feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
You have to have, better arguments.
Yes feminists do need better arguments
Some people need better ears.
Others need to be corrected for their lack of accuracy such as giving poor examples of what level the playing field means
The thread proves that many people (men and women alike) stop developing intellectually when they are no longer required to by their school, vocation, etc. It is what gave us Trump; dumb people with voting rights.
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
This is why people voted for Bernie (the socialist) Sanders or "I'm with her". These dolts don't want to have to think, so want someone else to do it for them. Thank God, America woke up and smacked these dumbfucks back down for at least 3 or more generations.

Hillary got 3 million more votes than your messiah. Your analysis is criminally stupid.
Great to hear the pigs squeal
Until they are slapped and put back in their place...why else is there a 50 shades and more?

See?Hitting people because they don't agree with you? Demeaning people because they don't agree with you? The rest of the adult world does not find this funny. No adult would do this, but apparently this (I think) John Wayne thought that it was funny to assault and demean his fellow people.
What scum.

Relax; he’s an actor. The idiot you’re responding to also was critical of Sandra Bullock for “acting” tough. It’s kinda her job to act. He’s a world class dumbass. Don’t try to beat him in that category; you’ll lose.
"feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men"

That has always been the goal. Equality was never the goal.
Embarrassing as a Navy Vet to read your post.....were you at Tail Hook?
Why would that be relevant?

Tailhook was a massive ugly witch hunt against men. It ultimately cost lives both male and female.

Feminist battles such as tailhook actually support the op
There you go....Tail Hook was men molesting women and then stonewalling over it. They got what they deserved.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
You have to have, better arguments.
Yes feminists do need better arguments
Some people need better ears.
Others need to be corrected for their lack of accuracy such as giving poor examples of what level the playing field means
I thought they were fine examples of ingrained cultural bias that keeps women on a different playing field. Simply denying that they are issues is not actually an argument, either.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
You have to have, better arguments.
Yes feminists do need better arguments
Some people need better ears.
Others need to be corrected for their lack of accuracy such as giving poor examples of what level the playing field means
I thought they were fine examples of ingrained cultural bias that keeps women on a different playing field. Simply denying that they are issues is not actually an argument, either.
They do not even show a bias. They show individual choice.
"feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men"

That has always been the goal. Equality was never the goal.
Embarrassing as a Navy Vet to read your post.....were you at Tail Hook?
Why would that be relevant?

Tailhook was a massive ugly witch hunt against men. It ultimately cost lives both male and female.

Feminist battles such as tailhook actually support the op
There you go....Tail Hook was men molesting women and then stonewalling over it. They got what they deserved.
No it was not

There were actually few accusations of sexual assault or molestations at tailhook.

And those allegations were investigated intensively. The problem was circumstances not Stone walling.

The first and main accuser was Lt. Coughlin who could not identify her attackers. Yes the attackers refused to fess up but that is normal and not the responsibility of other men or the navy but that is who was held to blame.
The attack on her was in a dark corridor and no one even knows of the attackers were in the navy

Tailhook is an organization for currently serving, retired and FORMER naval aviators.

Meaning her attackers could have been civilians.

Either way her attackers did not get what they deserved and many innocent people were punished.

Cheering such injustice as you did is evidence that the op is valid
Not to scare you, but we already know how. Remember this scene? Don't let them fool you that it's all a Hollywood dream:

What's that? You lost me, OL. Is that a movie or something?
Yup. That's Scarlett OHara about two seconds before she pulls the handgun from behind her skirt and shoots a Yankee right between the eyes who is set on plundering her home and her. (Gone With the Wind)

Oh, I see. I never saw that movie. We didn't have a television growing up, so I don't know most of the popular movies people talk about. We got one in the late 70s, early 80s, and I just watched Bonanza and Happy Days reuns. Even now, I have one, but I never watch it. I've always meant to watch that one, though, just because people talk about it so much.

Anyway. OL, I think you're looking for an enemy where none exists. I'm not your enemy. Gimme a pat on the head telling me good boy, and maybe throw me a bone with an occasional blowjob, I'm a happy man, I don't complain. I'll do my chores and guard the front door, and go about my business. Generally speaking. Not you specifically.
? I do not think of you as an enemy AT ALL, N.C. I was simply pointing out that in a real pinch (and I do mean a REAL pinch), we all have the instinct to survive and to kill if necessary; it doesn't necessarily have to be the man in the house who does it.

But it's much better if he does, so we don't have to deal with the dead body.

I do think you should watch Gone With the Wind--it's four hours, though, so get lots of popcorn and save it for a shitty day when you don't even bother getting out of your sweat pants.

I saw it in a theater on a rainy day with my mother, who was a young girl in NYC in 1939. She brought sandwiches. Later in college, I took a boyfriend to see it. He stood up after Scarlet made her "As God is my witness, I will never go hungry again" speech, and asked me what I would like for dinner. I had to tell him to sit back down because there was a whole other half of movie to go. Poor Michael.
You seem to be a guy who forces himself on others. What makes you so important? Bet you're ugly and would not even be visible on my radar.

I’m not important. I don’t force myself on anyone. Now, if someone wants to exist in my orbit or be part of my life they need to meet my standards. It’s their choice. I’d rather have 2 friends I can trust than 2000 I can’t trust.

I’m ugly as sin. I have a full facial birthmark. You wouldn’t even acknowledge I exist. With your Feminist attitude you’re the type of women I used to walk out in the middle of dates with. Drop the cash on the table for my half the bill and just leave.

You simply do not understand that men have been given free rein to comment on women's physical sex appeal, or lack thereof, but do not want to get the same comments back. I'm just having fun pointing out that this is a two-way street. If a guy can say that a female is delicious, then I, as a heterosexual woman, can say that a male is delicious. I am questioning why there is a double standard.

Um, yes. I will still be attracted to my yum-yum. Sorry to be so heterosexual.
What the heck's an incel? I'm not looking it up. Last time I looked something up around here that someone said, it didn't go very well.
You simply do not understand that men have been given free rein to comment on women's physical sex appeal, or lack thereof, but do not want to get the same comments back. I'm just having fun pointing out that this is a two-way street. If a guy can say that a female is delicious, then I, as a heterosexual woman, can say that a male is delicious. I am questioning why there is a double standard.

You don’t understand... I don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else CAN do. I concern myself only with what Right and Wrong says people SHOULD do.

Men seek out certain female features for biologically engrained reasons as much as for aesthetics. What women enjoy in a Man is immaterial, since their opinions are irrelevant. Especially since I’d be totally fine going back to the system of arranged marriage that once existed in this country.
The title is 100% correct. Feminists only want the high paying jobs that men have. You don’t hear them advocating for the dirty shit jobs men do, or the dangerous ones that cause men to be the 90%+ that die at the workplace. Or how about having women get drafted into the military until they make up 50% of the personnel?

Every time you hear a dumb feminist c**t open their yaps about the “pay gap” just remind them of those facts.
There it is.....
Yes, there you are...

.... like Bill & Hillary?

No . Minimally like one set my great-grandparents. My great grandfather walked about 10 milesto my great grabdmother’s home, talked to her dad and 18 days later they were married. Preferably like another set of my great grandparents whose marriage was arranged by their fathers whem they were 11 years old.
You simply do not understand that men have been given free rein to comment on women's physical sex appeal, or lack thereof, but do not want to get the same comments back. I'm just having fun pointing out that this is a two-way street. If a guy can say that a female is delicious, then I, as a heterosexual woman, can say that a male is delicious. I am questioning why there is a double standard.

You don’t understand... I don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else CAN do. I concern myself only with what Right and Wrong says people SHOULD do.

Men seek out certain female features for biologically engrained reasons as much as for aesthetics. What women enjoy in a Man is immaterial, since their opinions are irrelevant. Especially since I’d be totally fine going back to the system of arranged marriage that once existed in this country.

The opinions of women are irrelevant? I truly feel sorry for your wife.
You simply do not understand that men have been given free rein to comment on women's physical sex appeal, or lack thereof, but do not want to get the same comments back. I'm just having fun pointing out that this is a two-way street. If a guy can say that a female is delicious, then I, as a heterosexual woman, can say that a male is delicious. I am questioning why there is a double standard.

You don’t understand... I don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else CAN do. I concern myself only with what Right and Wrong says people SHOULD do.

Men seek out certain female features for biologically engrained reasons as much as for aesthetics. What women enjoy in a Man is immaterial, since their opinions are irrelevant. Especially since I’d be totally fine going back to the system of arranged marriage that once existed in this country.

So you are fine with disrespecting one half of humanity and invading their flesh for some goal? You are saying that invading another person's body is okay. Good grief! Did you ever have parents? A religion? Were you never taught to respect other people? From your comments, it seems that you were raised in some sort of barroom or brothel.
feminism is about women having supremacy over men

No different than with the Blacks. Every minority group that has ever been given empowerment to be autonomous and equal has taken it and eventually used it instead to lord it over those that empowered them in the first place.

What does this prove?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Every group claiming white privilege and male toxicity has, when given equal position, ended up doing the very same things and being just as bad or even worse. In the final analysis, it may yet be shown that the white male actually remains one of the more fair and just sectors of society.
You simply do not understand that men have been given free rein to comment on women's physical sex appeal, or lack thereof, but do not want to get the same comments back. I'm just having fun pointing out that this is a two-way street. If a guy can say that a female is delicious, then I, as a heterosexual woman, can say that a male is delicious. I am questioning why there is a double standard.

You don’t understand... I don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else CAN do. I concern myself only with what Right and Wrong says people SHOULD do.

Men seek out certain female features for biologically engrained reasons as much as for aesthetics. What women enjoy in a Man is immaterial, since their opinions are irrelevant. Especially since I’d be totally fine going back to the system of arranged marriage that once existed in this country.

What "getting a girlfriend" meant for about two million years:

So you are fine with disrespecting one half of humanity and invading their flesh for some goal?

I have no respect for 95% of hunsnity. Respect is earned and most people live contrary to what is necessary to win my Respect.

Women have their place, as do Men. A woman’s place is below a Man, supporting Him and bearing His children. The idea of Love as a basis for relationships is a farce. We’ve forgotten that in the last century. We need to build a Society where the best breed and the rest of us go away. We can see the results of doing otherwise in our cities every day.

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