Female genital mutilation almost universal in Indonesia

I own my family.

True story............ :thup:
Your obsession with possessing and harming the people you love strikes Me as they, owning you.

You are a slave, and don't realize the depth in which your women control you.
It goes on all of the time; even here in the U.S. and Canada. :cool:

Yeah and people go to prison for it too. Remember this guy?

Khalid Adem, is an Ethiopian immigrant who was both the first person prosecuted and first person convicted for female genital mutilation in the United States, stemming from charges that he had personally excised his 2-year-old daughter's clitoris with a pair of scissors

He was sentenced to 10 years. It is illegal to cause harm to a child in this country
The western nations all champion the murder of babies by abortion.

But are totally against female circumcision. :cool:

Only the mentally and morally deficient are for unrestricted abortions. You know, your soul mates, who also want to defend your right to kill Americans with airplanes, fertilizer bombs, knives, guns, screwdrivers and build your hate mongering mosques in American neighborhoods.

Where can a young Muslim who decided to be a traitor find info to join Al-Qaida?

Just ask your friendly neighborhood mullah.

US Federal law prohibiting FGM was enacted in 1996.

In which countries is FGM/FGC banned by law?


Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt (Ministerial decree), Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria (multiple states), Senegal, Tanzania, Togo. In Sudan only the most severe form of FGM/FGC is forbidden by law.


Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States (federal law, and specific state laws).

Penalties range from a minimum of six months to a maximum of life in prison. Several countries also include monetary fines in the penalty. As of June 2000, there have been prosecutions or arrests in Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, France and Senegal. Belgium. Benin, Nigeria, and Uganda are proposing laws to ban the practice of FGM/FGC.

In September 2001, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on Female Genital Mutilation . The resolution calls on the member states of the European Union to pursue, protect and punish any resident who has committed the crime of FGM even if committed outside the frontier ("extraterritoriality") and calls on the Commission and the Council to take measures in regard to the issuing of residence permits and protection for the victims of the practice. The resolution also calls on the member states to recognise the right to asylum of women and girls at risk of being subject to FGM/FGC.

Mutilation/Cutting: Promoting Gender Equality: UNFPA

Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt (Ministerial decree), Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria (multiple states), Senegal, Tanzania, Togo. In Sudan only the most severe form of FGM/FGC is forbidden by law.
I doubt these countries have the manpower or resources to enforce these laws. :cool:
1.5 billion people, basically 25% of the worlds population are muslims.

And have no problem with female circumcision. :cool:

At least half of those happy Muslims are WOMEN.

You know, the gender of the human species, who, according to you, your sick prophet and your similarly mentally afflicted so-called males, fellow Muslims to whom your mothers, daughters, your sisters, grandmothers, aunts and female cousins are nothing but property, chattel and piece of trash to dispose of in any and all despicable way the societies you left behind sees fit, but brought along with you to this country the idea and convinced that females are nothing but trash and less than animal.

Maybe that is how your terrorist and pedophile and misogynist "Prophet" views women, but that is NOT how I view my mother, wife, daughter and grand daughter.

BTW, Sunni Man, how do you like your Shiite "brothers"? Do you side with your enemy the Shiite Iranian who wants to eliminate who wants to eliminate Israel or do you side with your your friends who want to eliminate Israel?

No need to answer. We all know it.
Female circumcision isn't torture.

It is a physical enhancement to add to a woman's beauty.

And makes her mentally stronger. :cool:

So does cutting off her nose and gouging out her eyes according to Islam.

Pathetic creatures. Your reward is Hell fire. trust that.

Yeshua came and died for our sins so stupid mongrels like yourself wouldn't have to take God's justice into your own hands.

"Vengence is MINE, thus saith the Lord"

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Muslims respect the original Bible and Torah.

But those do not exist any more.

The modern copies are corrupted and full of mistakes and errors. :cool:

You are ignorant and it shows. they do exist. GOD's Laws never left the planet. Only his messenger, Yeshua.
Why the personal attacks against me?

Female circumcision is a fact of life for hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong. :cool:

I never attacked you personally, neither have I ever called yo names, however, I questioned your sanity for approving female mutilation.

You never answered my question about how you would feel if your daughter (I don't ask about your wife, because she is obviously under your spell) was under the dull scissors or dull pliers of frustrated old biddies of Muslim Faith who never had the God-given right to experience the joy of life and healthy sex as God or Allah intended.

Well, not Allah. That old bastard only wanted males to enjoy sex, and the Hell with anyone else and screw your mother, because old Mohammed never knew who his mother was, he never knew who his father was, and just like any bastard before and and after him blamed the world for everything wrong in the world.

BTW, if he was God's gift to the world, why would Mohammed be a pathetic illiterate, who needed to dictate his so-called visions to a person far better than himself???
There are hundreds of millions of people around the world who find an uncircumcised woman to be physically unattractive and not worthy of marriage. :cool:

Isn't that their problem not the woman's since there are hundreds of millions of people who do like the female genitalia as it is and do not judge a woman's "marriage" worth or her general "worth" solely by what is between her legs?

What is the plus physical side to FGM for a woman and how does removing a woman's ability to be clitorally stimulated a good thing?

There is no Plus-side.

You have to understand the Muslim mindset. Torture for Power and Forced submission is what they believe(Islam). You cannot reason with these people, it's impossible. They even denounce the teachings of Christ, but outta the other side of their mouths, they support his teachings and call him a prophet.

Wickedness to the Nth degree. It's not hard to tell.
Quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man View Post
Why the personal attacks against me?

Female circumcision is a fact of life for hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong

Yeah that's the typical move, play the victim. dumbass. Nobody is victimizing you arcaic heathens no more than you victimize yourselves by following such a barbaric religion led by a illiterate pedophile.

Your victimization is built in. MORON.
Sunni Man is a very, very sick person!

And he is 99.99% of all Muslim men and how they think. truly disturbed. truly wicked. Satan is the father of their religion anyway. and they know it.

You're a fucking moron, kid. How did you come up with the figure 99.99% idiot? I think we all know, and I hope you at least washed your hands afterwards.
Why the personal attacks against me?

Female circumcision is a fact of life for hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong. :cool:

I never attacked you personally, neither have I ever called yo names, however, I questioned your sanity for approving female mutilation.

You never answered my question about how you would feel if your daughter (I don't ask about your wife, because she is obviously under your spell) was under the dull scissors or dull pliers of frustrated old biddies of Muslim Faith who never had the God-given right to experience the joy of life and healthy sex as God or Allah intended.

Well, not Allah. That old bastard only wanted males to enjoy sex, and the Hell with anyone else and screw your mother, because old Mohammed never knew who his mother was, he never knew who his father was, and just like any bastard before and and after him blamed the world for everything wrong in the world.

BTW, if he was God's gift to the world, why would Mohammed be a pathetic illiterate, who needed to dictate his so-called visions to a person far better than himself???

I have been calling that guy Sunni Mouse for years now. :lol: He and men who think like him are the ultimate woman-hating cowards...
You have to understand the Muslim mindset.

And you think you do, kid? Have you ever so much as talked with a Muslim for any length of time? Let's say at least over an hour at one time. Have you? Have you ever visited a Muslim's home? Met his or her family? Worked with? Been neighbors with? Befriended?

Female circumcision is an atrocity, but YOU are just an ignorant little punk talking out his ass.

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