Feinstein: ISIS Not Contained, It's Expanding

What do you think your messiah, Obysmal, did to upset her so much fellas? Oh my, this is going to be a GREAT 15 months, as we tie Obama to Bill, and then to Hillary. You have no idea what is actually happening with Miserable Michelle, so you have no idea how bad this is all for you, and your girlfriend, Hillary-)
wake up you're having that dream again.

Ok, you are correct, I am in error, you are a pointy head, how dare I even believe for an instant, that I am privy to something you people are not, lololol. Carry on-)
What do you think your messiah, Obysmal, did to upset her so much fellas? Oh my, this is going to be a GREAT 15 months, as we tie Obama to Bill, and then to Hillary. You have no idea what is actually happening with Miserable Michelle, so you have no idea how bad this is all for you, and your girlfriend, Hillary-)
wake up you're having that dream again.

Ok, you are correct, I am in error, you are a pointy head, how dare I even believe for an instant, that I am privy to something you people are not, lololol. Carry on-)
the problem is you think you are .

What's out of context? Stop making lame excuses.

“Well, let me begin by saying this; I have never been more concerned,” Feinstein said. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, ISIL is expanding. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country…”
It's always been their intent to attack this country, just as it is with all terrorists.
You silly fucks act like it's a new threat and never been tried before.
Hey jackass. For the first time in 8 years a democrat contradicted, rightfully so, the traitor occupying our White House.
What an Obamaton puppet stooge. Out of context my ass.

“We have been talking about the president’s strategy, he reiterated his strategy today,” Mitchell said to begin the interview. “You have said before that 50 special forces is not enough. What would it take to defeat ISIS?”

“Well, let me begin by saying this; I have never been more concerned,” Feinstein said. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, ISIL is expanding. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country…”

“There’s only one way we are going to diminish them and that is by taking them out, because they are growing. They are in more than a dozen countries now, they are sophisticated, they have apps to communicate on that cannot be pierced even with a court order.”

“They are on the march. It is important to recognize this and prepare to deal with it with action,” Feinstein concluded. “And candidly, I don’t think bombing runs alone, we have done about 8,000 now, can really make a difference.

Hey, you have to excuse him. In the lefty posters weekly meeting with Debbie, Wasserman (I know nothing, NOTHING) Shultz, they are taught to instantly dig into lefty bag of catch phrases, like......war on women, out of context, white privilege, pay your fairshare, undocumented immigrants; you know, the usual nonsense.

All it means is that particular person was befuddled by facts, so instead of dazzling us with brilliance, they decided to baffle us with lefty bullshit-)
Being baffled is a constant state of mind for right tards.
I'd rather be baffled than in the bag such as yourself. You're a lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.

Hey, the only mention of "Bag" around here, is the "Bag" know as Hillary, Rotten, Clinton; the protector of tone of the biggest abusers of women, her husband, (BJ) Bill, Jefferson, Clinton.

Yes folks, lets stop those bimbo eruptions-)
what will you say when she's president?
History is against Hitlery becoming president.

What's out of context? Stop making lame excuses.

“Well, let me begin by saying this; I have never been more concerned,” Feinstein said. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, ISIL is expanding. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country…”
The Liberal Idiotology does not allow them to listen to any proof offered that Obama is a traitor to the American people.
might be because there is none.
. Those who pay attention know about the back doors deal with Iran and Syria. It explains why we haven't bombed the Capitol of ISIS.
Hey, you have to excuse him. In the lefty posters weekly meeting with Debbie, Wasserman (I know nothing, NOTHING) Shultz, they are taught to instantly dig into lefty bag of catch phrases, like......war on women, out of context, white privilege, pay your fairshare, undocumented immigrants; you know, the usual nonsense.

All it means is that particular person was befuddled by facts, so instead of dazzling us with brilliance, they decided to baffle us with lefty bullshit-)
Being baffled is a constant state of mind for right tards.
I'd rather be baffled than in the bag such as yourself. You're a lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.

Hey, the only mention of "Bag" around here, is the "Bag" know as Hillary, Rotten, Clinton; the protector of tone of the biggest abusers of women, her husband, (BJ) Bill, Jefferson, Clinton.

Yes folks, lets stop those bimbo eruptions-)
what will you say when she's president?
History is against Hitlery becoming president.
you just keep thinking that ,history gets changed a lot.

What's out of context? Stop making lame excuses.

“Well, let me begin by saying this; I have never been more concerned,” Feinstein said. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, ISIL is expanding. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country…”
The Liberal Idiotology does not allow them to listen to any proof offered that Obama is a traitor to the American people.
might be because there is none.
. Those who pay attention know about the back doors deal with Iran and Syria. It explains why we haven't bombed the Capitol of ISIS.
I smell a conspiracy theory brewing!
What an Obamaton puppet stooge. Out of context my ass.

“We have been talking about the president’s strategy, he reiterated his strategy today,” Mitchell said to begin the interview. “You have said before that 50 special forces is not enough. What would it take to defeat ISIS?”

“Well, let me begin by saying this; I have never been more concerned,” Feinstein said. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, ISIL is expanding. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country…”

“There’s only one way we are going to diminish them and that is by taking them out, because they are growing. They are in more than a dozen countries now, they are sophisticated, they have apps to communicate on that cannot be pierced even with a court order.”

“They are on the march. It is important to recognize this and prepare to deal with it with action,” Feinstein concluded. “And candidly, I don’t think bombing runs alone, we have done about 8,000 now, can really make a difference.

Hey, you have to excuse him. In the lefty posters weekly meeting with Debbie, Wasserman (I know nothing, NOTHING) Shultz, they are taught to instantly dig into lefty bag of catch phrases, like......war on women, out of context, white privilege, pay your fairshare, undocumented immigrants; you know, the usual nonsense.

All it means is that particular person was befuddled by facts, so instead of dazzling us with brilliance, they decided to baffle us with lefty bullshit-)
Being baffled is a constant state of mind for right tards.
I'd rather be baffled than in the bag such as yourself. You're a lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.

Hey, the only mention of "Bag" around here, is the "Bag" know as Hillary, Rotten, Clinton; the protector of tone of the biggest abusers of women, her husband, (BJ) Bill, Jefferson, Clinton.

Yes folks, lets stop those bimbo eruptions-)
what will you say when she's president?
If it happens, were screwed!
Hey, you have to excuse him. In the lefty posters weekly meeting with Debbie, Wasserman (I know nothing, NOTHING) Shultz, they are taught to instantly dig into lefty bag of catch phrases, like......war on women, out of context, white privilege, pay your fairshare, undocumented immigrants; you know, the usual nonsense.

All it means is that particular person was befuddled by facts, so instead of dazzling us with brilliance, they decided to baffle us with lefty bullshit-)
Being baffled is a constant state of mind for right tards.
I'd rather be baffled than in the bag such as yourself. You're a lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.

Hey, the only mention of "Bag" around here, is the "Bag" know as Hillary, Rotten, Clinton; the protector of tone of the biggest abusers of women, her husband, (BJ) Bill, Jefferson, Clinton.

Yes folks, lets stop those bimbo eruptions-)
what will you say when she's president?
If it happens, were screwed!
You already are .
Can you say out of context?
I knew you could!

What's out of context? Stop making lame excuses.

“Well, let me begin by saying this; I have never been more concerned,” Feinstein said. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, ISIL is expanding. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country…”
The Liberal Idiotology does not allow them to listen to any proof offered that Obama is a traitor to the American people.
might be because there is none.
. Those who pay attention know about the back doors deal with Iran and Syria. It explains why we haven't bombed the Capitol of ISIS.
I smell a conspiracy theory brewing!
It's not a conspiracy; it's a fact that Obama is in bed with Iran. Aren't you a friend of Iran too? Don't you want them to have the bomb? Obutthole does.
So she's concerned because the cancer Obama decided not to fight is spreading.

Well no shit dumb bitch.
Feinstein and I are at almost opposite ends of the spectrum, politically, but I have respect for her, as she cares more about her country's safety, than her party's lines. She has bucked them before, on security, knowing the truth, having been the chair on the intelligence committee.

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