Feeble Joe Biden Hides at Camp David While Trump Holds Massive Rallies in North Carolina and Virginia

It appears to be.

To me, the biggest problem is the same thing that kills businesses and relationships and marriages and partnerships: Communication has completely broken down.

That's a choice we've made.
You cant communicate with animals.
Unfortunately trumpism will probably be around in 2028. I hope not, but this situation has been going on over and over for the past 60 years.
I doubt it.

You’d be hard pressed to find any of these low life pieces of shit who would admit they voted for Romneyism, McCainism, Bushism....
I doubt it.

You’d be hard pressed to find any of these low life pieces of shit who would admit they voted for Romneyism, McCainism, Bushism....
No they wouldn't. These are the Newt Gingrich loving tea party people.
No they wouldn't. These are the Newt Gingrich loving tea party people.

None of them care about the Tea party any more. What they like about Gingrich is the same thing they hate (now) about Bush I/II, McCain, and Romney. Gingrich was out for blood. Bush and company just wanted to win but were not really interested in putting skins on the wall. Trump is about putting skins on the wall. In 2028, the nominee of the GOP will look more like Bush and company than the blob. And these lowlifes on this board will line up right behind them because they have no scruples.
None of them care about the Tea party any more. What they like about Gingrich is the same thing they hate (now) about Bush I/II, McCain, and Romney. Gingrich was out for blood. Bush and company just wanted to win but were not really interested in putting skins on the wall. Trump is about putting skins on the wall. In 2028, the nominee of the GOP will look more like Bush and company than the blob. And these lowlifes on this board will line up right behind them because they have no scruples.

It may very well be somebody like Desantis or Youngkin.
It may very well be somebody like Desantis or Youngkin.
Well, it won't be a prize...but it will be someone who at least acknowledges that we need a government.

And that is half the battle with blob supporters. According to their rhetoric--which of course is not how they really feel--they prefer anarchy because they think having a weapon makes them superior since they are mentally challenged, morally bankrupt, and cashed in whatever ethics they had long ago.
No excuses Trump will win.
LMAO Biden announced his new campaign strategy...he's going to call Trump names and troll him. 100% NOT a joke, it's breaking news today. Poor Joe he can't run on his SHIT record and policies so he's going full TROLL. Pathetic.
Trump is polling better today. I feel ok.
How do you feel about Biden's border failures?
As long as kids aren’t being put into concentration camps as Herr Trump did, I’m happy about it.

I know you get off on cruelty for the sake of cruelty but I’m a better person than you...
As long as kids aren’t being put into concentration camps as Herr Trump did, I’m happy about it.

I know you get off on cruelty for the sake of cruelty but I’m a better person than you...

You're right, the Obama cages were better than the Trump cages.

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