feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
"I just want to say to the men of this country: Just shut up and step up."

- Mazie Hirono -
You left off the most important part.

She said, "for a change".

That is the part that is not only galling but is the spotlight to her sexist attitudes.

If she had left it at that, without that last part, I would have just chalked it up to a woman who as pissed off about the whole issue.

But she didn't.

.... like Bill & Hillary?

No . Minimally like one set my great-grandparents. My great grandfather walked about 10 milesto my great grabdmother’s home, talked to her dad and 18 days later they were married. Preferably like another set of my great grandparents whose marriage was arranged by their fathers whem they were 11 years old.

Apparently, you believe that other relatives should arrange how the intimate flesh of their family members is treated. The people who are "supposed" to be in the bed are the ones who must decide whether to perform the sex act or not. All else is prostitution. What price does an unused vagina go for in your neighborhood? The very thought of selling a person's genitals is grossly vile and disgusting.

If you are so concerned about "right and wrong," this is totally WRONG. Selling OTHER people for their sexual parts is TOTALLY WRONG.
What is funny is that many of these men are not the least bit sexy to a heterosexual woman... We women are not supposed to say what we are attracted to. Naughty me.

What’s humorous is that you actually believe women’s opinions on anything should be given value.

What's funny is that you say you've been on a "spiritual search" and have come upon Right and Wrong--and this is what you came up with.

Sure, sure you did. Yep
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

You aren't speaking truth you are talking crazy. Those women have a right to be angry. I am a man and see no problem with them.
So you are fine with disrespecting one half of humanity and invading their flesh for some goal?

I have no respect for 95% of hunsnity. Respect is earned and most people live contrary to what is necessary to win my Respect.

Women have their place, as do Men. A woman’s place is below a Man, supporting Him and bearing His children. The idea of Love as a basis for relationships is a farce. We’ve forgotten that in the last century. We need to build a Society where the best breed and the rest of us go away. We can see the results of doing otherwise in our cities every day.

Congrats, you have an evil spirituality. You clearly do not know right from wrong at all
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Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.

You're no monster. You're still a child hurt by something and you need help.
feminism is about women having supremacy over men

No different than with the Blacks. Every minority group that has ever been given empowerment to be autonomous and equal has taken it and eventually used it instead to lord it over those that empowered them in the first place.

What does this prove?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Every group claiming white privilege and male toxicity has, when given equal position, ended up doing the very same things and being just as bad or even worse. In the final analysis, it may yet be shown that the white male actually remains one of the more fair and just sectors of society.

Psychosis. Hate to tell you buddy, but there hasn't been one white nation on earth colonized by non whites or women. Since this is not the race and racism section, I'm not going to continue talking about race here. But this is not about women wanting supremacy. But when you have forced others to submit all your life, their request for equality sounds like oppression to you.
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So you are fine with disrespecting one half of humanity and invading their flesh for some goal?

I have no respect for 95% of hunsnity. Respect is earned and most people live contrary to what is necessary to win my Respect.

Women have their place, as do Men. A woman’s place is below a Man, supporting Him and bearing His children. The idea of Love as a basis for relationships is a farce. We’ve forgotten that in the last century. We need to build a Society where the best breed and the rest of us go away. We can see the results of doing otherwise in our cities every day.

Congrats, you have an evil spirituality. You clearly do not know right from wrong at all

This man is satanically inspired. Women do have a place, that is with men. Women to do have a role, and its equal to the role men have. Sexism, like racism must be eradicated. But you cannot support one or pretend it doesn't exist and then expect the other to end.
Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.

You're no monster. You're still a child hurt by something and you need help.

Thank you for laying him down gently. We've all got emotional baggage from where we have been in our lives. I can write on USMB as a "white," or as a "woman," writing from whatever demographic group I'm in, courtesy of the circumstances of my birth and DNA. I've got a freight-train load of baggage, but this is from family. I would not dump it on anyone else. Anathema seems to want to dump it on anyone he can.

Good grief. This white girl was at the Vatican with a flipped mommy-dearest in a lacy veil. But I don't dump this on other people.
Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.

You're no monster. You're still a child hurt by something and you need help.

Thank you for laying him down gently. We've all got emotional baggage from where we have been in our lives. I can write on USMB as a "white," or as a "woman," writing from whatever demographic group I'm in, courtesy of the circumstances of my birth and DNA. I've got a freight-train load of baggage, but this is from family. I would not dump it on anyone else. Anathema seems to want to dump it on anyone he can.

Good grief. This white girl was at the Vatican with a flipped mommy-dearest in a lacy veil. But I don't dump this on other people.

We all have such things based on family. But we are talking abut public policies and laws that have purposefully created an adverse impact upon generations of women and I do believe that women who think should stand up to this and demand change. I am a man, and love women, so I know for certain that from my perspective if women are happier so are we as men.
Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.

You're no monster. You're still a child hurt by something and you need help.

Thank you for laying him down gently. We've all got emotional baggage from where we have been in our lives. I can write on USMB as a "white," or as a "woman," writing from whatever demographic group I'm in, courtesy of the circumstances of my birth and DNA. I've got a freight-train load of baggage, but this is from family. I would not dump it on anyone else. Anathema seems to want to dump it on anyone he can.

Good grief. This white girl was at the Vatican with a flipped mommy-dearest in a lacy veil. But I don't dump this on other people.

We are born with a conscience, consciousness, a mind and a heart. We, above all species, have the ability to transcend our DNA and the circumstances of our birth. I utterly reject that we are prisoners to our circumstances of birth and our "DNA", and so should you. It is to reject our very humanity. It is to say, for example, my parents were both scumbags, so I am destined to be a scumbag. Or my parents were privileged, so I'm destined to have a heart of stone.

Reject that nonsense or be a victim of Identity Politics. Free your mind. I have.
Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.

You're no monster. You're still a child hurt by something and you need help.

Thank you for laying him down gently. We've all got emotional baggage from where we have been in our lives. I can write on USMB as a "white," or as a "woman," writing from whatever demographic group I'm in, courtesy of the circumstances of my birth and DNA. I've got a freight-train load of baggage, but this is from family. I would not dump it on anyone else. Anathema seems to want to dump it on anyone he can.

Good grief. This white girl was at the Vatican with a flipped mommy-dearest in a lacy veil. But I don't dump this on other people.

We are born with a conscience, consciousness, a mind and a heart. We, above all species, have the ability to transcend our DNA and the circumstances of our birth. I utterly reject that we are prisoners to our circumstances of birth and our "DNA", and so should you. It is to reject our very humanity. It is to say, for example, my parents were both scumbags, so I am destined to be a scumbag. Or my parents were privileged, so I'm destined to have a heart of stone.

Reject that nonsense or be a victim of Identity Politics. Free your mind. I have.

Your mind is not free if you believe that identity politics garbage presented by people playing identity politics. This not about circumstances of birth or anything you said. It is about the reality of legal limitations created by enacting laws and plicies.
Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.

I had parents. I still have one. The loss of the other is a large part of what made me who and what I am today. I saw the folly of his Faith in God, and swore off organized religion forever. In my search for answers I found what I believe now... a type of raw Spirituality thst is almost mind numbingly simple, with only 2 tenants; Right and Wrong.

Ive gotten to see the black heart of humanity every day for the last 44 years, 2 months, and 6 days. I don’t worry myself as much with Respect as I do Fear. I’m a Monster to most - We’ll, FEAR the Monster. That way you leave it alone.

You're no monster. You're still a child hurt by something and you need help.

Thank you for laying him down gently. We've all got emotional baggage from where we have been in our lives. I can write on USMB as a "white," or as a "woman," writing from whatever demographic group I'm in, courtesy of the circumstances of my birth and DNA. I've got a freight-train load of baggage, but this is from family. I would not dump it on anyone else. Anathema seems to want to dump it on anyone he can.

Good grief. This white girl was at the Vatican with a flipped mommy-dearest in a lacy veil. But I don't dump this on other people.

We are born with a conscience, consciousness, a mind and a heart. We, above all species, have the ability to transcend our DNA and the circumstances of our birth. I utterly reject that we are prisoners to our circumstances of birth and our "DNA", and so should you. It is to reject our very humanity. It is to say, for example, my parents were both scumbags, so I am destined to be a scumbag. Or my parents were privileged, so I'm destined to have a heart of stone.

Reject that nonsense or be a victim of Identity Politics. Free your mind. I have.
I don't think that was her point at all, Sue.
Her point was that we all came from somewhere and we somehow work through it.
If you are so concerned about "right and wrong," this is totally WRONG. Selling OTHER people for their sexual parts is TOTALLY WRONG.

The sexual part was an after thought in both cases. It was the ability to cook, clean, launder and milk cows that was the primary concern.

Total cost of both women $0. Simply getting the mouth that needed to be fed and the body that needed to be clothed out of the house was payment enough in both cases. 1 in Europe and the other in New England.
If you are so concerned about "right and wrong," this is totally WRONG. Selling OTHER people for their sexual parts is TOTALLY WRONG.

The sexual part was an after thought in both cases. It was the ability to cook, clean, launder and milk cows that was the primary concern.

Total cost of both women $0. Simply getting the mouth that needed to be fed and the body that needed to be clothed out of the house was payment enough in both cases. 1 in Europe and the other in New England.

Anathema seems to want to dump it on anyone he can.

No. I leave it exactly where it belongs... at the feet of mankind and this grotesque society you embrace; and at the doors of the churches, temples, synagogues and mosques or organized religion that lull so many in to their doom.

I escaped the religion but I cannot undo 40+ years of interactions with people or the genetics that doomed me to this fate.

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