people and police officers from being killed? Again, I just don't get it.

For me the issue is that the FBI and the DOJ simply can't be trusted. I can point to years worth of outright criminal protection of RICO activities involving the highest level officials and prosecutors in ceratin large cities where illegal fundraising for both national parties - via drug sales and illegal gambling - goes unpunished, where state and federal elected officials are on record defending the criminals and criticizing law enforcement for doing their jobs. Residents have been calling for FBI and DOJ oversight for years with no results.

With regards to this militia thing, it looks and smells exactly like the multiple cases over the last few years where the FBI has tried to create the illusion that terror cells exist in the US and that we need more laws (and more government scrutiny of our lives) in order to stay safe. Over and over again - in Florida, in New jersey, in Michigan, and others, the FBI has sent undercover agents into muslim groups, gathered together some of the weakest members of the groups, and led them in formulating a plan to buy weapons and plan some kind of attack. And over and over again, the court records have revealed that there was no problem until a trained agent began influencing people over time to take criminal action.

That's exactly what this situation smells like with this militia group. The FBI infiltrated them over a year ago and has been "working diligently" to establish a case.

In the case of terror cells, the political payoff is for increased federal control of security and increased government scrutiny and control of individual citizens. In the case of this recent militia group, the political payoff is in convincing law enforcement that citizens who oppose an increasignly dominant and restrictive federal government are a threat to the lives of regular police officers, driving a psychological wedge between local law enforcement and the good citizens who are vociferous against a rapidly expanding centralized federal government.

My conclusion is that this recent militia news is part of a broader operation to influence local officials against patriots who want to protect and defend the US Constitution. I won't be surprised if a similar story breaks with tragic results, further cementing the divide between law enforcement and constitution abiding citizens.

Wasn't the Obama Hellcare "Law" an over attempt to overthrow the US Government by force? The Constitution (1787) is the Supreme Law of the Land.


Why... Yes it was...

Except it wasn't by violent force... The Left is attempting to crush the US, through the same force which the Leftist on this site attempt to force their views... through force of delusion; through the color of law... Through deceit, theft and fraud... They've sought to illicitly use the power of their majority; using that majority status, to replace the Constitutional Construct of US Governance with a new Construct... Majority Rules.

Of course, as I've pointed in numerous threads; when they find themselves in the minority; they will flip in an instance to Constitutional Literalists... returning to that Constitution to defend their majority status and precedent for Deem and Consent (pass)... will once again be considered OUTRAGIOUS ABUSES by the EXTREME RIGHTWING which will have been foisted upon the Legislature by none other than Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck...

But such is the nature of evil... it's the big lie; which rests in the HOPE that if sufficiently repeated, the desire on the part of the least amongst us, for it to be true, will allow them to believe that it's true; a deceit which rests upon the Leftist axion, 'Perception is Reality'.
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The said that about Waco too.:rolleyes:

Did they? But we are talking about what happened this week, aren't we, not something that happened years ago. At least I am, trying to make sense of it all.

What gets me is this was something the FBI stopped BEFORE any bloodshed from either side happened. Nobody knows what could have happened, but why wait to see if you have the evidence to stop killings. Why is everyone so against the FBI doing their job, to save innocent people and police officers from being killed? Again, I just don't get it.
A lot of people tend to have sympathy for militia groups. Well, unless they are black or brown militia groups.

"Sympathy" is much too mild a word.
and of course the media reported the headlines about the Ft. Hood shooter was, A Muslim just shot the hell out of our soldiers. NO?

but no, we get this HEADLINE, Christian milita group.

Gee I can't imagine why one would call them Christian, unless of course you were to go by their own description.

From the 'about us' section of their website:

About Us

HUTAREE; Christian Warrior

As christians we all are a part of the Souls of the Body of Christ, the one true church of Christ. Not any specific man made building or any man controlled organization. This is the belief of the Hutaree soldier, as should the belief of all followers in Christ be.

But no, don't call them Christians!!!!

jeezus (pardon the expression)
This is quite a week for circling the wagons, lol.

You got the Right circling the wagons around these guys, and

the Catholic Church circling the wagons around their pervs.
ALLEGEDLY Christian militia.


Well, I don't know if that part is alleged, I mean, that is in fact what the name of the group translates to, isn't it?

Hutaree = "Christian Warriors" or something like that?

But just because they self-identified as Christians, does not mean that they were Christians or that they espoused Christian beliefs.

(N.B. - Please remember that muslim fundamentalists always espouse Islamic beliefs.)

No True Scotsman!!!
This is quite a week for circling the wagons, lol.

You got the Right circling the wagons around these guys, and

the Catholic Church circling the wagons around their pervs.

and a year of the left circling the wagons around their Dear Leader, the Obama.:lol:
and of course the media reported the headlines about the Ft. Hood shooter was, A Muslim just shot the hell out of our soldiers. NO?

but no, we get this HEADLINE, Christian milita group.

Gee I can't imagine why one would call them Christian, unless of course you were to go by their own description.

From the 'about us' section of their website:

About Us

HUTAREE; Christian Warrior

As christians we all are a part of the Souls of the Body of Christ, the one true church of Christ. Not any specific man made building or any man controlled organization. This is the belief of the Hutaree soldier, as should the belief of all followers in Christ be.

But no, don't call them Christians!!!!

jeezus (pardon the expression)

I guess you are someone that assumes that everything written on the internet is TRUE!

Their description...probably a typo.
I don't get it.. you're for freeing the alleged MUSLIM terrorists...

and for jailing the alleged CHRISTIAN terrorists.....

Something about that smells funny.

The evidence collected by the FBI and other US agencies is pretty transparent and looks like the real deal.

The alleged Muslim terrorists less so. In fact, in many cases they are murky to say the least and not open to public scrutiny, which these summary of facts will be.

And most people are for freeing the alleged Muslim terrorists if there in no evidence to state otherwise.

However, I would go one step further and would love to know what evidence there is to show that the Gitmo prisoners are terrorists in the first place. At least with this Michigan ijits there are some allegations on the table, with some reasonable anecdotal evidence to back up the arrests...

For the terminally stupid who live in other country's and pretend to know all about America...let me break it down for you....
When you're captured on the field of battle with an AK-47, after shooting in the direction of U.S. troops screaming "Allahu Akbar!!!"...I think that THAT little factoid basically says...this guy is pretty much an ENEMY OF AMERICA.

Try to keep up. If you can't we have great medical care until it collapses in about 3 years...you could come here and get treated for your case of brainfartitus.

Are you saying that all the prisoners at GITMO were caught that way?
For the terminally stupid who live in other country's and pretend to know all about America...let me break it down for you....
When you're captured on the field of battle with an AK-47, after shooting in the direction of U.S. troops screaming "Allahu Akbar!!!"...I think that THAT little factoid basically says...this guy is pretty much an ENEMY OF AMERICA.

Try to keep up. If you can't we have great medical care until it collapses in about 3 years...you could come here and get treated for your case of brainfartitus.

Let's just play devil's advocate, here.

When an outside country invades your country and bombs the ever loving shit out of your friends and family, and threatens to kill you too unless you lay down and comply, what else do you expect the indigenous people to do besides act on their instinct to protect THEIR country and people?

Not every single person on the "battlefield" sees us as liberators. And you can't necessarily blame them, either. Some people just don't fucking want us there at all. That should be their choice, seeing as how it's THEIR country.

So if they pick up a weapon and defend their neighborhood, it's not necessarily because they're "enemies of the USA".

Food for thought.

Well...if their country hadn't been harboring an international terrorist organization that flew several planes into buildings in the "outside country" maybe the "outside country" wouldn't be bombing the ever-loving shit out of them and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Food for thought.

Iraq was harboring the 9/11 terrorists?
But just because they self-identified as Christians, does not mean that they were Christians or that they espoused Christian beliefs.

(N.B. - Please remember that muslim fundamentalists always espouse Islamic beliefs.)
If you accept Jesus as your savior you are a Christian. That doesn't mean they are good Christians or that the vast majority of Christians wouldn't disown them.

While difficult to say, you are correct. Truth is same has been said regarding the Muslims, that those that disagree must speak out. Same message should be applied to tea party folks, the fringe elements do not define or portray the ideas, nor should any acts that are less than good for the whole not be disowned by the whole. Then too, the same should be said about preachers such as Rev. Wright, and others that would separate our citizens along false lines of hate.

There will always be people in every religion who will misinterpret their holy books to support their violence.

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