Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

Since I looked thru the last three pages of posts in this thread and found no mention of it:


The grand jury couldn't find enough evidence to charge him with anything. Meaning, they apparently decided he was legitimately defending himself when attacked by the 6'4" 250# teenager who grabbed for his gun.

As I recall, several witnesses (all black) corroborated the policeman's version of events.

Are the rent-a-mobs that someone bused in from out of town, burning the place down yet?


News from The Associated Press

Grand jury doesn't indict Ferguson cop in shooting

Associated Press
Nov 25, 12:11 AM EST

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- A grand jury declined Monday to indict white police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, the unarmed, black 18-year-old whose fatal shooting sparked weeks of sometimes-violent protests and inflamed deep racial tensions between many African-Americans and police.

Within minutes of the announcement by St. Louis County's top prosecutor, crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision. Some taunted police, shattered windows and vandalized cars. Several gunshots were also heard. Officers used tear gas to disperse the gatherings.
Not guilty....but of course. Grown man walks into a store in broad daylight touting "extremely high levels of THC''. Steals. Gets caught. Attempts to take cops revolver. Assaults cop. Gets shot in hand while failing to get revolver. Runs a short distance. THC kicks in. GROWN MAN turns around and charges cop a 2nd time. Done. Now what I'll always wonder is would the morons robbing the same store of liquor after the announcement have done the same with an indictment. But of course. And set their town on fire. Pure idiotic stupidity. I created this account to ONLY post my comment. I WON'T be back to read any "blah blah blah"! I have the LAST word........NUFF SED!!!
So much for the myth of the "peaceful protestors"......

And according to many of the black talking heads on the news, it was law enforcements fault for not protecting properties...

These neanderthals must be on crack...
So punching a cop and trying to take his weapon is okay with you?

If you can't hold your own in a fight, you shouldn't be a cop.

What a moron....you're this close to going on ignore.

You notice he has disappeared, he got his ass kicked by the decision.

No, I just don't stay up all night like you do wanking off to the thought of black folks being killed.

You need to see someone about that...
These african "americans" have every right to loot and burn their own communities.... Being the victims of white european colonialist oppression and all......
More reparations are needed !!!!!
Come on Joe. Whether LSU lost by 1 or 100 doesn't matter. One bullet can do the job but another 11 are insurance. Dead is dead,

Well, obviously, not, since this apparently law enforcement official couldn't disable a suspect with one shot.

Six of the shots missed and might have hit other people. I mean, imagine trying to find suspicious video on those folks.
Come on Joe. Whether LSU lost by 1 or 100 doesn't matter. One bullet can do the job but another 11 are insurance. Dead is dead,

Well, obviously, not, since this apparently law enforcement official couldn't disable a suspect with one shot.

Six of the shots missed and might have hit other people. I mean, imagine trying to find suspicious video on those folks.

Believe it or not, many citizens train more with their weapons than LEO. Not surprising why so many rounds miss. But thanks for unknowingly pointing out the benefits of 15 and 30 round magazines


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