Fellow Registered Republicans

Who, in your opinion, is our best chance?

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Off topic but I see Sanders snagged the Nurses union endorsement. That had to burn Cankle's fat ass
I chose Carson. He's soft spoken but very smart..........

The reason I chose him is simple.............the black vote...........

They would vote for him and it would take the normal votes away from the Dems.

Not necessarily, but as I said earlier, he's learning very fast.

Carson/Fiorina or Fiorina/Carson just might be interesting. It would certainly disarm most of the Democrats' dirty tricks operations.
I chose Carson. He's soft spoken but very smart..........

The reason I chose him is simple.............the black vote...........

They would vote for him and it would take the normal votes away from the Dems.
I have been very impressed by his candor, his decency, and dignity.
I chose Carson. He's soft spoken but very smart..........

The reason I chose him is simple.............the black vote...........

They would vote for him and it would take the normal votes away from the Dems.
I have been very impressed by his candor, his decency, and dignity.
I want to hear more from him. To me he seems the most sincere and honest guy on the list.
I personally think Hildebeast is a very weak candidate. Whoever wins in the GOP primaries will be POTUS.
Kasich is a good guy. Walker no way...he answers to the koch brothers and only to them...he has done zero for my lifelong state of wisconsin other than watch jobs go over to minnesota. Yes he did take down the teachers unions but somehow forgot about the police and firemen. The state is divided and struggling so he in my estimation is not qualified to run much of anything. Fiorina did very well as did Rubio. So it will come down to Bush or Rubio/Cruz maybe Fiorina but then again counting trump out is not wise.
Just so I have a sense of who to take seriously in this upcoming election

It's still early, but I will say Carson is steadily picking up support. He went over very well in Iowa and drew huge crowds across the state. I think Trump is having some temporary success, but Carson is solid
Trump has a bigger ego than even Obama. It's not a game ender, but he's pretty annoying, and he better reel it in a bit.

He will also need to clarify the mechanics of what he intends were he elected.
I agree with what you said. He has to clarify what his stances are and I hope he has a chance of doing that in the next debate/
I chose Carson. He's soft spoken but very smart..........

The reason I chose him is simple.............the black vote...........

They would vote for him and it would take the normal votes away from the Dems.
I have been very impressed by his candor, his decency, and dignity.
I want to hear more from him. To me he seems the most sincere and honest guy on the list.
I like Carson, too. Problem his his lack of foreign experience and economic experience. Can we get him for Surgeon General?
I think the practical ticket will be Kasich - Rubio. They can deliver two important states plus the Hispanic votes. Kasich can turn things around. He is a good candidate but low in the polls.

Trump will be my vote if he can settle down and start showing his diplomatic side, if he has one. He has the experience abroad and I like his ideas on economics. If he could get manufacturing back to the US, he would be a Reagan in popularity.

I like the Trump swelling of support because he's showing the voters are mad as hell and not going to take it any more! The silent majority may be speaking.
Just so I have a sense of who to take seriously in this upcoming election
Trump and Cruz would certainly shake up the party! Republicans have to take the voice of the people more seriously.
I think Trump/Cruz or Trump/Carson maybe the end result we see. If it's Trump/Cruz then I want Carson for Surgeon General for sure.
Trey Gowdy for Supreme Court
Scott Walker DHS
J. Pirro for AG.
Jan Brewer SOS
Condi Rice UN
Colin Powell VA

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