feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

If you are so concerned about "right and wrong," this is totally WRONG. Selling OTHER people for their sexual parts is TOTALLY WRONG.

The sexual part was an after thought in both cases. It was the ability to cook, clean, launder and milk cows that was the primary concern.

Total cost of both women $0. Simply getting the mouth that needed to be fed and the body that needed to be clothed out of the house was payment enough in both cases. 1 in Europe and the other in New England.

No, still true in a lot of places. I worked a case with a family from Mexico, and the Dad had exactly that frame of mind when we gently broke it to him that his fifteen year old daughter could not be living with and sexually active with a 22 year old. They had hooked up in Mexico before coming here, when she was 13, and her Dad's first reaction was "who is going to feed her, then?" My answer had to be "you." He was not impressed.
If you are so concerned about "right and wrong," this is totally WRONG. Selling OTHER people for their sexual parts is TOTALLY WRONG.

The sexual part was an after thought in both cases. It was the ability to cook, clean, launder and milk cows that was the primary concern.

Total cost of both women $0. Simply getting the mouth that needed to be fed and the body that needed to be clothed out of the house was payment enough in both cases. 1 in Europe and the other in New England.

No, still true in a lot of places. I worked a case with a family from Mexico, and the Dad had exactly that frame of mind when we gently broke it to him that his fifteen year old daughter could not be living with and sexually active with a 22 year old. They had hooked up in Mexico before coming here, when she was 13, and her Dad's first reaction was "who is going to feed her, then?" My answer had to be "you." He was not impressed.

I know its true, but it's still lunacy.
If you are so concerned about "right and wrong," this is totally WRONG. Selling OTHER people for their sexual parts is TOTALLY WRONG.

The sexual part was an after thought in both cases. It was the ability to cook, clean, launder and milk cows that was the primary concern.

Total cost of both women $0. Simply getting the mouth that needed to be fed and the body that needed to be clothed out of the house was payment enough in both cases. 1 in Europe and the other in New England.

No, still true in a lot of places. I worked a case with a family from Mexico, and the Dad had exactly that frame of mind when we gently broke it to him that his fifteen year old daughter could not be living with and sexually active with a 22 year old. They had hooked up in Mexico before coming here, when she was 13, and her Dad's first reaction was "who is going to feed her, then?" My answer had to be "you." He was not impressed.

I know its true, but it's still lunacy.
It's hard economics, IM2. Happily, in this country we have gone way beyond having to make those kind of hard decisions.
Which is why, someplace deep in my heart, I still hope that Anathema is a mod's sock, because all I can do is deeply pity him if he is for real.
Following an eternity of men having supremacy over women, it is not surprising that change would eventually come.
Following an eternity of men having supremacy over women, it is not surprising that change would eventually come.

That's pure bullshit, women always had supremacy over men, they made men go to war, they made men kill other men. It's men who need equality not women.
Feminism's purpose is now to PUNISH Men for perceived indiscretions in the past. Specifically White Men.
Feminism about women having the same rights?

LOL! Since when? All you need to look at is how they champion Islam. Feminism is a giant shit test where women test whether men are so dumb that they put up with anything. If we are, it's time to replace us with our Islamist equivalents who don't tolerate bullshit.
Feminism's purpose is now to PUNISH Men for perceived indiscretions in the past. Specifically White Men.

Here we go with the whining about being a poor persecuted white man. Everything people oppose white men for doing are not only because of things done in the past. And things done n the past impact people now. But seems some white men choose to deny this until it is time to talk about things in the past that glorify them. End the psychosis fellas.
Following an eternity of men having supremacy over women, it is not surprising that change would eventually come.

That's pure bullshit, women always had supremacy over men, they made men go to war, they made men kill other men. It's men who need equality not women.

When have women ever made men go to war? Men invent dumb conflicts between themselves and then go fight about this stupid tripe. They have done so for generations when women were not allowed to have any participation in governance, but still were expected to obey the government. I have always thought that the men who started wars were jerks and that the men who got hoodwinked into putting their lives on the line for these stupid purposes should "just say 'no'. "
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Feminism about women having the same rights?

LOL! Since when? All you need to look at is how they champion Islam. Feminism is a giant shit test where women test whether men are so dumb that they put up with anything. If we are, it's time to replace us with our Islamist equivalents who don't tolerate bullshit.

Feminists like Islam because they feel it puts a restriction on women's passive sexuality through burqa(but it doesn't), and equalizes the sexual value for every women. Those ugly bitches can't bear other women getting ahead.
Feminism about women having the same rights?

LOL! Since when? All you need to look at is how they champion Islam. Feminism is a giant shit test where women test whether men are so dumb that they put up with anything. If we are, it's time to replace us with our Islamist equivalents who don't tolerate bullshit.

Are you nuts? Who champions Islam? All religions have strong woman-hating tendencies and teachings; all based on crazy superstitions about the female reproductive system and how it operates. It's time for all religions, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and every other religion, to face this shame of targeting one half of the world's population and take appropriate steps to remedy it.
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That's all I can think of to say.

Are you crazy??

When have women ever made men go to war? Men invent dumb conflicts between themselves and then go fight about this stupid tripe. They have done so for generations when women were not allowed to have any participation in governance, but still were expected to obey the government. I have always thought that the men who started wars were jerks and that the men who got hoodwinked into putting their lives on the line for these stupid purposes should "just say 'no'. "

When have women not made men go to war? Soldiers and kings went to war so they could get more riches, and why do you think they wanted more riches? So that they can hire prostitutes, maintain concubines, marry more women, and what are all these? Women or men? And what would have prostitutes, concubines, women got in this, satisfaction of their passive sexuality. So in essence men were going to war and killing other men so that they could satisfy women's passive sexuality, getting others to do your bidding is supremacy, that is what women did, women got their men to do their bidding so they could enjoy passive sexuality, their vanity. Without ever having to appear like greedy bad people. So women always had supremacy, and men require equality now. Soldiers and kings also had women, like their mothers, wives, sisters, aunts, all of these women would have also enjoyed the loot without ever having to fight anyone. That is real supremacy!

Yes we realized the garbage those like you believe is lunacy.

You didn't construct your sentence properly, so I can't understand it.
Feminism about women having the same rights?

LOL! Since when? All you need to look at is how they champion Islam. Feminism is a giant shit test where women test whether men are so dumb that they put up with anything. If we are, it's time to replace us with our Islamist equivalents who don't tolerate bullshit.

Feminists like Islam because they feel it puts a restriction on women's passive sexuality through burqa(but it doesn't), and equalizes the sexual value for every women. Those ugly bitches can't bear other women getting ahead.

What is this shit about "women's passive sexuality"? Just where does this junk come from? From the same place as "virtue signalling" or "feminazis" or "beta males"? These fantasies do nothing. What does "passive sexuality" even mean?
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