Ferguson Grand Jury Must Not Be Going Well For Darren Wilson


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Interesting series of events....Grand jury extended for the investigation and Tom Jackson, the Ferguson Police Chief videotapes a mea culpa to Michael Brown's parents through a public relations firm, Devin James Group.

Sorry but this doesn't pass the smell test.

How fucking tacky. The Ferguson PD is so in the toilet they have to hire Mad Men to proactively clean up their impending mess that is coming. Get that video on YouTube....NOW.

In the meantime, Darren Wilson (and Eric Frein who shot the PA State cops) continues to stay in hiding...because that's what guilty people do. They run.

In a Video, Police Chief Of Ferguson Apologizes
another oops for da chief...
Key report in Michael Brown shooting doesn't exist, Ferguson police say
Record's absence follows alleged public information violations, delays
Key report in Michael Brown shooting doesn t exist Ferguson police say - Yahoo News

I don't know he keeps his job..

Ferguson is run by white people. That's how he keeps his job.

It's fun to see that they are shitting their panties and starting damage control. Someone has leaked info from the grand jury hearings.
It was extended to moderate the riots that will most likely occur when no charges are brought. It will be winter idiot.

I would hope that it's sincere.

If it was sincere he wouldn't be doing it through a public relations firm. Got it? They fed him his lines after a group of marketing reps wrote them.

I don't know. I didn't watch the video, but I read the transcript. It seems late, and it seems insincere, but then again, I might be jaded, hence my hope that it's sincere.
another oops for da chief...
Key report in Michael Brown shooting doesn't exist, Ferguson police say
Record's absence follows alleged public information violations, delays
Key report in Michael Brown shooting doesn t exist Ferguson police say - Yahoo News

I don't know he keeps his job..

From the article:

"""Yahoo News requested the report under Missouri’s public records laws. Ferguson City Clerk Megan Asikainen, who manages all municipal records, said multiple times that the document doesn’t exist."""

Anyone with half a brain should have known that when a cop goes into hiding after a so-called legitimate defense shooting, something is up.

I feel some consolation knowing that Darren fucking-racist-POS Wilson will never, ever have a day of peace for the rest of his miserable redneck life.


I would hope that it's sincere.

If it was sincere he wouldn't be doing it through a public relations firm. Got it? They fed him his lines after a group of marketing reps wrote them.

I don't know. I didn't watch the video, but I read the transcript. It seems late, and it seems insincere, but then again, I might be jaded, hence my hope that it's sincere.

No one who is sincere hires a PR firm and PAYS for apologies. Anyone on the FPD could whip out their iPhone and record that phony speech and then send it to the press.
It was extended to moderate the riots that will most likely occur when no charges are brought. It will be winter idiot.

What a leap. I'm sure you would be the envy of the Bolshoi Ballet with that one.

If there was a thread of evidence, the police officer would have been in custody weeks ago. It was an acceptable use of deadly force by a police officer.
What a lynch mob.

Blacks don't give a shit about our justice system or being civilized.

Can't wait for the facts as I have to rob a fucking store.
It a foregone conclusion there will be a trial. We've known that from the beginning.
Rioting on the street. Destruction of property. Disrespect for law and order. Disregard of due process.

Anyone would go into hiding under those conditions. A lynch mob formed by criminals can kill fast.

Would you prefer shooting to kill lynch mobbers for self defense?

All evidence points to justifiable homicide in self-defense by the Police officer.

Blacks threatening to loot the city again? Go for it. Prove yourself criminals with no regard for due process.

Just remember to loot and destroy your own neighborhood. Anywhere else and it's shoot to kill looters.
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There will be a trial if the grand jury finds probable cause. There is nothing to leak out of the grand jury. They are gathering evidence. Deliberations might start in late October or November.
Local news and the gossip mill don't have things going well for the Officer.

You have the above mentioned oddity.

The slow release of information on Wilson's exact wounds. Which just might be to not contaminate the witness pool. I guess.

The prosecutor is a member of the backstoopers organization. An honestly great charity which helps wounded or killed officers and their family. So yeah, he is in good with the police, but that is to be expected I suppose.

And yeah. The dumb adult Brown went and wrestled (and won) with a cop and got himself shot.

So here we are.

A dead black 18 year old

His heartbroken mother.

A cop who may just deserve convicted.

Blacks who rioted and lowered all our property values further.

A bunch of negative publicity thanks to the looters. Thanks guys for giving the racists in here more ammo.

A cop's family that is going to lose him.

And a general black eye for StLouis.

Great day over on West Florissant
another oops for da chief...
Key report in Michael Brown shooting doesn't exist, Ferguson police say
Record's absence follows alleged public information violations, delays
Key report in Michael Brown shooting doesn t exist Ferguson police say - Yahoo News

I don't know he keeps his job..

From the article:

"""Yahoo News requested the report under Missouri’s public records laws. Ferguson City Clerk Megan Asikainen, who manages all municipal records, said multiple times that the document doesn’t exist."""

Anyone with half a brain should have known that when a cop goes into hiding after a so-called legitimate defense shooting, something is up.

I feel some consolation knowing that Darren fucking-racist-POS Wilson will never, ever have a day of peace for the rest of his miserable redneck life.

Well, aren't you a sweetheart.

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