FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Excellent post Rattus .. I tend to agree with much of what you say. There are real questions which aren't being answered .. and this fuck knuckle Christopher Brown is simply attempting to be a distraction. He fails miserably these days because everyone now knows the true structure of the towers .. including Chris .. he just preaches the opposite of the facts like a broken record ..(click) .. broken record ..(click) .. broken record .. (click)

All he is though ... is a fucking moronic imbecile getting money for a click, click, click.

Thanks Stann. I truly think there are things we don't know that we should. But they do not center around "concrete cores", "C-4 coated re-bar", and inaccessible elevators.

Goof-0-phera came up with a wild-ass imbecilic theory, and decided to try to extract blood money from the unsuspecting with his website of pain. He backs it up with fuzzy, cloudy, out of focus pictures in an effort to profit from the deaths of others.

I will not sit idly by and let that happen.
More than his propaganda, he mocks the fact that the infiltration of the truth movement by the secret aspects of the psyops has overtaken it by misinformation.

Not surprised we have another agent. All it takes is a certain amount of light and those devoted to dark gather to try and obscure it.

You mock the lives and deaths of the 9/11 victims. You also mock the pain, suffering, loss and heartbreak of their families.

The only "psyops" being run is by you. Your website of profit and pain is only intended to psychologically destroy the mental well being of the victim's families.

Hence your pathological need to use their images in an effort to extract money based on their heartbreak and pain.
gummie, I've talked to many people about your posts, and they all state that you are absolutely an agent for the infiltrators. They state with certainty that you are working to protect secret methods of mass murder and treason. They are disgusted with your behavior. The fact that you cannot post an image of this core on 9-11,


exposes you. That you have no independently verified evidence such as what exists for the concrete core and continue with your nonsense, shows them that you are not reasonable and operate with an agenda.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

Gam is such an agent and liar its a joke.:lol::lol: The agent doesnt get it that witness testimonys -many being very credible people, and the laws of physics prove his propaganda to be pure bullshit.:lol:

My propaganda that Chris' concrete core is a complete lie?

Do tell. Tell me how my evidence against Chris' core is wrong. One point even? Or are yo going to turn tail and run like you usually do and provide no relevant counterpoints?

I take you believe Chris is correct about his concrete core theory then? Yes or no?
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It is common knowledge outside the truth movement, because of the infiltration of it, that the towers had a concrete core.


And Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 knows it too.


This structural engineer certified in 12 states knows it too.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.
More than his propaganda, he mocks the fact that the infiltration of the truth movement by the secret aspects of the psyops has overtaken it by misinformation.

Not surprised we have another agent. All it takes is a certain amount of light and those devoted to dark gather to try and obscure it.

You mock the lives and deaths of the 9/11 victims. You also mock the pain, suffering, loss and heartbreak of their families.

The only "psyops" being run is by you. Your website of profit and pain is only intended to psychologically destroy the mental well being of the victim's families.

Hence your pathological need to use their images in an effort to extract money based on their heartbreak and pain.

Your many errors mock the families because YOU fail to recognize the violations of law that deprive us of due process and equal protection of law.

I spend money trying to get justice because my family needs EQUAL PROTECTION OF LAW, all famlies do. That is what the US Constitutiton and the laws made under it are about.

You are a sick joke and there are people that have a feeling just like we can see on this womans face . . . that you will understand.

when you pay your child support, the only violations of law you need to be concerned with will end
when you pay your child support, the only violations of law you need to be concerned with will end

When the sheriffs department failed to appear on subpoena in 1998, secrecy was enabled.


That violation of law ESTOPPES the county from using courts to collect because THEY violated law that would have brought me needed income AND medical help for us.

This motion was never heard, another violation of my rights and law.

Instead of focusing on 3,000 murders deprived of a due process you can only willfully ignore the violations of a ctizens right in a court supposedly operating under the Constitution.

You are exposed.

As is said with each post in my sig, agents do not recognize violations of law and do not use evidence.
Chrustysphincter said:
When the sheriffs department failed to appear on subpoena in 1998, secrecy was enabled

What the hell does this mean .. Chris .. you really need to do some grammar.

How can you realize this statement in actuality....?

Some how secrecy was enabled by ..
a Sheriffs failing to appear on subpoena

What is this secrecy...? and now that .. IT IS.... enabled .. pray tell us all .. oh WISE one.. leading the human race into a concrete core which will save us in 2012 no doubt ..

Let us know your Saviour information

Stann :razz:
Instead of focusing on 3,000 murders deprived of a due process you can only willfully ignore the violations of a ctizens right in a court supposedly operating under the Constitution.

You are exposed.

As is said with each post in my sig, agents do not recognize violations of law and do not use evidence.
Instead of focusing on 3,000 murders deprived of a due process you can only willfully ignore the violations of a ctizens right in a court supposedly operating under the Constitution.

You are exposed.

As is said with each post in my sig, agents do not recognize violations of law and do not use evidence.

Pretending to be stupid looks good on you agent.


Our concern is based on the following facts, as we understand them. On or about December 24, 2001, Commissioner George Rios, on behalf of the City of New York and/or the Department of Records and Information Services of the City of New York, entered into a contract with the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc., signed by Saul Cohen, President, concerning the records of the mayoralty of Rudolph Giuliani. The records are said to include appointment books, cabinet meeting audiotapes, e-mails, telephone logs, advance and briefing memos, correspondence, transition materials, and private schedules, as well as Mr. Giuliani’s departmental, travel, event, subject, and Gracie Mansion files. Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

These provisions violate the Freedom of Information Law as interpreted by the New York Court of Appeals in Capital Newspapers, Div. of Hearst Corp. v. Whalen, 69 N.Y.2d 246 (1987).

The City also violated the Freedom of Information Law by transferring records to the custody of the Giuliani Center without first compiling a detailed list. Section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officer Law obligates an agency to maintain a “reasonably detailed list by subject matter” of all agency records, “whether or not [those records are] available under this article.” Such a list is necessary to prevent the inappropriate destruction of documents and to inform the public as to the content of the documentary collection. The list appended to the December 24th contract as Attachment A does not contain sufficiently detailed information to satisfy this requirement. And the documents appear, therefore, to have been transferred without complying with this requirement.

Finally, the City Charter vests DORIS with the responsibility to preserve and receive all city records of historical, research, cultural or other important value. City Charter, Chapter 72, § 3004(1)(c). The City Charter mandates that DORIS make all of the materials it maintains available for public inspection. §3004(2)(c). The City Charter also mandates that all records which are deemed to be of historical or research value be transferred by the city official or agency to DORIS’ municipal archives for “permanent custody.” City Charter, Chapter 49, §1133(b); RCNY §1-07. In transferring the documents to the Center, the City has violated this mandate and has made it less likely that the materials will be readily accessible for public inspection.
Psyops agents only pretend to be stupid hoping the public reading will think and act as they pretend. Cognitive infiltration.

Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-"independent" advocates to "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites -- as well as other activist groups -- which advocate views that Sunstein deems "false conspiracy theories" about the Government.
Psyops agents only pretend to be stupid hoping the public reading will think and act as they pretend. Cognitive infiltration.

Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-"independent" advocates to "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites -- as well as other activist groups -- which advocate views that Sunstein deems "false conspiracy theories" about the Government.
and he only became a part of the government with Obama
who didnt take office till 2009

we have been calling your bullshit, bullshit far longer than that
Psyops agents only pretend to be stupid hoping the public reading will think and act as they pretend. Cognitive infiltration.

there is no psyops. there is you saying stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are. :cuckoo:
Psyops agents only pretend to be stupid hoping the public reading will think and act as they pretend. Cognitive infiltration.

Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-"independent" advocates to "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites -- as well as other activist groups -- which advocate views that Sunstein deems "false conspiracy theories" about the Government.
and he only became a part of the government with Obama
who didnt take office till 2009

we have been calling your bullshit, bullshit far longer than that

Correct, the psyops or "cognitive infiltration" has been going on since at least 2004. And your text has never been able to change the fact you cannot show this core on 9-11.


You cannot show it because it did not exist, agent.
your text can deny that it has already been shown, SEVERAL times, even by YOU
but it wont change the fact it has been shown

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