Female Saudi TV presenter flees country over indecent dress

And?? ... :dunno:

Take it anywhere you'd care to go. I find it similar to the Janet Jackson Super Bowl halftime controversy. Then again it is also an ironic view of their culture when such a thing arises during a story about the lifting of the woman driver ban.
IMHO and in my travels I adhere to the 'When in Rome' adage... Complex issue really, if she was overtly trying to make a counter-culture stand, I get it. I'm very glad that she is long gone. There is a balance between respecting tradition, religion & culture on one hand and pioneering God given natural & civil rights on the other. Makes me ever more thankful to be an American!
What exactly was wrong with what she was wearing? She seemed to be having trouble with the wind!
This is just another reminder that religion is oppressive and as she had to flee the country, dangerous. It's always been the bane of humanity.
What I'm having trouble coming to terms with is how this story about the reporter freaked me out about the social conditions in Saudi Arabia yet here in America we have a gunman enter a newspaper's place of business, kills 5 people and my attitude found that as more ordinary social behavior.
What I'm having trouble coming to terms with is how this story about the reporter freaked me out about the social conditions in Saudi Arabia yet here in America we have a gunman enter a newspaper's place of business, kills 5 people and my attitude found that as more ordinary social behavior.
I personally know many Saudi people. They love their county and unique culture. As a country, it's way more cohesive and sophisticated than people realize.

But it's western liberal busybodies who hate Saudi culture and demand change that are the real problem.

When they should worry about the problems in their own country, and leave other people alone. ... :cool:
What I'm having trouble coming to terms with is how this story about the reporter freaked me out about the social conditions in Saudi Arabia yet here in America we have a gunman enter a newspaper's place of business, kills 5 people and my attitude found that as more ordinary social behavior.
Lol $.02, perhaps we should dress you up in a hijab and full garb for some sensitivity training... (I'm kidding) The best thing we as Americans can do is stand out in bold contrast to many aspects of that regressive, oppressive culture... championing civil rights as a beacon for the rest of the world! Your candid admission only illustrates your empathy + thaughtfulness & I'm sure many on this board appreciate it!
Makes sense. She doesn’t want to end up in Chop Chop Square.
This is just another reminder that religion is oppressive and as she had to flee the country, dangerous. It's always been the bane of humanity.
Plenty of religions are.
The key difference is having the freedom to exist outside of the religious constraints.
Once a religion is able to freely pull the strings of the government, it oppresses all who are not part of it and Islam is the worst.
Considering that dress she's lucky they didn't stone her in the street right there.

Oh yes. Islam, the death cult which practices Sharia Law.

Hate to be a woman in the death cult.
I would never wear that head covering and burka stuff anywhere. If I'm travelling as a tourist, I'd dress normally as an American, and they can mind their own business. I think American women who bend to coercive and discriminatory Muslim dress codes against women are cowards. Nancy Pelosi wore one of those head things when she went to Syria to say what good friends the U.S. and Syria were --- that sure didn't end up well. I was ashamed of her.
What I'm having trouble coming to terms with is how this story about the reporter freaked me out about the social conditions in Saudi Arabia yet here in America we have a gunman enter a newspaper's place of business, kills 5 people and my attitude found that as more ordinary social behavior.
I personally know many Saudi people. They love their county and unique culture. As a country, it's way more cohesive and sophisticated than people realize.

But it's western liberal busybodies who hate Saudi culture and demand change that are the real problem.

When they should worry about the problems in their own country, and leave other people alone. ... :cool:
Ya cause oppressing people is ok as LONG as Muslims do it right?

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