feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

I'm not sure you can pin body image and barbie like perfection on men. Did you ever notice that a man doesn't notice when you change your hair style? He doesn't notice different shoes either, and he would only notice make up if you caked it on too much. I think you'd find that a woman who is actually nice to guy could wear sweatpants and she would do just fine.
besides, women should be able to rely on boy friends to help with the usual, female chores. Body waxing and shaving are examples. It depends on the existing skill sets of her boy friends. Some could be good hairstylists, or manicurists or pedicurists. high numbers and plenty of practice, what woman could not have confidence in that.
pick. That do hair and nails aren't looking for women. They're looking for other males.
just something, practical to save money. being a good auto mechanic, always helps. or, any other useful skill. nice girl friends should practice their practicality, and motivate boy friends to what ever opportunities may be easy and convenient, at the moment under our form of Capitalism;

It's hard economics, IM2. Happily, in this country we have gone way beyond having to make those kind of hard decisions.
Which is why, someplace deep in my heart, I still hope that Anathema is a mod's sock, because all I can do is deeply pity him if he is for real.

Nope. I’m 100% real. I have no interest in your pity (or any other emotion).
That's all I can think of to say.

Are you crazy??

When have women ever made men go to war? Men invent dumb conflicts between themselves and then go fight about this stupid tripe. They have done so for generations when women were not allowed to have any participation in governance, but still were expected to obey the government. I have always thought that the men who started wars were jerks and that the men who got hoodwinked into putting their lives on the line for these stupid purposes should "just say 'no'. "

When have women not made men go to war? Soldiers and kings went to war so they could get more riches, and why do you think they wanted more riches? So that they can hire prostitutes, maintain concubines, marry more women, and what are all these? Women or men? And what would have prostitutes, concubines, women got in this, satisfaction of their passive sexuality. So in essence men were going to war and killing other men so that they could satisfy women's passive sexuality, getting others to do your bidding is supremacy, that is what women did, women got their men to do their bidding so they could enjoy passive sexuality, their vanity. Without ever having to appear like greedy bad people. So women always had supremacy, and men require equality now. Soldiers and kings also had women, like their mothers, wives, sisters, aunts, all of these women would have also enjoyed the loot without ever having to fight anyone. That is real supremacy!

Yes we realized the garbage those like you believe is lunacy.

You didn't construct your sentence properly, so I can't understand it.

You are an incredible asshole. Do tell us why you need prostitutes, concubines, to be married to more than one woman. Nobody forces you to do anything. This is all in your own head. I understand that a male can be raped, even though a man has to produce an erection. But women really don't have any role in this. You can choose to act anyway you wish. Prostitutes, concubines, more than one wife. This is all up to you. Nobody is forcing you.

This "passive sexuality" thing seems to come from some right-wing horseshit factory.

Now I'm getting bored with this "value-signalling" stuff. I'm a feminazi. So please send over the red-headed Ashkenazi Jewish guy I've been lusting after. The one who is built like a brick shit house.
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That's all I can think of to say.

Are you crazy??

When have women ever made men go to war? Men invent dumb conflicts between themselves and then go fight about this stupid tripe. They have done so for generations when women were not allowed to have any participation in governance, but still were expected to obey the government. I have always thought that the men who started wars were jerks and that the men who got hoodwinked into putting their lives on the line for these stupid purposes should "just say 'no'. "

When have women not made men go to war? Soldiers and kings went to war so they could get more riches, and why do you think they wanted more riches? So that they can hire prostitutes, maintain concubines, marry more women, and what are all these? Women or men? And what would have prostitutes, concubines, women got in this, satisfaction of their passive sexuality. So in essence men were going to war and killing other men so that they could satisfy women's passive sexuality, getting others to do your bidding is supremacy, that is what women did, women got their men to do their bidding so they could enjoy passive sexuality, their vanity. Without ever having to appear like greedy bad people. So women always had supremacy, and men require equality now. Soldiers and kings also had women, like their mothers, wives, sisters, aunts, all of these women would have also enjoyed the loot without ever having to fight anyone. That is real supremacy!

Yes we realized the garbage those like you believe is lunacy.

You didn't construct your sentence properly, so I can't understand it.

You are an incredible asshole. Do tell us why you need prostitutes, concubines, to be married to more than one woman. Nobody forces you to do anything. This is all in your own head. I understand that a male can be raped, even though a man has to produce an erection. But women really don't have any role in this. You can choose to act anyway you wish. Prostitutes, concubines, more than one wife. This is all up to you. Nobody is forcing you.

This "passive sexuality" thing seems to come from some right-wing horseshit factory.
Nah, I think he had an extremely overbearing mother.
You are an incredible asshole. Do tell us why you need prostitutes, concubines, to be married to more than one woman. Nobody forces you to do anything. This is all in your own head. I understand that a male can be raped, even though a man has to produce an erection. But women really don't have any role in this. You can choose to act anyway you wish. Prostitutes, concubines, more than one wife. This is all up to you. Nobody is forcing you.

This "passive sexuality" thing seems to come from some right-wing horseshit factory.

Now I'm getting bored with this "value-signalling" stuff. I'm a feminazi. So please send over the red-headed Ashkenazi Jewish guy I've been lusting after. The one who is built like a brick shit house.

Stupid bitch I never wrote I needed prostitutes, concubines and many wives.

That was one of the main motivating factor for going to war. What did it end up doing? It satisfied prostitutes, concubines and wives passive sexuality. So who are the benefiting here, it's the prostitutes, concubines, wives, sisters, mothers, etc. So who are the ones controlling men here? Women! That shows that women had supremacy over men. You bitches wanted clothes, jewelry, you bitches wanted to enjoy passive sexuality, to that objective, you bitches made men go to war, plunder, loot, rape other women, children, etc.

Passive sexuality is not a theory, it is a reality which everyone in the society can feel, many feminist bitches have also written about it. And it is also an innate natural need which everyone has. Progressively society is becoming better for you bitches' passive sexuality, while simultaneously worsening for mine. I'm not going to be silent for this. You also know it and understand it, that is why you are putting "passive" and "sexuality" together in quotes.

This inequality thing was invented by greedy bitches, as dynamics of society changed, they needed to develop different tactics to keep exploiting men.

I have no idea what value-signalling is, if it is the same as virtue-signalling, then it is wrong because I never passed a moral judgment.

Nah, I think he had an extremely overbearing mother.

No, I wasn't raised by a mother. I don't know what that has got to do with anything I wrote. But you people have no self-respect to deny the reality which hits you in your face.

Are you seriously denying that women sent men to war for their own desires? Who profited the most from war, or the present capitalist society, it is the women, whatever men do, they do that to satisfy women's passive sexuality. Men become CEOs so they can hire pricier prostitutes, or indulge whores and sluts. What exactly does this end up doing? It only ends up satisfying prostitutes, whores and sluts passive sexuality. So in essence men do things to satisfy women's sexual fantasies. Women are getting men to do their bidding, and that shows that women had supremacy over men.

Men need equality!
You are an incredible asshole. Do tell us why you need prostitutes, concubines, to be married to more than one woman. Nobody forces you to do anything. This is all in your own head. I understand that a male can be raped, even though a man has to produce an erection. But women really don't have any role in this. You can choose to act anyway you wish. Prostitutes, concubines, more than one wife. This is all up to you. Nobody is forcing you.

This "passive sexuality" thing seems to come from some right-wing horseshit factory.

Now I'm getting bored with this "value-signalling" stuff. I'm a feminazi. So please send over the red-headed Ashkenazi Jewish guy I've been lusting after. The one who is built like a brick shit house.

Stupid bitch I never wrote I needed prostitutes, concubines and many wives.

That was one of the main motivating factor for going to war. What did it end up doing? It satisfied prostitutes, concubines and wives passive sexuality. So who are the benefiting here, it's the prostitutes, concubines, wives, sisters, mothers, etc. So who are the ones controlling men here? Women! That shows that women had supremacy over men. You bitches wanted clothes, jewelry, you bitches wanted to enjoy passive sexuality, to that objective, you bitches made men go to war, plunder, loot, rape other women, children, etc.

Passive sexuality is not a theory, it is a reality which everyone in the society can feel, many feminist bitches have also written about it. And it is also an innate natural need which everyone has. Progressively society is becoming better for you bitches' passive sexuality, while simultaneously worsening for mine. I'm not going to be silent for this. You also know it and understand it, that is why you are putting "passive" and "sexuality" together in quotes.

This inequality thing was invented by greedy bitches, as dynamics of society changed, they needed to develop different tactics to keep exploiting men.

I have no idea what value-signalling is, if it is the same as virtue-signalling, then it is wrong because I never passed a moral judgment.

Nah, I think he had an extremely overbearing mother.

No, I wasn't raised by a mother. I don't know what that has got to do with anything I wrote. But you people have no self-respect to deny the reality which hits you in your face.

Are you seriously denying that women sent men to war for their own desires? Who profited the most from war, or the present capitalist society, it is the women, whatever men do, they do that to satisfy women's passive sexuality. Men become CEOs so they can hire pricier prostitutes, or indulge whores and sluts. What exactly does this end up doing? It only ends up satisfying prostitutes, whores and sluts passive sexuality. So in essence men do things to satisfy women's sexual fantasies. Women are getting men to do their bidding, and that shows that women had supremacy over men.

Men need equality!
A hundred years ago, women couldn't even vote. The leaders of every country and every major religion/church were men, and the vast majority still are.
The vast majority of CEO's and wealthiest individuals in the world are men.
Women are not behind any of the things you are supposing. Really. They have been virtually powerless as long as our Western tradition has had stories.
A hundred years ago, women couldn't even vote. The leaders of every country and every major religion/church were men, and the vast majority still are.
The vast majority of CEO's and wealthiest individuals in the world are men.
Women are not behind any of the things you are supposing. Really. They have been virtually powerless as long as our Western tradition has had stories.

So women didn't get clothes, jewelry, slaves, etc from wars? Tell me have you not heard of sex scandals? It is usually the CEO or something like that hiring prostitutes, etc. Do you deny the reality which drives boys and men to get more money, which only seems to end up pandering to women's passive sexuality.

It maybe true that women didn't have a right to vote, but women do now. Even when they didn't have the right to vote, they controlled household, and had control over various things related to family life, and some of them even shame men to do things to satisfy their needs. And even then, if families were getting broken, it was because of men having affair with some women or patronizing prostitutes. Who were again women.

It may even be true that majority of the wealthiest individuals are men, but what do you think drove them to become so rich? For 99% it would have been the thought of hiring higher priced prostitutes, having gang bangs, indulging whores and sluts. And tell me what did drive them to become rich and what did end up doing? They were wanting to become rich so they could satisfy womens and girls passive sexuality. As women and girls were getting men to pander to their passive sexuality, which is making men do their bidding, women had supremacy over men. Believe it or not, women were always behind a lot war crimes, capitalism and greed and lack of compassion in society.

I request you to come to the present times and see. Women have supremacy over men, they always did.
Lysistrata, you rated my post as funny. Why? Couldn't you have just ignored it?

And tell me where is the money of wealthiest going? It is going towards hiring prostitutes, indulging whores and sluts, and adoring and adulating pornstars, who are exclusively girls and women. So all of this is ending up satisfying women's passive sexuality, which is a need girls and women? Men are doing whatever they are doing to satisfying girls and women's passive sexuality. This show women had supremacy over men, and this lie of inequality is pure bullshit in present times. Girl and women are getting men to their bidding by getting men to satisfy women's passive sexuality. This shows women's supremacy over men.
Lysistrata, you rated my post as funny. Why? Couldn't you have just ignored it?

And tell me where is the money of wealthiest going? It is going towards hiring prostitutes, indulging whores and sluts, and adoring and adulating pornstars, who are exclusively girls and women. So all of this is ending up satisfying women's passive sexuality, which is a need girls and women? Men are doing whatever they are doing to satisfying girls and women's passive sexuality. This show women had supremacy over men, and this lie of inequality is pure bullshit in present times. Girl and women are getting men to their bidding by getting men to satisfy women's passive sexuality. This shows women's supremacy over men.

You waste so much energy on this wacked-out freaky "passive sexuality" theory. It is funny. It seems like it was thought up by the same morons who do this "beta male" thing.
You waste so much energy on this wacked-out freaky "passive sexuality" theory. It is funny. It seems like it was thought up by the same morons who do this "beta male" thing.

It is not wacked-out freaky theory. It is a reality. Many feminist have written about you stupid bitch.
Ever since Hillary surfaced, "feminism" has become the

FemiNazi HATE Movement,

or FHM for short.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
Right bro, and blacks and LGBT folks don't want equal rights either, we all know that they want special rights just like the feared femi-nazis Sounds like you have some issues with women bro.
As with "feminism," the black issue has turned away from MLK and towards BLM, an agenda of hate.

Thanks, of course, to QUEER-O, lover of LBJ, the killer of MLK...
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
Right bro, and blacks and LGBT folks don't want equal rights either, we all know that they want special rights just like the feared femi-nazis Sounds like you have some issues with women bro.
i prefer men over women. that's my issue.

the horror.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
Right bro, and blacks and LGBT folks don't want equal rights either, we all know that they want special rights just like the feared femi-nazis Sounds like you have some issues with women bro.
i prefer men over women. that's my issue.

the horror.
In what way?
i'm gay. is that what you want me to say. FUCK YOU.

Okay, listen to a real feminist:

Feminism is not ‘for the equality of all people’. Feminism is not ‘the belief that women should be treated the same as men.’ Feminism is not ‘the movement to make women equal to men in society.’ Feminism is not equalism.

Feminism is the liberation of women and girls all over the world from the patriarchy and misogyny that continues to harm and oppress them as a class of people. Feminism centres women unflinchingly and unapologetically. Feminism is the conversation about women’s issues in the world; without having to add some tokenistic sentence at the end acknowledging that men also experience some things too. Yah, we know. But we are talking about women right now, so hush.

The problem with saying that we are working towards women becoming equal to men is that it frames men and male cultures as being the optimum culture or the ideal goal that women should reach to become equal.

I’m here to say: what a crock of shit.
For women to be valid, whole human beings in society – feminism has got to move beyond this notion that women are striving for what men already have. I don’t want anything men already have. None of it. It’s a mess.

Why I don’t want women to become ‘equal to men’

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