Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’


So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.

Of course.


So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.

Of course.


here's the thing. The Grand Jury has no transparency. We have no idea what evidence is being discussed in there.

that's why it WOULD be better to have this go to a trial. But the authorities in MO probably don't want that. Too many embarrassing questions would come up about how they do policing there.
I taught my son to respect others, not to rob stores and assault clerks. I also taught him it's a dumb ass move to punch a cop.

Okay. Guess what, kids often do things despite all the best things we teach them. Especially in that age range.

So you are totally good with a professional police officer shooting a kid six times if he shows bad judgement, or only if he shows bad judgement while black?
What do you suggest, should LEO stand idle and take an ass whooping from anyone that decides to assault them or just from black "kids" that are the size of grown ass men?

So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.

Of course.


here's the thing. The Grand Jury has no transparency. We have no idea what evidence is being discussed in there.

that's why it WOULD be better to have this go to a trial. But the authorities in MO probably don't want that. Too many embarrassing questions would come up about how they do policing there.
So you advocate changing our entire system of justice? Should we start sending everyone to trial even if they have no charges agianst them?
What do you suggest, should LEO stand idle and take an ass whooping from anyone that decides to assault them or just from black "kids" that are the size of grown ass men?

Don't cops take a self defense course anymore? They don't carry tasers? Night sticks? Practice un armed combat.
If you shot a person three times you couldn't overcome them without shooting them twice in the head? The cop was a scared pussy. Fact. With a chance to teach those black thugs a lesson. Execute the mother fuckers. So that's what the cop did.

And I figure you are probably good with the execution idea. The kid deserved it. Right? I have read a few posters saying exactly that.

SO call the shooting what it was. An execution and just say you support it.
We expect nothing less from you.
What do you suggest, should LEO stand idle and take an ass whooping from anyone that decides to assault them or just from black "kids" that are the size of grown ass men?

Don't cops take a self defense course anymore? They don't carry tasers? Night sticks? Practice un armed combat.
If you shot a person three times you couldn't overcome them without shooting them twice in the head? The cop was a scared pussy. Fact. With a chance to teach those black thugs a lesson. Execute the mother fuckers. So that's what the cop did.

And I figure you are probably good with the execution idea. The kid deserved it. Right? I have read a few posters saying exactly that.

SO call the shooting what it was. An execution and just say you support it.
We expect nothing less from you.
I have no idea if the shooting was an execution or not, nor do you. All we have is the limited leaked info, neither of us have all the facts. People should refrain from talking out of their ass when they are clueless. But we should not expect you to be capable of such.

If I am assaulted I have the right to defend myself with lethal force, same applies to LEO. If it is shown Wilson acted wrong I support max punishment for him. If it's shown that Big Mike assaulted the cop I support him protecting his life if that means lethal force then so be it.

As a side note your not equipped with the mental facilities to know what I think without me telling you.

So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.

Of course.


here's the thing. The Grand Jury has no transparency. We have no idea what evidence is being discussed in there.

that's why it WOULD be better to have this go to a trial. But the authorities in MO probably don't want that. Too many embarrassing questions would come up about how they do policing there.

s0n......bad news. Its late November last time I checked the calendar. The progressive narrative fell flat on its face months ago.

Its 30 degree's out there today..........and the water cannon vehicles are moving in to create living ice sculptures ftmfw!!!:eusa_dance:

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I'm sure that, if the cop isn't indicted, our President will rise to the occasion, bravely defend the decision, and clearly challenge those who would do damage to behave like intelligent, civilized citizens and stay calm. Because he has proven that he is color blind and that he is absolutely committed to bringing us all together.



:lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... RIGHT !!

:lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao: ..... :lmao: ....... :lmao:
I mean, I don't want my cops executing people in the street and normally, neither do you.

You and I don't want cops doing that. But these people on here responding to your posts, they are not normal, rational human beings. They hate blacks. They hate poor blacks even more. And they fantasize about shooting "thugs".

But I am positive if it had been a black cop killing a white kid, their story would be completely different.

And for the cops to see this kind of support for shooting an unarmed black kid has almost made it open season on black kids. Cleveland cops shot a 12 yo to death because he had a toy gun. Again. And after they (cops) get off their paid vacation I mean suspension, they will be fully exonerated.

The cops that shot the black guy in Walmart over a toy gun, oh well.

The cops in NYC who shot and killed a kid in a stairwell cause the lights were out and the cop was scared.
He MIGHT have a problem. But not much of one.

Yes sir. Cops don't even need a hunting licence. Just their badge and their gun and the hunt is on.
Either that or the police departments around the country are hiring the biggest bunch of pussies the cops have ever been cop that shot Brown was a big puss. You can see it when you look at the dude. Fucking scared ass puss.
Already had shot the kid three times then had to put two more in the head. That's an execution. Because the kid had scared the cop so bad he had to show how bad he was.

I hope the fucking cop has nightmares for the rest of his life. Cause the Grand Jury isn't gonna do shit.
The 'twelve year old' going on eighteen physically and five years mentally was waving a VERY accurate replica of a handgun.............with the orange tip REMOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at people in the park.
A concerned citizen, (negro) called 911.
When the police arrived he put the handgun in his waistband. When the police officers told him to put his hands up instead the negro reached for the handgun. He was then shot.
Those are the facts.
I mean, I don't want my cops executing people in the street and normally, neither do you.

You and I don't want cops doing that. But these people on here responding to your posts, they are not normal, rational human beings. They hate blacks. They hate poor blacks even more. And they fantasize about shooting "thugs".

But I am positive if it had been a black cop killing a white kid, their story would be completely different.

And for the cops to see this kind of support for shooting an unarmed black kid has almost made it open season on black kids. Cleveland cops shot a 12 yo to death because he had a toy gun. Again. And after they (cops) get off their paid vacation I mean suspension, they will be fully exonerated.

The cops that shot the black guy in Walmart over a toy gun, oh well.

The cops in NYC who shot and killed a kid in a stairwell cause the lights were out and the cop was scared.
He MIGHT have a problem. But not much of one.

Yes sir. Cops don't even need a hunting licence. Just their badge and their gun and the hunt is on.
Either that or the police departments around the country are hiring the biggest bunch of pussies the cops have ever been cop that shot Brown was a big puss. You can see it when you look at the dude. Fucking scared ass puss.
Already had shot the kid three times then had to put two more in the head. That's an execution. Because the kid had scared the cop so bad he had to show how bad he was.

I hope the fucking cop has nightmares for the rest of his life. Cause the Grand Jury isn't gonna do shit.
The 'twelve year old' going on eighteen physically and five years mentally was waving a VERY accurate replica of a handgun.............with the orange tip REMOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at people in the park.
A concerned citizen, (negro) called 911.
When the police arrived he put the handgun in his waistband. When the police officers told him to put his hands up instead the negro reached for the handgun. He was then shot.
Those are the facts.

The bubble dwellers don't care about the facts. Notice too, those same people don't give a flying fuck about black on black crime which is at stoopid levels in the inner cities. Lets face it,......the black leaders have blacks exactly where they want them........in the snake pit. Blame the whites and the police and keep getting votes. So damn sad.........
Oh, so you would have more COMMON SENSE than the grand jury.

Okay, check, got it.

Glad we straightened THAT out.

24 mutants who can't get out of jury duty? seriously?

So I'm just wondering what universe you need to shoot an unarmed kid six times at.
Spoken like a true Grubercrat with all the contempt you can muster for your fellow citizens performing their civic duty.

BTW, only ASSHOLES deliberately get out of jury duty.
So if the protestors in Ferguson were to simply arm themselves and organize into 'militias', then would you RWnuts support them?
They have every right to do that.

If they did, maybe they could keep their punk as kids from getting shot and shooting others.

It's a great idea.

So if the grand jury decides not to indict, it would be fair to assume that the evidence in the cop's favor outweighed the evidence against him enough that they felt an indictment was not appropriate.

Regardless of the skin color of the subjects, which is irrelevant.

No, it would tell me that the prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible.

It would tell black folks that they can't count on the justice system. And they'd be right.
Your contempt for your fellow citizens, and their performance of their duties, is telling..

Let me guess, IRL, you have no friends, right?
Dang I wish I was sitting watching the vids of the savages getting pwned by water cannon out there in Ferguson..........with some of these hyper-progressives!!!

"Shit s0ns......check that out.......living/moving ice sculptures!!! How sick is that?":blahblah::boobies::boobies::boobies:
"The protests in Ferguson, Mo., on Friday night grew larger than previous days’ gatherings of protesters, despite the rain and cold weather. Police officers used a megaphone to ask protesters to leave the street outside the Ferguson Police Department or they would be arrested. In this video, protesters responded by chanting"F— the police” and shouting “We don’t give a f— about your laws like you don’t give a f— about our lives.”

Ferguson Protests Grow Larger We Don t Give a F--- about Your Laws National Review Online

They loot the cops should shoot.


Wonder what their views are on copper jacketed lead travelling at 3200 fps.?
And directly to the straw man deflection we go.

Right on cue, always predictable.

Don't ever be curious, Joe. Your head would explode. Look at your side of the story only.

There no other side to this story. Brown was unarmed, and he didn't do anything that merited executing him in the middle of the street.

So punching a cop and trying to take his weapon is okay with you?
I mean, I don't want my cops executing people in the street and normally, neither do you.

You and I don't want cops doing that. But these people on here responding to your posts, they are not normal, rational human beings. They hate blacks. They hate poor blacks even more. And they fantasize about shooting "thugs".

But I am positive if it had been a black cop killing a white kid, their story would be completely different.

And for the cops to see this kind of support for shooting an unarmed black kid has almost made it open season on black kids. Cleveland cops shot a 12 yo to death because he had a toy gun. Again. And after they (cops) get off their paid vacation I mean suspension, they will be fully exonerated.

The cops that shot the black guy in Walmart over a toy gun, oh well.

The cops in NYC who shot and killed a kid in a stairwell cause the lights were out and the cop was scared.
He MIGHT have a problem. But not much of one.

Yes sir. Cops don't even need a hunting licence. Just their badge and their gun and the hunt is on.
Either that or the police departments around the country are hiring the biggest bunch of pussies the cops have ever been cop that shot Brown was a big puss. You can see it when you look at the dude. Fucking scared ass puss.
Already had shot the kid three times then had to put two more in the head. That's an execution. Because the kid had scared the cop so bad he had to show how bad he was.

I hope the fucking cop has nightmares for the rest of his life. Cause the Grand Jury isn't gonna do shit.

You're an idiot zeke..
It's been proven over and over on this board that conservatives dont give a damn what color the criminal is. If he deserves shooten,he deserves shooten,no matter what color they may be.

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