FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

no jackass. you can claim to have refuted them all you like but we all know you are a proven liar. you didnt provide any evidence to the contrary.

This proves there were no steel core columns and that there was a concrete core.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

If you deny it, such is unreasonable and only shows your service to treason.

HAHAHAHahahahah!!! your proof is a legal filing filled with YOUR claims, jackass. you are using yourself to prove your claims!! :lol:
complete bullshit. its a picture of the world trade center. it is above the 93rd floor. it shows the steel columns of the core. the building is not unknown. it matches this picture almost exactly which is verifiable by the engineering firm of gilsanz murray steficek written right on the picture.



so you have been proven once again to be talking out of your ass. these two picture alone prove your entire concrete core is a hoax and you are a lying sack of shit. you claim these steel columns in the top picture are fastened to your concrete core....

but chris.....


Compare the perimeter column width and spacing of this bonafied Twin tower photo looking outwards with those fiz tries to misrepresent.


fiz is a liar and and agent of traitors conducting misprision of treason.

chris, you are a moron. you do realize that as you get closer to an object it gets larger in the picture and as you back away it gets smaller, right? :cuckoo:

probably not, you fucking moron.

the pictures match EXACTLY and are verified by being in the NIST report on the wtc towers. your denial that these pictures are the WTC shows how fucking delusional you are.
complete bullshit. its a picture of the world trade center. it is above the 93rd floor. it shows the steel columns of the core. the building is not unknown. it matches this picture almost exactly which is verifiable by the engineering firm of gilsanz murray steficek written right on the picture.



so you have been proven once again to be talking out of your ass. these two picture alone prove your entire concrete core is a hoax and you are a lying sack of shit. you claim these steel columns in the top picture are fastened to your concrete core....

but chris.....


Compare the perimeter column width and spacing of this bonafied Twin tower photo looking outwards with those fiz tries to misrepresent.


fiz is a liar and and agent of traitors conducting misprision of treason.

chris, you are a moron. you do realize that as you get closer to an object it gets larger in the picture and as you back away it gets smaller, right? :cuckoo:

Of course, but I can tell you don't want people to realize that the proportions remain the same because it goes against the treasonous perpetrators intents.
Compare the perimeter column width and spacing of this bonafied Twin tower photo looking outwards with those fiz tries to misrepresent.


fiz is a liar and and agent of traitors conducting misprision of treason.

chris, you are a moron. you do realize that as you get closer to an object it gets larger in the picture and as you back away it gets smaller, right? :cuckoo:

Of course, but I can tell you don't want people to realize that the proportions remain the same because it goes against the treasonous perpetrators intents.

where are your pictures from inside the WTC to compare them to? we are just supposed to take your word for it that they are the wrong proportions? sorry dude, you have already been proven to lie at every opportunity. you saying they are the wrong proportions isnt proof they are. :cuckoo:

prove it.
chris, you are a moron. you do realize that as you get closer to an object it gets larger in the picture and as you back away it gets smaller, right? :cuckoo:

Of course, but I can tell you don't want people to realize that the proportions remain the same because it goes against the treasonous perpetrators intents.

where are your pictures from inside the WTC to compare them to?

I've just posted one, but the infiltrating perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge that. Accordingly, you do not.

Exposure's a bitch ain't it?
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Of course, but I can tell you don't want people to realize that the proportions remain the same because it goes against the treasonous perpetrators intents.

where are your pictures from inside the WTC to compare them to?

I've just posted one, but the infiltrating perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge that. Accordingly, you do not.

Exposure's a bitch ain't it?

the picture you posted is a picture i always post. all the pics show the same perimeter columns. they are all of the world trade center towers.

you claiming they are not is just you being a FUCKING NUTCASE. :cuckoo:
hey look!! steel columns and no concrete core!!

you got owned moron. your concrete core has now been completely proven to be a hoax. :lol:

No way

Not in this universe agent. You are busted in a lie.

The proportionate width of columns and spaces are not consistent with the known image of the Twin towers looking out from the core.
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no jackass. you can claim to have refuted them all you like but we all know you are a proven liar. you didnt provide any evidence to the contrary.

This proves there were no steel core columns and that there was a concrete core.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

If you deny it, such is unreasonable and only shows your service to treason.

HAHAHAHahahahah!!! your proof is a legal filing filled with YOUR claims, jackass. you are using yourself to prove your claims!! :lol:
no need for any more proof that he is totally INSANE
Compare the perimeter column width and spacing of this bonafied Twin tower photo looking outwards with those fiz tries to misrepresent.


fiz is a liar and and agent of traitors conducting misprision of treason.
hey, dipshit, that pic has STEEL CORE COLUMNS with NO, ZIP, ZERO concrete
No way

Not in this universe agent. You are busted in a lie.

The proportionate width of columns and spaces are not consistent with the known image of the Twin towers looking out from the core.

You got me, I am part of it. Now that there is indisputable proof, you stating that the width of column spacing is not consistent. You got us, here is what really happened;

Ok, I am going to go through this one more time;
Evil aliens abducted the planes, and all the passengers on 911. They had abducted humans before, to breed a super race of humans. Unfortunately they abducted a midget, thus they were only able to breed a race of evil midgets. They had also abducted Elvis, but he was impotent and his dna was damaged by drugs, so all he was good for was training the evil midgets. The evil midgets were the ones that cleaned up the mess on the ground, killed a few people to make it look real and likely planted the explosives that actually took down the buildings since when they abducted the planes they could not have hit the buildings. (yes, that exactly why you don't see any wreckage in PA, it was all staged by the midgets.) Now that was just the beginning, the abducted plane passengers are being used to breed a race of normal sized super humans to take over the world.
Now all we need to figure out is how long it takes to breed, raise and train a race of normal sized super humans.
Now doesn't that just make much more sense than either the official story or the wired together theories that are casually tossed around by the conspiracy theorists?
Yes there is a conspiracy, but our government simply isn't smart enough or skilled enough to pull it off.
Therefore, it must be evil midgets, its the only thing that makes sense.

Some of the midgets were surgically altered to look like normal size humans,(which they are not), and left behind to engage in a constant disinformation campaign.
Creativedreams, terral, 911insidejob---all midgets left here to create a cover until the evil superhuman race is strong enough to attack.
EOTS is a real human, just a little misguided.

Evil space midgets is simply the only story that is credible enough to be true.



and thereis three, count 'em three, links to prove it!
You got me, I am part of it.

That is relevant and consistent with what is posted.

no, that's just all your attention span allows you to read at one time.............

You imply I missed something relevant? What?

Absurd. I prove in the thread that you stand to misrepresent the core structure or conceal the true core design. I do that by showing the relevance you attach to the information you present is false because it is as tested by other, independently verified evidence which IS consistent with itself, and your info fails.

Here your misrepresentations are exposed with your spam.





You imply I missed something relevant? What?

Absurd. I prove in the thread that you stand to misrepresent the core structure or conceal the true core design. I do that by showing the relevance you attach to the information you present is false because it is as tested by other, independently verified evidence which IS consistent with itself, and your info fails.

Here your misrepresentations are exposed with your spam.






the only person "misrepresenting" is you. you are flat out lying. there was no concrete core.
the top photo PROVES BEYOND ANY DOUBT that you are lying. you are looking through the core and out the windows of the world trade center tower. this picture is IMPOSSIBLE with you concrete core.


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You imply I missed something relevant? What?

Absurd. I prove in the thread that you stand to misrepresent the core structure or conceal the true core design. I do that by showing the relevance you attach to the information you present is false because it is as tested by other, independently verified evidence which IS consistent with itself, and your info fails.

Here your misrepresentations are exposed with your spam.






the only person "misrepresenting" is you. you are flat out lying. there was no concrete core.
the top photo PROVES BEYOND ANY DOUBT that you are lying. you are looking through the core and out the windows of the world trade center tower. this picture is IMPOSSIBLE with you concrete core.



Those interiors are not the Twins. In checking, with the below image, we find that the columns width and spacing between them is different from an image with an identifiable location of the Twins.


The columns are too wide for the spaces between them. This proves you don't know what you are talking about or that you are willing to misrepresent other buildings as the twins because you have no evidence of steel core columns.
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You imply I missed something relevant? What?

Absurd. I prove in the thread that you stand to misrepresent the core structure or conceal the true core design. I do that by showing the relevance you attach to the information you present is false because it is as tested by other, independently verified evidence which IS consistent with itself, and your info fails.

Here your misrepresentations are exposed with your spam.






the only person "misrepresenting" is you. you are flat out lying. there was no concrete core.
the top photo PROVES BEYOND ANY DOUBT that you are lying. you are looking through the core and out the windows of the world trade center tower. this picture is IMPOSSIBLE with you concrete core.

Those interiors are not the Twins. In checking, with the below image, we find that the columns width and spacing between them is different from an image with an identifiable location of the Twins.

The columns are too wide for the spaces between them. This proves you don't know what you are talking about or that you are willing to misrepresent other buildings as the twins because you have no evidence of steel core columns.
you continue to prove you are a fucking idiot
Those interiors are not the Twins. In checking, with the below image, we find that the columns width and spacing between them is different from an image with an identifiable location of the Twins.


The columns are too wide for the spaces between them. This proves you don't know what you are talking about or that you are willing to misrepresent other buildings as the twins because you have no evidence of steel core columns.

the image i provided is verified to be of the twin towers. you are talking out of your ass again. :cuckoo:

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