Female genital mutilation almost universal in Indonesia

Sunni Man, until you have experienced a clitoridectomy aka female genital mutilation, you have no right to about its consequences because you do not know what you're talking about.

Muslim men actually believe they actually "own" the women they mutilate.

It is not just Muslims who believe that. And, FGM is practiced under many religious and political beliefs.

Male circumcision is also wrong but it does not kill the owner of the genitals, does not make it impossible for him to function as a man. Hopefully, the current trend to leaving the penis as YOUR "god" made it will continue and male circumcision will end.

Male circumcision is needed for health reasons being #1.

Uncircumcised males tend to harbor legions of unhealthy bacteria under the foreskin and it can lead to disease or even death.

GOD knew what he was doing when he told the Israelites to circumcise the males.

Male circumcision is a Godly practice. not a man-made practice.
Muslims respect the original Bible and Torah.

But those do not exist any more.

The modern copies are corrupted and full of mistakes and errors. :cool:
First, parents don't own children.
I don't know where you live or if you have any children?

That being said; I own my children 100%

They are my total responsibility to house, feed, and to make sure they are educated correctly.

And if they get into any trouble it is me that will get the call for their bad behavior. :cool:
You don't own shit sunni dung - even your body is on loan! " Educated correctly " means threatened by pain of torture or death unless they embrace the teachings of the filthy terrorist bible - the koran. Fuck your culture, and your religion!
People arn't property; they are sentient beings with the God given right to choose!
Any dumb bastard that thinks female genital mutilation is a Godly practice needs to be beheaded asap. There's no use for youR poisonous damaged mind in the world. NONE.
The Jews still practice male circumcision as commanded in the Torah.

Do they have a poisonous damaged mind and should they be beheaded? :cool:

Speaking as a circumcised male, I have very satisfying orgasms.

Women whose genitals are mutilated, as you advocate, cannot orgasm.

Your advocacy of FGM shows that you are aware that Muslim men are such shits to live with that your women would leave you in a heartbeat the moment they found a man who treated them like human beings instead of animals.

Now answer the question, you fucking coward:

Have you gotten your wife cut?


The video's uploader:
About Legalize Female Circumcision

Female Circumcision has benefits, like Male Circumcision does. Let's be fair. Support Female Circumcision!


Woman-hating retard. Sunni, is that you?
The average age for girls to be circumcised is around 6 to 8 years old.

Basically, a few years before they reach puberty or meet their future husbands. :cool:

Not Mohammed (Pigshit Be Upon him) the pedophile. Married her at 6, raped her at 9.
Again, The average age for girls to be circumcised is around 6 to 8 years old.

Basically, a few years before they reach puberty or meet their future husbands. :cool:
Female circumcision isn't torture.

It is a physical enhancement to add to a woman's beauty.

And makes her mentally stronger. :cool:
There are hundreds of millions of people around the world who find an uncircumcised woman to be physically unattractive and not worthy of marriage. :cool:
There are hundreds of millions of people around the world who find an uncircumcised woman to be physically unattractive and not worthy of marriage. :cool:


:eusa_eh: Easy for him to say!

Key facts

* Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
* The procedure has no health benefits for girls and women.
* Procedures can cause severe bleeding and problems urinating, and later cysts, infections, infertility as well as complications in childbirth increased risk of newborn deaths.
* About 140 million girls and women worldwide are currently living with the consequences of FGM.
* FGM is mostly carried out on young girls sometime between infancy and age 15.
* In Africa an estimated 92 million girls 10 years old and above have undergone FGM.
* FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women.

WHO | Female genital mutilation

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