FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Your link does not have the true and original meaning of the word IDIOT. Clearly you are satisfied with the dumbed down version.
so now websters is wrong and you are right


Goof-0's definition of idiot is:

1) Anyone who does not agree with Goof-0 and any of Goof-0's debunked bullshit concrete theories.
2) Anyone who can not look at pictures of steel and see concrete.
3) Anyone who can not look at fuzzy, blurry pictures of dust and smoke and see concrete.
4) Anyone who does not build sock puppets like Citizen Pat, Gr0upthink, and 9/11 inside job to agree with debunked concrete theories.
5) Anyone who does not agree that blinking medicine men and arrest records from the 1860's are valid reasons to shaft their children on child support.
6) Anyone who can not make the claim that any opposing point of view is the opposite of the poster's actual own words.

Did I miss anything Goof-0??
No, you misinterpret. Websters is not complete and does not have the original definition and root. I'll have to tell you, like I had to tell JREF. It's so obvious that it seems to be deeply meaningful in some way. But you cannot find the true original definition and root relationship ANYWHERE for the word idiot.

Perhaps after the dumbing down its a way to rub our faces in it. I do know that original root meaning and realtionship and once you hear it, you'll know why JREF gave me the truthers victory award.

As I've said, the opposite of what agents say is most often true, and you still haven't provided the word root definition for the label you are using, moron.
I say that the meaning of root origin and meaning of the word "idiot" is Id, from the Greek name for the unconscious mind or child or animal mind. Idiot means a person that operates from that state automatically.
I say that the meaning of root origin and meaning of the word "idiot" is Id, from the Greek name for the unconscious mind or child or animal mind. Idiot means a person that operates from that state automatically.
and that changes what?

You are far closer to an idiot than I agento. Knowing what an idiot is, truly, prevents most idiotic behavior.

The unconscious is what is being hidden by the lack of a proper definition.




There is a valid inference which I've made. I've run it by psychologists. Everyone agrees, they were all to afraid to provide a declaration stating such.


Relating potentials for hypnotic performance to results of research, practice and experiments of hypnosis. Christopher A. Brown 8/17/01


The first sentance of page 175 of EMOTIONS and MEMORY, 1964, by David Rappaport,

"The general tendency" of the subject to forget the events of the trance after emerging from it."


(1) of the same paragraph states that, "The hypnotist can successfully suggest that no posthypnotic amnesia develop".

Basis 2 Restated; Suggestion conducive to remembering is successful or generally, suggestion effecting memory has effect against a general tendancy.


The first note page 175, EMOTIONS and MEMORY, Note #8 states (first note below main text) that the results of memory described "in general are valid only with subjects who are able to reach the somanmbulistic stages ofhypnosis."


Logical inference of BASIS 1 with BASIS 2, is that; suggestion to forget will have a greater effect on memory because of the general "tendency to forget". Research confirms with observations of behavior consistent with general hyperamnesia at the top of page 176, the end of a footnote that begins on page 175 stating;

"we find hypnotized people indignantly denying they have been hypnotized."


If the tendancy is to forget following hypnosis that induces a trance to the level of somanmbulism and suggection effecting memory is successful then suggestion to forget will be more effective than suggestion to remember.

Another general perspective.

What is the correct answer to this question?

Q.What is easier to do than forgetting?

A. I don't remember.
When the engineer of record describes concrete core to a Newsweek reporter in the days following 9-11, and this image is seen,


We have verification. Add to that more verifying consistency with the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 and it becomes certain. Add to that the fact that the agents protecting the secret of mass murder cannot post an image from 9-11 of the core FEMA said existed,


and it becomes overwhelming.
When the engineer of record describes concrete core to a Newsweek reporter in the days following 9-11, and this image is seen,

We have verification. Add to that more verifying consistency with the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 and it becomes certain. Add to that the fact that the agents protecting the secret of mass murder cannot post an image from 9-11 of the core FEMA said existed,

and it becomes overwhelming.

The only thing that is overwhelming is the proof that you are an imbecile.

You confess the infiltrators have found there way into Newsweek and redirected the url to another page.

It is common knowledge the core was concrete.


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