Female genital mutilation almost universal in Indonesia

Why the personal attacks against me?

Female circumcision is a fact of life for hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong. :cool:

I never attacked you personally, neither have I ever called yo names, however, I questioned your sanity for approving female mutilation.

You never answered my question about how you would feel if your daughter (I don't ask about your wife, because she is obviously under your spell) was under the dull scissors or dull pliers of frustrated old biddies of Muslim Faith who never had the God-given right to experience the joy of life and healthy sex as God or Allah intended.

Well, not Allah. That old bastard only wanted males to enjoy sex, and the Hell with anyone else and screw your mother, because old Mohammed never knew who his mother was, he never knew who his father was, and just like any bastard before and and after him blamed the world for everything wrong in the world.

BTW, if he was God's gift to the world, why would Mohammed be a pathetic illiterate, who needed to dictate his so-called visions to a person far better than himself???

I have been calling that guy Sunni Mouse for years now. :lol: He and men who think like him are the ultimate woman-hating cowards...

He's just got that whole 'fervor of the converted' thing going on. He is trying too hard to prove something to himself.
You have to understand the Muslim mindset.

And you think you do, kid? Have you ever so much as talked with a Muslim for any length of time? Let's say at least over an hour at one time. Have you? Have you ever visited a Muslim's home? Met his or her family? Worked with? Been neighbors with? Befriended?

Female circumcision is an atrocity, but YOU are just an ignorant little punk talking out his ass.

Wow Troll, I didn't think you could formulate a sentence without it being laced with outdated old fart ignorance. good job.

and yes, I almost converted so I know 100% of what I'm talking about. and I have numerous ignorant friends who converted and are now seeing the cult for what it is and want out.

next question
You are lying through your teeth. "Almost converted." :rolleyes: Yeah, that's just what your ranting makes it sound like. No sale, kid.
You are lying through your teeth. "Almost converted." :rolleyes: Yeah, that's just what your ranting makes it sound like. No sale, kid.

You're too old to understand. and it's not my job to convince you of a gotdamn thing.

and I gives a fuck if it's a"no sale" with you or not, clown. like that means shit to me.
herpes infested rabbis still bite the ends of baby's penises and cause them death...its all crazy

You're a poor misguided individual and a danger to all. What you posted is a lie and obviously only a figment of a warped mind.
You are lying through your teeth. "Almost converted." :rolleyes: Yeah, that's just what your ranting makes it sound like. No sale, kid.

You're too old to understand. and it's not my job to convince you of a gotdamn thing.

and I gives a fuck if it's a"no sale" with you or not, clown. like that means shit to me.

You are absolutely lying, kid. On another thread you didn't even know that Muslims don't eat pork. You thought they were not allowed to eat any meat at all. Remember that? I do. It seems that if you "almost converted" you would know something - anything - about the faith. You are a very bad liar, kid. Stay in school. You need a lot of help with English, US History, and World Religions (and probably every other subject as well).
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If the parents are fine with it.

And it's the cultural norm.

What makes it anyone else's business? :cool:


Really? You think it is ok if it is a cultural norm to torture a little girl just because daddy or mommy says it's ok?

The reason we have different countries is so we know where the boundries are between "cultural norms." We live in the USA. Here, what they consider the cultural norm throughout the mid-African nations, is illegal.

The USA has no right to impose its cultural norms over other nations unless those cultural norms threaten our country.

The Genitalia of African Females in not a national security threat.

Really? You think it is ok if it is a cultural norm to torture a little girl just because daddy or mommy says it's ok?

The reason we have different countries is so we know where the boundries are between "cultural norms." We live in the USA. Here, what they consider the cultural norm throughout the mid-African nations, is illegal.

The USA has no right to impose its cultural norms over other nations unless those cultural norms threaten our country.

The Genitalia of African Females in not a national security threat.

:rolleyes: Defending human rights is the official position of the World Health Organization.

Fighting Female Genital Mutilation | Human Rights Watch

WHO | Female genital mutilation

Really? You think it is ok if it is a cultural norm to torture a little girl just because daddy or mommy says it's ok?

The reason we have different countries is so we know where the boundries are between "cultural norms." We live in the USA. Here, what they consider the cultural norm throughout the mid-African nations, is illegal.

The USA has no right to impose its cultural norms over other nations unless those cultural norms threaten our country.

The Genitalia of African Females in not a national security threat.

A coward's refrain.
Really? You think it is ok if it is a cultural norm to torture a little girl just because daddy or mommy says it's ok?

The reason we have different countries is so we know where the boundries are between "cultural norms." We live in the USA. Here, what they consider the cultural norm throughout the mid-African nations, is illegal.

The USA has no right to impose its cultural norms over other nations unless those cultural norms threaten our country.

The Genitalia of African Females in not a national security threat.

A coward's refrain.

It makes your ears bleed to put this much thought into your responses.

But, thanks for playing; You'll find your credibility at the door.
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Defending human rights is the official position of the World Health Organization.
It should be renamed the "Western" World Health Organization.

Because they are trying to force non European people like Africans and Asians to conform to Western standards and cultural norms.

Basically, the same type of colonialism that the West has used to subjugate indigenous people and cultures all over the world for the last few centuries. :cool:
Defending human rights is the official position of the World Health Organization.
It should be renamed the "Western" World Health Organization.

Because they are trying to force non European people like Africans and Asians to conform to Western standards and cultural norms.

Basically, the same type of colonialism that the West has used to subjugate indigenous people and cultures all over the world for the last few centuries. :cool:

There is not that much "force" being used, it is far more humanitarian assistance, especially since far too many African and Middle Eastern regimes and despots cannot get their act together to care enough for their own people.

The colonialism charge is wearing thin. The world was rampant with colonialism 500 years ago. Let us talk about the more civilized past 100 years. The only group that remains in the barbaric past is the fanatic Muslims. They not only "subjugate indigenous people" they murder them indiscriminately because these Muslims cannot tolerate anyone who does not believe like them. Apparently, the drinking and partying of the West is a far greater sin to their Allah than is murder and hatred? Not too mention how they treat their own women and subjects. That's some religion.
Defending human rights is the official position of the World Health Organization.
It should be renamed the "Western" World Health Organization.

Because they are trying to force non European people like Africans and Asians to conform to Western standards and cultural norms.

Basically, the same type of colonialism that the West has used to subjugate indigenous people and cultures all over the world for the last few centuries. :cool:

There is not that much "force" being used, it is far more humanitarian assistance, especially since far too many African and Middle Eastern regimes and despots cannot get their act together to care enough for their own people.

The colonialism charge is wearing thin. The world was rampant with colonialism 500 years ago. Let us talk about the more civilized past 100 years. The only group that remains in the barbaric past is the fanatic Muslims. They not only "subjugate indigenous people" they murder them indiscriminately because these Muslims cannot tolerate anyone who does not believe like them. Apparently, the drinking and partying of the West is a far greater sin to their Allah than is murder and hatred? Not too mention how they treat their own women and subjects. That's some religion.

Nice strawman.

The topic is not Murder.

Really? You think it is ok if it is a cultural norm to torture a little girl just because daddy or mommy says it's ok?

The reason we have different countries is so we know where the boundries are between "cultural norms." We live in the USA. Here, what they consider the cultural norm throughout the mid-African nations, is illegal.

The USA has no right to impose its cultural norms over other nations unless those cultural norms threaten our country.

The Genitalia of African Females in not a national security threat.

Screw cultural norms. I cannot believe you are siding with the forum terrorist supporter. So I suppose it is cool with you that Iran hang all those that they deem as gays? And the stoning of women because they went against some religious edict?

I am not asking you to support war against the people who cut these girls, I am asking you to condemn the practice.

As long as there are those who take the stand that you have. Those little girls have no hope in having this barbaric practice to stop.

In fact there is propaganda out there trying to show why mutilating little girls is a good thing.
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PixieStix is just your typical western busy body.

She feels the need to condemn other people's cultural practices because it offends her sensibilities.

Basically, the same missionary mindset that led to almost total genocide of the Native Americans in both North and South America. :cool:

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