Female genital mutilation almost universal in Indonesia

You 2 are making this thread more disgusting by making light of what those poor girls go through. For shame

I wasn't aware that it could get much more disgusting.

The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:

Well Sunni Man when a woman knows she'll get stoned to death if she doesn't follow this tradition I don't consider a woman being "OK" will this.

Bottom line the mother will be killed by her husband and buddies if she doesn't agree to do this.

I don't see a mother's option in this. When one has a "die if you don't mutilate your daughter" is not a happy situation.
The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:
Did you have your wife cut?

Why do you keep running away from this question?

BISSAU, Guinea-Bissau, 13 November 2007 – Nhima Cisse, now 42, was 8 years old when she was cut. “I can never forget the pain and trauma I went through that day,” she says.

She had been taken to her aunt’s home in the capital, Bissau. “We were five girls lining up in front of a closed room,” she recalls. “Nobody knew what was going on in that room. We were tricked.

“When came my turn to enter, I found the four other girls in a corner, crying and bleeding,” she continues. “I got frightened and wanted to run away. A woman grabbed me and made me seat on a small chair, and abruptly opened my legs. Before I realized, that woman has already cut me.”

Ms. Cisse’s aunt, who was supervising the operation, told her not to cry – and said that female genital mutilation, or cutting (FGM/C), was her only chance to “get a husband and benefit from an honourable marriage.”

The pain persists

Today, Ms. Cisse – a women’s rights advocate who was elected to Parliament in 2005 – still carries this experience with her. “My husband and I have been married 20 years now,” she says, adding that she still suffers terrible pain despite two surgeries to repair scarring.

“My first baby lived for only 24 hours,” says Ms. Cisse. “It took me 20 days to get out of the hospital because of anaemia as a consequence of haemorrhage after giving birth.”

Ms. Cisse had three other children who survived, thanks in part to her ability to give birth abroad with medical assistance that is unavailable to most women in Guinea-Bissau.


UNICEF - At a glance: Guinea-Bissau - In Guinea-Bissau, a victim of female genital mutilation/cutting calls for its end
The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:

Well Sunni Man when a woman knows she'll get stoned to death if she doesn't follow this tradition I don't consider a woman being "OK" will this.

Bottom line the mother will be killed by her husband and buddies if she doesn't agree to do this.

I don't see a mother's option in this. When one has a "die if you don't mutilate your daughter" is not a happy situation.
Women all over Europe, Canada, and even here in America, have it done all of the time for their daughters.

And none of them are under threat of stoning or death. :cool:
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:

Well Sunni Man when a woman knows she'll get stoned to death if she doesn't follow this tradition I don't consider a woman being "OK" will this.

Bottom line the mother will be killed by her husband and buddies if she doesn't agree to do this.

I don't see a mother's option in this. When one has a "die if you don't mutilate your daughter" is not a happy situation.
Women all over Europe, Canada, and even here in America, have it done all of the time for their daughters.

And none of them are under threat of stoning or death. :cool:

Female Genital Mutilation Cutting is a violation of human rights. Regardless of where it takes place
It's only viewed as a violation of human rights in the western nations.

In the rest of the world it is considered a "right". :cool:
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:

Well Sunni Man when a woman knows she'll get stoned to death if she doesn't follow this tradition I don't consider a woman being "OK" will this.

Bottom line the mother will be killed by her husband and buddies if she doesn't agree to do this.

I don't see a mother's option in this. When one has a "die if you don't mutilate your daughter" is not a happy situation.
Women all over Europe, Canada, and even here in America, have it done all of the time for their daughters.

And none of them are under threat of stoning or death. :cool:

A woman who agreed to kill her daughters out of fear for her own life. For honor. And this has nothing to do with a specific religion. This one just happened to be a Muslim family.

This was sort of a biggie up here. How many real true stories would you like me to tell you? All from Canada alone?

One biggie just got busted over Sikhs in British Columbia where the family ordered a hit on a young girl and her husband. Honor killing. The girl married the wrong man in her family's eyes.

Stoning is just a verb. Many women know what it is like to live in fear of not only a husband or a brother or even an aunt over "honor killings".

We know this.

FGM is not needed. This is strictly a barbaric tradition.

And by the way, I am very aware that this is not just a tradition in Islam. I am not slagging Islam.
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:

Well Sunni Man when a woman knows she'll get stoned to death if she doesn't follow this tradition I don't consider a woman being "OK" will this.

Bottom line the mother will be killed by her husband and buddies if she doesn't agree to do this.

I don't see a mother's option in this. When one has a "die if you don't mutilate your daughter" is not a happy situation.
Women all over Europe, Canada, and even here in America, have it done all of the time for their daughters.

And none of them are under threat of stoning or death. :cool:

No, they are forced to believe that it is a right of passage and that it will make them smart and honorable. And it will keep them calm and they will not cause trouble. So they are forced into being submissive in the end.

That is what it is about.

Question for you Sunni man. Would you advocate this for your daughter or daughters?
If the parents are fine with it.

And it's the cultural norm.

What makes it anyone else's business? :cool:
It's only viewed as a violation of human rights in the western nations.

In the rest of the world it is considered a "right". :cool:

Warning graphic pictures

Some cultural norms should really be purged. And it's called getting "civilized". And human rights do not recognize a boundary. No border has the right to allow any one on this planet to be a barbarian.

The rest of the world has many strange "rights". Come on Sunni. Did you know that before the Brits went to India it was considered normal to burn a woman alive on her husbands funeral pyre?

The practice is called "Sati". Hindu.


And in certain areas of the world, this is considered a "right". To punish a woman for adultery.


In other parts of the world this is considered a "right". To kill homosexuals.

Gay young men.

If the parents are fine with it.

And it's the cultural norm.

What makes it anyone else's business? :cool:

First, parents don't own children.

Second, it is a severe violation of their inalienable human rights and anyone who believes in basic American principals finds this appalling.

Third, cannibalism has been a norm in some societies - being a social norm doesn't justify anything.

The issue shouldn't be whether this is somehow justifiable or none of our business, the issue should be what we can do to put a stop to it.

Stopping all foreign aid and imposing sanctions against countries where this is legal would be a good start.

I think that we should take this barbarianism as seriously as if cannibalism were legal in these countries.
Human rights know no boundary. Well in a perfect world.

I guess I can keep dreaming.
If the parents are fine with it.

And it's the cultural norm.

What makes it anyone else's business? :cool:

First, parents don't own children.

Second, it is a severe violation of their inalienable human rights and anyone who believes in basic American principals finds this appalling.

Third, cannibalism has been a norm in some societies - being a social norm doesn't justify anything.

The issue shouldn't be whether this is somehow justifiable or none of our business, the issue should be what we can do to put a stop to it.

Stopping all foreign aid and imposing sanctions against countries where this is legal would be a good start.

I think that we should take this barbarianism as seriously as if cannibalism were legal in these countries.



Well said.
It is amusing what you primates will do to make yourselves look to be more like humans.

Evolved means you are better than the simple animals that go through life not even aware of a greater plan. Mimic us if it makes you feel better. However, you are no more evolved than a marsupial. They too don't believe in much, or even sky pixies.

Again- Witch Burnings, Crusades, Jihads, Honor Killings, Torture of Heretics, Genital Mutilation, Human Sacrifice - I'm not seeing a greater plan here.

I'm seeing a bunch of scared little savages trying to appease a force of nature they don't understand.

Much better when we evolve beyond it. If we do. The Religious Assholes in the Middle East still may end up killing us all.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-evIyrrjTTY"]This Land is Mine - YouTube[/ame]
yes, what you are seeing is a laundry list of SOME human behavior.

However, I note you conveniently left off the 100+ MILLION that the primates have killed. Makes the paltry little list of yours look positively amateurish. Those whom you claim to have 'evolved' have killed more people in the name of their 'evolution' than the combined deaths of all religion, throughout the history of Homo Sapiens.

Utter failure on your part. Nice to know that you primates still like to ape us humans though.

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