feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

Not to scare you, but we already know how. Remember this scene? Don't let them fool you that it's all a Hollywood dream:

What's that? You lost me, OL. Is that a movie or something?
Yup. That's Scarlett OHara about two seconds before she pulls the handgun from behind her skirt and shoots a Yankee right between the eyes who is set on plundering her home and her. (Gone With the Wind)

Oh, I see. I never saw that movie. We didn't have a television growing up, so I don't know most of the popular movies people talk about. We got one in the late 70s, early 80s, and I just watched Bonanza and Happy Days reuns. Even now, I have one, but I never watch it. I've always meant to watch that one, though, just because people talk about it so much.

Anyway. OL, I think you're looking for an enemy where none exists. I'm not your enemy. Gimme a pat on the head telling me good boy, and maybe throw me a bone with an occasional blowjob, I'm a happy man, I don't complain. I'll do my chores and guard the front door, and go about my business. Generally speaking. Not you specifically.
? I do not think of you as an enemy AT ALL, N.C. I was simply pointing out that in a real pinch (and I do mean a REAL pinch), we all have the instinct to survive and to kill if necessary; it doesn't necessarily have to be the man in the house who does it.

But it's much better if he does, so we don't have to deal with the dead body.

I do think you should watch Gone With the Wind--it's four hours, though, so get lots of popcorn and save it for a shitty day when you don't even bother getting out of your sweat pants.
"feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men"

That has always been the goal. Equality was never the goal.
Embarrassing as a Navy Vet to read your post.....were you at Tail Hook?
Why would that be relevant?

Tailhook was a massive ugly witch hunt against men. It ultimately cost lives both male and female.

Feminist battles such as tailhook actually support the op
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
No it is not.

It is a way of saying you want different outcomes as opposed to the same rights.
You seem to be a guy who forces himself on others. What makes you so important? Bet you're ugly and would not even be visible on my radar.

I’m not important. I don’t force myself on anyone. Now, if someone wants to exist in my orbit or be part of my life they need to meet my standards. It’s their choice. I’d rather have 2 friends I can trust than 2000 I can’t trust.

I’m ugly as sin. I have a full facial birthmark. You wouldn’t even acknowledge I exist. With your Feminist attitude you’re the type of women I used to walk out in the middle of dates with. Drop the cash on the table for my half the bill and just leave.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
You have to have, better arguments.
Not to scare you, but we already know how. Remember this scene? Don't let them fool you that it's all a Hollywood dream:

What's that? You lost me, OL. Is that a movie or something?
Yup. That's Scarlett OHara about two seconds before she pulls the handgun from behind her skirt and shoots a Yankee right between the eyes who is set on plundering her home and her. (Gone With the Wind)

Oh, I see. I never saw that movie. We didn't have a television growing up, so I don't know most of the popular movies people talk about. We got one in the late 70s, early 80s, and I just watched Bonanza and Happy Days reuns. Even now, I have one, but I never watch it. I've always meant to watch that one, though, just because people talk about it so much.

Anyway. OL, I think you're looking for an enemy where none exists. I'm not your enemy. Gimme a pat on the head telling me good boy, and maybe throw me a bone with an occasional blowjob, I'm a happy man, I don't complain. I'll do my chores and guard the front door, and go about my business. Generally speaking. Not you specifically.
? I do not think of you as an enemy AT ALL, N.C. I was simply pointing out that in a real pinch (and I do mean a REAL pinch), we all have the instinct to survive and to kill if necessary; it doesn't necessarily have to be the man in the house who does it.

But it's much better if he does, so we don't have to deal with the dead body.

I do think you should watch Gone With the Wind--it's four hours, though, so get lots of popcorn and save it for a shitty day when you don't even bother getting out of your sweat pants.

Exactly. Team work. lol.

Anyway, yeah, I'll probably watch it. I was thinking of either that one or North and South. They're both long, though.
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
You have to have, better arguments.
Yes feminists do need better arguments
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
No it is not.

It is a way of saying you want different outcomes as opposed to the same rights.
No, it is thinking critically about why women on television and in high end jobs are expected to wear short skirts, high heels and bare as much skin as possible, while a man dressed professionally wears a suit and tie, for instance.

It is analyzing why, when a woman in power says "shut up" it is so threatening that it requires a thread, when a man in power can say 'grab 'em by the pussy' and get elected President.

There are lots and lots of things we don't think about that we should.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
You have to have, better arguments.
Yes feminists do need better arguments
Some people need better ears.
Not to scare you, but we already know how. Remember this scene? Don't let them fool you that it's all a Hollywood dream:

What's that? You lost me, OL. Is that a movie or something?
Yup. That's Scarlett OHara about two seconds before she pulls the handgun from behind her skirt and shoots a Yankee right between the eyes who is set on plundering her home and her. (Gone With the Wind)

Oh, I see. I never saw that movie. We didn't have a television growing up, so I don't know most of the popular movies people talk about. We got one in the late 70s, early 80s, and I just watched Bonanza and Happy Days reuns. Even now, I have one, but I never watch it. I've always meant to watch that one, though, just because people talk about it so much.

Anyway. OL, I think you're looking for an enemy where none exists. I'm not your enemy. Gimme a pat on the head telling me good boy, and maybe throw me a bone with an occasional blowjob, I'm a happy man, I don't complain. I'll do my chores and guard the front door, and go about my business. Generally speaking. Not you specifically.
? I do not think of you as an enemy AT ALL, N.C. I was simply pointing out that in a real pinch (and I do mean a REAL pinch), we all have the instinct to survive and to kill if necessary; it doesn't necessarily have to be the man in the house who does it.

But it's much better if he does, so we don't have to deal with the dead body.

I do think you should watch Gone With the Wind--it's four hours, though, so get lots of popcorn and save it for a shitty day when you don't even bother getting out of your sweat pants.

Exactly. Team work. lol.

Anyway, yeah, I'll probably watch it. I was thinking of either that one or North and South. They're both long, though.
Never saw North and South.
Feminism is an exercise in insecure jealousy of men. European feminists proved it 100% by always insisting men sit down to piss because it's an "unfair male advatange." Guess what, feminist whores! Life ain't fair!

You're joking, right? This is a joke
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

Feminism is a scourge.

Real women--smart women--love, respect and admire the good men in their lives. And tell them so. And show them so. They laugh at the others (secretly) because laughter is good for the soul, and steer clear of the dangerous ones, or better yet, let their good men deal with the dangerous ones. Because men are better at it and they generally want to protect.

Feminists have this all twisted up so that the good men are dangerous and the bad men are victims. Because, as I stated, feminism is a scourge.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

Feminism is a scourge.

Real women--smart women--love, respect and admire the good men in their lives. And tell them so. And show them so. They laugh at the others (secretly) because laughter is good for the soul, and steer clear of the dangerous ones, or better yet, let their good men deal with the dangerous ones. Because men are better at it and they generally want to protect.

Feminists have this all twisted up so that the good men are dangerous and the bad men are victims. Because, as I stated, feminism is a scourge.

Feminists love, respect and admire the good men in their lives, too. The ones I know aren't twisted up in the least. If we want our daughters to get the respect they deserve, we need to set the stage for them.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
You have to have, better arguments.
Yes feminists do need better arguments
i am open to oil wrestling women, if they don't have an actual argument, but have a point and want to try their luck.
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
No it is not.

It is a way of saying you want different outcomes as opposed to the same rights.
No, it is thinking critically about why women on television and in high end jobs are expected to wear short skirts, high heels and bare as much skin as possible, while a man dressed professionally wears a suit and tie, for instance.

It is analyzing why, when a woman in power says "shut up" it is so threatening that it requires a thread, when a man in power can say 'grab 'em by the pussy' and get elected President.

There are lots and lots of things we don't think about that we should.
ok; that is one sector of our economy.

why don't women believe they can be Good friends, and fornicate us out of as many problems as they can?
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

Feminism is a scourge.

Real women--smart women--love, respect and admire the good men in their lives. And tell them so. And show them so. They laugh at the others (secretly) because laughter is good for the soul, and steer clear of the dangerous ones, or better yet, let their good men deal with the dangerous ones. Because men are better at it and they generally want to protect.

Feminists have this all twisted up so that the good men are dangerous and the bad men are victims. Because, as I stated, feminism is a scourge.
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Feminists love, respect and admire the good men in their lives, too. The ones I know aren't twisted up in the least. If we want our daughters to get the respect they deserve, we need to set the stage for them.
why does it sometimes seem, we need to keep our girlenemies closer than our girlfriends?
That equality has been achieved.

There are no rights men have which women do not have

Equal rights are the only reasonable equality one can ask for.

If feminists are asking for equality beyond equal rights than they are in fact fighting to oppress others.
I've never heard them ask for anything but to even the playing field. Like with the football kneelers, though, many people are not able to see the deeply ingrained bias in our culture and our systems as a whole that are unfair to women. Still.
That deeply ingrained bias is unproven and simply an idelogical belief.

Life or even modern civilization is not a level playing field for anyone male or female.

But you do seem to acknowledge that modern feminists no longer fight for equality.
"Even the playing field" is another way to say equality.
No it is not.

It is a way of saying you want different outcomes as opposed to the same rights.
No, it is thinking critically about why women on television and in high end jobs are expected to wear short skirts, high heels and bare as much skin as possible, while a man dressed professionally wears a suit and tie, for instance.

It is analyzing why, when a woman in power says "shut up" it is so threatening that it requires a thread, when a man in power can say 'grab 'em by the pussy' and get elected President.

There are lots and lots of things we don't think about that we should.
People do think critically of those issues.

Feminists put ideology over critical thinking.

Women and men are exepted to dress certain ways based on the situation.

The expectation of baring skin is not there and many women even like to where high heels.

Claiming that these things are evidence of inequality is ludicrous

There is no deserve or undeserved to why a thread is started.

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