FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

you'll have to rise up several levels to get to mine

Such from you is always offered without proof when the obvious behaviors contradict, ................ disgustingly.

The official cause of death on 9-11 is invalid because it is first called a collapse. The agency charged with analysing the building potential for collapse as seen was decieved by FEMA.

FEMA said the core structure was like this.


In reality the core of WTC 2 is nothing like that,


It looks exactly as would be expected by the information of Leslie E. Robertson from September 13, 2001 in Newsweek magazine.

Leslie Robertson, Architect Of The World Trade Center Towers

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

And you have no evidence of anything which is verified, so no matter what you say it is wrong.
posting the same photos over and over IS Spam

When it is done to counter treasonous behavior it's okay,

and falsely attributing those words to Mr Robertson is LYING

Lying to support the demise of the Constitution is treason.

Since there is independent verification of his words, your acts of treason are obvious.

Such from you is always offered without proof when the obvious behaviors contradict, ................ disgustingly.

The official cause of death on 9-11 is invalid because it is first called a collapse. The agency charged with analysing the building potential for collapse as seen was decieved by FEMA.

FEMA said the core structure was like this.


In reality the core of WTC 2 is nothing like that,


It looks exactly as would be expected by the information of Leslie E. Robertson from September 13, 2001 in Newsweek magazine.

Leslie Robertson, Architect Of The World Trade Center Towers

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

And you have no evidence of anything which is verified, so no matter what you say it is wrong.
posting the same photos over and over IS Spam

When it is done to counter treasonous behavior it's okay,

and falsely attributing those words to Mr Robertson is LYING

Lying to support the demise of the Constitution is treason.

Since there is independent verification of his words, your acts of treason are obvious.


Good. The firing squads are ready for you, fuckroast.
Such from you is always offered without proof when the obvious behaviors contradict, ................ disgustingly.

The official cause of death on 9-11 is invalid because it is first called a collapse. The agency charged with analysing the building potential for collapse as seen was decieved by FEMA.

FEMA said the core structure was like this.

In reality the core of WTC 2 is nothing like that,

It looks exactly as would be expected by the information of Leslie E. Robertson from September 13, 2001 in Newsweek magazine.

Leslie Robertson, Architect Of The World Trade Center Towers

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

And you have no evidence of anything which is verified, so no matter what you say it is wrong.
posting the same photos over and over IS Spam

When it is done to counter treasonous behavior it's okay,

and falsely attributing those words to Mr Robertson is LYING

Lying to support the demise of the Constitution is treason.

Since there is independent verification of his words, your acts of treason are obvious.
just more lies by YOU
disinfo agent
posting the same photos over and over IS Spam

When it is done to counter treasonous behavior it's okay,

and falsely attributing those words to Mr Robertson is LYING

Lying to support the demise of the Constitution is treason.

Since there is independent verification of his words, your acts of treason are obvious.
just more lies by YOU
disinfo agent

no way..you lie..LAIR.......WOW ..debunking is so much easier when you do it diveconmam style
posting the same photos over and over IS Spam

When it is done to counter treasonous behavior it's okay,

and falsely attributing those words to Mr Robertson is LYING

Lying to support the demise of the Constitution is treason.

Since there is independent verification of his words, your acts of treason are obvious.
just more lies by YOU
disinfo agent

FEMA lied, that is proven.


By this.


The cause of death is invalidated, but the perpetrators do not want people to realize that so you puppets must spew nonsense in the hopes people are so confused by the historical psyops, dumbing down, divsions, distractons of corporate media, government, they forget their Constitution and the duty they have to protect the future by preserving the Republic and its principles.
When it is done to counter treasonous behavior it's okay,

Lying to support the demise of the Constitution is treason.

Since there is independent verification of his words, your acts of treason are obvious.
just more lies by YOU
disinfo agent

FEMA lied, that is proven.

By this.

The cause of death is invalidated, but the perpetrators do not want people to realize that so you puppets must spew nonsense in the hopes people are so confused by the historical psyops, dumbing down, divsions, distractons of corporate media, government, they forget their Constitution and the duty they have to protect the future by preserving the Republic and its principles.
FEMA didn't lie, you moron
that diagram was NEVER intended to be an EXACT replica of how the core was constructed
but you continue to lie in your disinfo campaign
just more lies by YOU
disinfo agent

FEMA lied, that is proven.


By this.


The cause of death is invalidated, but the perpetrators do not want people to realize that so you puppets must spew nonsense in the hopes people are so confused by the historical psyops, dumbing down, divsions, distractons of corporate media, government, they forget their Constitution and the duty they have to protect the future by preserving the Republic and its principles.
FEMA didn't lie, you moron

Text denials from people with no evidence to substantciate their assertions are worthless. I've substantciated what I've asserted. You ignore the violations of law that enable the deceptions you promote.

that diagram was NEVER intended to be an EXACT replica of how the core was constructed
but you continue to lie in your disinfo campaign

It is an exact depiction of the lie the perpetrators want the public to believe that you support, and therefore support the measn of secret mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

As a lie, it is quite incompetent, like you.
FEMA lied, that is proven.

By this.

The cause of death is invalidated, but the perpetrators do not want people to realize that so you puppets must spew nonsense in the hopes people are so confused by the historical psyops, dumbing down, divsions, distractons of corporate media, government, they forget their Constitution and the duty they have to protect the future by preserving the Republic and its principles.
FEMA didn't lie, you moron

Text denials from people with no evidence to substantciate their assertions are worthless. I've substantciated what I've asserted. You ignore the violations of law that enable the deceptions you promote.

that diagram was NEVER intended to be an EXACT replica of how the core was constructed
but you continue to lie in your disinfo campaign

It is an exact depiction of the lie the perpetrators want the public to believe that you support, and therefore support the measn of secret mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

As a lie, it is quite incompetent, like you.
more lies from the disinfo agent
FEMA didn't lie, you moron

Text denials from people with no evidence to substantciate their assertions are worthless. I've substantciated what I've asserted. You ignore the violations of law that enable the deceptions you promote.

that diagram was NEVER intended to be an EXACT replica of how the core was constructed
but you continue to lie in your disinfo campaign

It is an exact depiction of the lie the perpetrators want the public to believe that you support, and therefore support the measn of secret mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

As a lie, it is quite incompetent, like you.
more lies from the disinfo agent

The liar lies and can provide no proof that any of what is written is true.

On the other hand your willingness to decieve and manipulate is monumental in this thread alone.

The cause of death on 9-11 is invalidated by the fact that FEMA misrepresented the towers core to NIST.
Text denials from people with no evidence to substantciate their assertions are worthless. I've substantciated what I've asserted. You ignore the violations of law that enable the deceptions you promote.

It is an exact depiction of the lie the perpetrators want the public to believe that you support, and therefore support the measn of secret mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

As a lie, it is quite incompetent, like you.
more lies from the disinfo agent

The liar lies and can provide no proof that any of what is written is true.

On the other hand your willingness to decieve and manipulate is monumental in this thread alone.

The cause of death on 9-11 is invalidated by the fact that FEMA misrepresented the towers core to NIST.
proof has been provided, but the disinfo agent cant admit it
more lies from the disinfo agent

The liar lies and can provide no proof that any of what is written is true.

On the other hand your willingness to decieve and manipulate is monumental in this thread alone.

The cause of death on 9-11 is invalidated by the fact that FEMA misrepresented the towers core to NIST.
proof has been provided, but the disinfo agent cant admit it

My behavior proves the opposite and the evidence provided is valid and consistent. Your failure to mention any concern for the Constitution or lawful government as well as the failure to recognize violations of law enabling the deception I assert control the analysis of cause of death also indicates that you are a complete fraud.

Not a citizen, they have responsibilities to their Constitution and one another, not American as such respect common law and decency as was the way of the land before colonization, everything about your act here identifies an agent.
The liar lies and can provide no proof that any of what is written is true.

On the other hand your willingness to decieve and manipulate is monumental in this thread alone.

The cause of death on 9-11 is invalidated by the fact that FEMA misrepresented the towers core to NIST.
proof has been provided, but the disinfo agent cant admit it

My behavior proves the opposite and the evidence provided is valid and consistent. Your failure to mention any concern for the Constitution or lawful government as well as the failure to recognize violations of law enabling the deception I assert control the analysis of cause of death also indicates that you are a complete fraud.

Not a citizen, they have responsibilities to their Constitution and one another, not American as such respect common law and decency as was the way of the land before colonization, everything about your act here identifies an agent.
you have prove NOTHING
you have yet to show a SINGLE piece of VALID evidence that the twin towers had a concrete core above grade and i have shown MULTIPLE photos during construction that show there WAS NONE
FEMA lied, that is proven.


By this.


The cause of death is invalidated, but the perpetrators do not want people to realize that so you puppets must spew nonsense in the hopes people are so confused by the historical psyops, dumbing down, divsions, distractons of corporate media, government, they forget their Constitution and the duty they have to protect the future by preserving the Republic and its principles.
FEMA didn't lie, you moron

Text denials from people with no evidence to substantciate their assertions are worthless. I've substantciated what I've asserted. You ignore the violations of law that enable the deceptions you promote.

that diagram was NEVER intended to be an EXACT replica of how the core was constructed
but you continue to lie in your disinfo campaign

It is an exact depiction of the lie the perpetrators want the public to believe that you support, and therefore support the measn of secret mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

As a lie, it is quite incompetent, like you.

thats Ditzcons replys when he cant refute evidence.
but hey, thanks for that link

9-11 Research: The Core Structures

there is your core

here is your proof moron

This evidence has to be rejected, because Federal Emergency Management Agency is listed as a reference. In order for your evidence and or proof to be credible, you have to use a source totally independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is what Christophera is claiming to be the deceivers. So information used from the alleged deceivers is null and void.

When refuting this type of claim, not only will you have to have proof that directly contradicts what is being claimed, you will have to have proof from an independent source (independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency). Not to mention, Christophera has evidence and or proof to affirm what is being claimed.
but hey, thanks for that link

9-11 Research: The Core Structures

there is your core

here is your proof moron

This evidence has to be rejected, because Federal Emergency Management Agency is listed as a reference. In order for your evidence and or proof to be credible, you have to use a source totally independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is what Christophera is claiming to be the deceivers. So information used from the alleged deceivers is null and void.

When refuting this type of claim, not only will you have to have proof that directly contradicts what is being claimed, you will have to have proof from an independent source (independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency). Not to mention, Christophera has evidence and or proof to affirm what is being claimed.

Ive tried to advise Chris not to waste his time on Ditzcon to no avail Joe .This is the ONLY poster here that I have put on my ignore list because as you can see,when he is confronted with evidence he cant refute,all he can come back with is childish replys such as -"your a moron" ect.
to give you an idea why its a waste of time conving ditzcon about ANY government consiracy,he STILL defends the other fairy tale commission,the warren commission report and still thinks Oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::cuckoo:Thats who you need to keep in mind on WHO your trying to reason with.
but hey, thanks for that link

9-11 Research: The Core Structures

there is your core

here is your proof moron

This evidence has to be rejected, because Federal Emergency Management Agency is listed as a reference. In order for your evidence and or proof to be credible, you have to use a source totally independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is what Christophera is claiming to be the deceivers. So information used from the alleged deceivers is null and void.

When refuting this type of claim, not only will you have to have proof that directly contradicts what is being claimed, you will have to have proof from an independent source (independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency). Not to mention, Christophera has evidence and or proof to affirm what is being claimed.
so, you think these photos are FAKES?
here is your proof moron

This evidence has to be rejected, because Federal Emergency Management Agency is listed as a reference. In order for your evidence and or proof to be credible, you have to use a source totally independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is what Christophera is claiming to be the deceivers. So information used from the alleged deceivers is null and void.

When refuting this type of claim, not only will you have to have proof that directly contradicts what is being claimed, you will have to have proof from an independent source (independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency). Not to mention, Christophera has evidence and or proof to affirm what is being claimed.

Ive tried to advise Chris not to waste his time on Ditzcon to no avail Joe .This is the ONLY poster here that I have put on my ignore list because as you can see,when he is confronted with evidence he cant refute,all he can come back with is childish replys such as -"your a moron" ect.
to give you an idea why its a waste of time conving ditzcon about ANY government consiracy,he STILL defends the other fairy tale commission,the warren commission report and still thinks Oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::cuckoo:Thats who you need to keep in mind on WHO your trying to reason with.
yet you continue to address ME

but hey, thanks for that link

9-11 Research: The Core Structures

there is your core

here is your proof moron

This evidence has to be rejected, because Federal Emergency Management Agency is listed as a reference. In order for your evidence and or proof to be credible, you have to use a source totally independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is what Christophera is claiming to be the deceivers. So information used from the alleged deceivers is null and void.

When refuting this type of claim, not only will you have to have proof that directly contradicts what is being claimed, you will have to have proof from an independent source (independent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency). Not to mention, Christophera has evidence and or proof to affirm what is being claimed.
looks like THIS was the source

Some Articles From Engineering News Record.

and unless you can PROVE these photos are FAKES they do NOT have to be rejected

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