FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Nice picture of exploding concrete through the framework of the interior box columns after the perimeter columns and floors fell away.

This is a few seconds later after the interio box columns were removed.


Note the top is smaller than lower down. WTC 2 had a reduction of the exterior concrete as the walls thinned in 40 foot increments after the 43rd floor. That went on for 20 or so floors then they were a constant dimension.

WTC 1 concrete core actually had a taper. The core were both concrete but WTC 2 was totally redesigned. Twice as many hallways and elevator entry through the core wall at lobby level.

Christopharter said:
WTC 1 concrete core actually had a taper. The core were both concrete but WTC 2 was totally redesigned. Twice as many hallways and elevator entry through the core wall at lobby level.

So you say with unsupported text .. now prove it !!

Nice picture of exploding concrete through the framework of the interior box columns after the perimeter columns and floors fell away.

This is a few seconds later after the interio box columns were removed.

something else you just pulled completely out of your ass.

you just lie and lie and lie continually.

tell us all again how this picture was taken from a moving car!! :lol:
If you are familiar with parking lots, I know the perps would want you to pretend you are not, you see a black roof top in the fore ground. The guy with the shirt and tie is security making sure no one stops and takes pictures

This image is taken seconds later from the same camera, same car.

If you are familiar with parking lots, I know the perps would want you to pretend you are not, you see a black roof top in the fore ground. The guy with the shirt and tie is security making sure no one stops and takes pictures

This image is taken seconds later from the same camera, same car.


you are delusional. tell me what road the car was on. i want to hear what public road goes through the middle of LIBERTY STATE PARK. :cuckoo:

you completely make shit up all the time. this is further proof you are delusional and a compulsive liar.
If you are familiar with parking lots, I know the perps would want you to pretend you are not, you see a black roof top in the fore ground. The guy with the shirt and tie is security making sure no one stops and takes pictures

This image is taken seconds later from the same camera, same car.



And yet, pictures (the very ones you keep posting) DID get taken. And the fence in that park is LONG and no perimeter security was around to prevent lots of people from taking pictures.

There is not one single solitary bit of "evidence" to support your dishonest claim that some unknown security ever tried to prevent anybody from taking photographs of the disaster as it unfolded, you lying dickless pussy dripping.
The photos were taken from the east end of the parking lot at the end of Audrey Knapp Drive.


try again, jackass!! :lol:

the cement path the chevy is on intersects with waterfront at an angle. there is no cement path in your photo that does that!!

once again, you lie and pull something out of your ass!! :lol:
this picture here proves there is no concrete core. you can see right through the core on the left tower. :cuckoo:

The perpetrators would want you to pretend you cannot see through hallways.

WTC 2 had twice as many.

The thin blue lines are the edges of the north hall openings.


All light solidly blocked by the core except the hallways.
The perpetrators would want you to pretend you cannot see through hallways.

WTC 2 had twice as many.

The thin blue lines are the edges of the north hall openings.


All light solidly blocked by the core except the hallways.

so many errors..... i dont even know where to start.

first of all.... thats not even the same image that i posted above.

next, you have the red lines as the corners of your "core". now take a look at the side of the tower that is to the right of side facing the camera. see how you can measure the depth of the building by how long that side is? now look at the distance between your two red lines that would equate to the wall running parallel to the side we were looking at. your core, as determined by your red lines actually has MORE DEPTH than the side of the building!!! this proves your graphic is impossibly wrong.

one more thing.... you have hallways that we can clearly see through in between the two red lines on the right. your hallways make no sense at all!!

here is a picture with the six rows of steel core columns numbered. you claim your concrete core was between columns one and two and also columns 5 and 6.

your concrete is clearly not there. you can see light through it. thats because its a STEEL CORE WITH NO CONCRETE.

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fiz said:
next, you have the red lines as the corners of your "core". now take a look at the side of the tower that is to the right of side facing the camera. see how you can measure the depth of the building by how long that side is?

No way. As the parallel plane of the core face moves to the left, view of its true length increases. I admit the back right corner is not quite right but everything elese works.
It certainly doesn't show steel core columns.

And this image absolutely is impossible with them. We show an interuption in what would be columns, if they existed.


There were no steel core columns
fiz said:
next, you have the red lines as the corners of your "core". now take a look at the side of the tower that is to the right of side facing the camera. see how you can measure the depth of the building by how long that side is?

No way. As the parallel plane of the core face moves to the left, view of its true length increases. I admit the back right corner is not quite right but everything elese works.
It certainly doesn't show steel core columns.

And this image absolutely is impossible with them. We show an interuption in what would be columns, if they existed.


There were no steel core columns
you can post that over and over and claim it shows concrete, but in reality it PROVE steel core
you remain a delusional fucktard
fiz said:
next, you have the red lines as the corners of your "core". now take a look at the side of the tower that is to the right of side facing the camera. see how you can measure the depth of the building by how long that side is?

No way. As the parallel plane of the core face moves to the left, view of its true length increases. I admit the back right corner is not quite right but everything elese works.
It certainly doesn't show steel core columns.

And this image absolutely is impossible with them. We show an interuption in what would be columns, if they existed.


There were no steel core columns

once again you show a picture that proves your concrete core IS NOT THERE. IT DOESNT EXIST. :cuckoo:

Since there is not one image from 9-11 that shows the steel core columns in the core area and the engineer of records identified a concrete core in a globally published magazine on September 13, 2001 AND this image of WTC 1's west concrete core wall confirms the engineer of record, it is prove that FEMA deceived NIST

Since there is not one image from 9-11 that shows the steel core columns in the core area and the engineer of records identified a concrete core in a globally published magazine on September 13, 2001 AND this image of WTC 1's west concrete core wall confirms the engineer of record, it is prove that FEMA deceived NIST


your image shows the steel core columns on the core area. you lie about the engineer of records indentifying a concrete core. that has already been proven.:cuckoo:

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