Female Vet Takes Action to Stop Protesters Defacing the Flag,Takes Cops to Arrest Her

Maybe some of you need to read the 1st.ammendment and not recite one part or the other. There is no law to protect the flag.and the protesters were breaking the law,1 they did not have permits that are required by Ga. Law.2 they did not have permission from the school.3 they did not cooperate with the police in the preformance of there duty.and if you demand precedence Brown-v-Louisiana feb 23,2012 and Ga. Law April 19 ,2004

If this is true, then the protesters should have been removed. That does not, however, give the woman the right to forcibly take private property.
They can protest all they want, they can not break the law while doing it.

no law was broken.
Desecration of the U.S. flag is against the law. Stupid libtards.
No it isn't. It's considered disrespectful, but it isn't against the law.
I do stand corrected. Should be though.

I disagree. And here is why.

Take two groups, some hate-filled protesters and some fatass conservative teapers.

The protesters stomp on the flag and burn it. They do so because the flag is a symbol of this great nation. So to the protesters, the flag has great value and meaning. They may hate the value and meaning, but they are acknowledging it by their very actions.

Now take the fatass conservative teapers. On teh 4th of July they will be eating mounds of potato salad, barbeque, and baked beans. Then they will wipe their mouths with napkins with flags on them. Do you think those people are showing that the flag has any value or meaning? They may preach that it does, but then they wipe their mouth with it.
It's a napkin, not the flag.
And of course, you don't answer the question.

What are they going to do when someone they disagree with is doing a protest that they have a First Amendment right to do? Why do YOU think YOU have the right to tell other people how, why and when to protest?
They can protest all they want, they can not break the law while doing it.

no law was broken.
Desecration of the U.S. flag is against the law. Stupid libtards.

the first amendment protects even flat burning, brain dead tea tard. and i'll direct your attention to Texas v Johnson.

Funny how you idiot libtards use the constitution to defend stupidity but trash it at other times, especially when obuthole trashes it. Idiots.

People with double digit IQ's, like you and your buddies, really shouldn't call anyone else idiots, idiota.
And of course, you don't answer the question.

What are they going to do when someone they disagree with is doing a protest that they have a First Amendment right to do? Why do YOU think YOU have the right to tell other people how, why and when to protest?
They can protest all they want, they can not break the law while doing it.

no law was broken.
Desecration of the U.S. flag is against the law. Stupid libtards.

Not since the SCOTUS ruled it is protected by the 1st amendment. And that was in 1969.

Although the woman who tried to "defend" the flag is guilty of trying to steal private property. And that is illegal.
She should be whipped with a wet noodle.

the woman had no business interfering.
no law was broken.
Desecration of the U.S. flag is against the law. Stupid libtards.

the first amendment protects even flat burning, brain dead tea tard. and i'll direct your attention to Texas v Johnson.

Funny how you idiot libtards use the constitution to defend stupidity but trash it at other times, especially when obuthole trashes it. Idiots.

Hey numbnuts, if you want to try and find something from the US Constitution that speaks to desecrating a flag, please do so. If you want to just thru out general statements about those arguing against you, find examples of that. I have not trashed the US Constitution. I think it is worth defending whether I like the results or not.

The 1st Amendment is not about cute little children singing. It protects all of us. We don't need laws to protect the speech everyone likes. But those laws are meant to protect the speech we don't like as well.
I didn't say unconstitutional, I said against the law.

and that would be false, because any law outlawing it would have been in violation of the constitution. or do you not understand that simple concept?
no law was broken.
Desecration of the U.S. flag is against the law. Stupid libtards.
No it isn't. It's considered disrespectful, but it isn't against the law.
I do stand corrected. Should be though.

I disagree. And here is why.

Take two groups, some hate-filled protesters and some fatass conservative teapers.

The protesters stomp on the flag and burn it. They do so because the flag is a symbol of this great nation. So to the protesters, the flag has great value and meaning. They may hate the value and meaning, but they are acknowledging it by their very actions.

Now take the fatass conservative teapers. On teh 4th of July they will be eating mounds of potato salad, barbeque, and baked beans. Then they will wipe their mouths with napkins with flags on them. Do you think those people are showing that the flag has any value or meaning? They may preach that it does, but then they wipe their mouth with it.
It's a napkin, not the flag.

When does the image become so holy that private property laws no longer apply and people feel justified in committing violent acts because a piece of cloth or paper is not treated with reverence? Is it the size? Is it the cloth versus paper? If the image is a symbol, it is a symbol on a napkin too.
Your right ms.manhart was in the wrong.and the laws I speak of do not outlaw the protesters right.the laws were made for the g8 summit as a way to stop outlaw protest on gov property.and the school does receive fed funds.these laws are still on the books in the state of Ga.look them up.manhart was wrong but so were the protesters,the police asked for ID's from the protesters who by the way refused to press charges and they left.the police called it a "wash" no complaining party.
I might mention that from September 1966 until the Vietnam war was over, whenever I was driving alone I would be on the lookout for flag desecraters. It's lucky I never witnessed any because I would have driven into the crowd, then backed up to get any I missed. I have a personal interest in Old Glory. As for falling down I have a HurryCane and that thing outscores a Louisville Slugger every time. And, I have many friends in Rolling Thunder who ride around looking for these creeps. Did you think they were just showing off their bikes and making noise? Think again.
Boy, that makes me tremble at the mere thought of it all. Will no one think of the innocent observers?
Progs used the war in Vietnam to promote anarchy and incite violence including defacing the Flag back in the 60's and 70's. Now the hypocrite poverty pimps have convinced themselves and a few ignorant radicals on campus that Black people are targets of the Police despite evidence to the contrary and as Reagan used to say, "there they go again" trashing the Flag. It should come as no surprise that the pandering idiots on campus would arrest the one person who tried to save the Flag.
Progs used the war in Vietnam to promote anarchy and incite violence including defacing the Flag back in the 60's and 70's. Now the hypocrite poverty pimps have convinced themselves and a few ignorant radicals on campus that Black people are targets of the Police despite evidence to the contrary and as Reagan used to say, "there they go again" trashing the Flag. It should come as no surprise that the pandering idiots on campus would arrest the one person who tried to save the Flag.
Save the flag for porn shots?
Progs used the war in Vietnam to promote anarchy and incite violence including defacing the Flag back in the 60's and 70's. Now the hypocrite poverty pimps have convinced themselves and a few ignorant radicals on campus that Black people are targets of the Police despite evidence to the contrary and as Reagan used to say, "there they go again" trashing the Flag. It should come as no surprise that the pandering idiots on campus would arrest the one person who tried to save the Flag.

"Save the flag"? The flag is cloth. What was she saving it from?
Progs used the war in Vietnam to promote anarchy and incite violence including defacing the Flag back in the 60's and 70's. Now the hypocrite poverty pimps have convinced themselves and a few ignorant radicals on campus that Black people are targets of the Police despite evidence to the contrary and as Reagan used to say, "there they go again" trashing the Flag. It should come as no surprise that the pandering idiots on campus would arrest the one person who tried to save the Flag.

"Save the flag"? The flag is cloth. What was she saving it from?

Hossfly, I agree with you. It is funny as hell to think someone can decide to try to steal private property and then say they were "saving" an inanimate piece of cloth.
Female Vet Takes Action to Stop Protesters Defacing the Flag Takes 4 Cops to Arrest Her Top Right News
When she saw a group of race-baiting “Black Lives Matter” protesters disrespecting our flag, she took matters into her own hands.
She didn’t let up even when the cops got involved.
Air Force veteran Michelle Manhart was arrested in Georgia after an altercation in which she took a flag from Valdosta State University protesters who were stepping on it, the Valdosta Daily Times reported.
Why policemen arrested this woman? Maybe she killed somebody? No! Maybe she stolen something? No!
She just protected the symbol of our country!
Absurd story. What do you think?

She attacked other citizens?
“This flag actually belongs to the entire United States,” Manhart asserts as the protesters argue that she stole their property.


I guess she suffers from ptsd pathetic and terrible stupid dis-ease
Freedom!!!! Fight stupid laws.

: Adoption of State Flag Desecration Statutes — By the late 1800's an organized flag protection movement was born in reaction to perceived commercial and political misuse of the flag. After supporters failed to obtain federal legislation, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota became the first States to adopt flag desecration statutes. By 1932, all of the States had adopted flag desecration laws.

Timeline of Flag Desecration Issues
Progs used the war in Vietnam to promote anarchy and incite violence including defacing the Flag back in the 60's and 70's. Now the hypocrite poverty pimps have convinced themselves and a few ignorant radicals on campus that Black people are targets of the Police despite evidence to the contrary and as Reagan used to say, "there they go again" trashing the Flag. It should come as no surprise that the pandering idiots on campus would arrest the one person who tried to save the Flag.

"Save the flag"? The flag is cloth. What was she saving it from?
Because of what the flag represents.
Good for her.

I very admire her patriotism, the courage of her convictions, and the love of this country.
Progs used the war in Vietnam to promote anarchy and incite violence including defacing the Flag back in the 60's and 70's. Now the hypocrite poverty pimps have convinced themselves and a few ignorant radicals on campus that Black people are targets of the Police despite evidence to the contrary and as Reagan used to say, "there they go again" trashing the Flag. It should come as no surprise that the pandering idiots on campus would arrest the one person who tried to save the Flag.

"Save the flag"? The flag is cloth. What was she saving it from?
Because of what the flag represents.

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