Ferguson : They Lied

We already know of Witnesses 40, 41, Dorian Johnson, and certain other witnesses whose stories "kept changing" as the physical evidence came into play.

Thankfully, the Grand Jury had access to all of the objective evidence, in order to come to a better conclusion without having to rely on those liars.
Dirty case from the beginning and so much evidence withheld that it was impossible to get a fair and just decision.
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Yanno, if certain liberals are going to complain about this witness who lied in defense of Darren Wilson, they could at least have the decency to also complain about the witnesses who had been lying all along in defense of Michael Brown. Please stop justifying those political stereotypes.
Dirty case from the beginning and so much evidence with held that it was impossible to get a fair and just decision.

It wasn't a dirty case. It was an emotionally overblown case AND it was pretty damn cut and dry. It was the wrong case to latch on to.
There were quite a few witnesses who lied and were discredited by evidence.
Some said the gentle giant has his hands in the air or was on his knees when he was shot.
Turns out these witnesses finally admitted they heard someone say that and they didn't see it.
A "gentle giant" would not reach into the window of a police squad car and attempt to wrestle a police officer's gun away from him.
Dirty case from the beginning and so much evidence withheld that it was impossible to get a fair and just decision.

lol.......s0n......you do epic amounts of whistling past the graveyard. Its December......nobody cares anymore except the internet k00k left OCD's.....not even close to a stretch at this point. Look at the protests.......only attended by the anarchist mental cases who want to burn the constitution.

Bubble dwelling is ghey.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch did an excellent job on this Mike Brown case. He was re-elected by 96% of the voters after this case was reviewed by the Grand Jury. 24% of St. Louis County & their voters are Black. Blacks supported St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch's decision.
Being elected and re - elected does not prove that that the electors were right or smart.

Obama was elected and re- elected.

The only person who was right was Jonathon Gruber.

Presently suffering from the phony indignation of Congress who were elected and re - elected by the same idiots.
If the prosecutor kept the liars off the stand there would be no testimony about Brown having his hands up or getting shot in the back. All of the witnesses whose testimony was contradicted by the physical evidence would be excluded including Dorian Johnson.
If the prosecutor kept the liars off the stand there would be no testimony about Brown having his hands up or getting shot in the back. All of the witnesses whose testimony was contradicted by the physical evidence would be excluded including Dorian Johnson.

Not too sure any of these inner-city thugs know what the "truth" is in the first place.
You want to watch someone lie?
Last night O'Reilly interviewed B. Crump. You know. The attorney for BM's parents.
O'Reilly "Are you aware that BM's father. The guy named Head who screamed to the folks "Burn the ..... down!"
served five years for dealing illegal drugs and has two drug convictions?".
Crump "No I did not know that".
Ya fucking right Crump you lying piece of shit. The first thing you would have done is get a full criminal background check on everyone involved.
If you didn't you are more a fucking stupid simian than you look.
Wow...A lawyer dumber than Yurt

Prosecutor Says He Knew Some Witnesses Were Lying To The Ferguson Grand Jury

St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch says he knew some of the witnesses who said they saw Michael Brown get shot were lying, but he let them testify to the grand jury anyway.

Isn't that an ethic violation?

It almost sounds like he played prosecution and defense. Having people testify, who were knowingly lying, so he could then...counter his job a state prosecutor? What the ever living fuck? So he also knew witness 40 was lying and had her testify anyway? Except in that instance, the lying worked to the defense of former Officer Wilson. Odd that he didn't feel her testimony was worth debunking.

That was not/is not his job as a prosecutor. He had no duty to hold a chat room where everyone gets to chime in. The prosecutor controls every aspect of what a GJ will hear or see....as a prosecutor. Thus the old law school 101 adage, "A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, if they want." His job, as prosecutor, in front of a grand jury, was to show reasons to indict for a jury trial. His job was not to play both prosecutor and defense. His job was to secure an indictment as a prosecutor. If there wasn't enough evidence or reasonable suspicion to support an indictment, the GJ decides there's insufficient cause to proceed to a jury trial. Again, it is not his job to introduce or offer evidence against indicting. Which is what he and his team did.

It's not his job to present reasonable doubt. It's not his job to counter himself. It's not his job to present both sides of the story. It is his job to try an secure an indictment from a GJ.

Prosecutor Says He Knew Some Witnesses Were Lying To The Ferguson Grand Jury - BuzzFeed News
He was taking about the ones who were lying by saying Brown was on his knees with his hands in the air. Those liars later fessed up that they didn't know, and some said they weren't even there.
Yep. Leave it to idiot lefties to turn it around to make them look righteous.
Wow...A lawyer dumber than Yurt

Prosecutor Says He Knew Some Witnesses Were Lying To The Ferguson Grand Jury

St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch says he knew some of the witnesses who said they saw Michael Brown get shot were lying, but he let them testify to the grand jury anyway.

Isn't that an ethic violation?

It almost sounds like he played prosecution and defense. Having people testify, who were knowingly lying, so he could then...counter his job a state prosecutor? What the ever living fuck? So he also knew witness 40 was lying and had her testify anyway? Except in that instance, the lying worked to the defense of former Officer Wilson. Odd that he didn't feel her testimony was worth debunking.

That was not/is not his job as a prosecutor. He had no duty to hold a chat room where everyone gets to chime in. The prosecutor controls every aspect of what a GJ will hear or see....as a prosecutor. Thus the old law school 101 adage, "A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, if they want." His job, as prosecutor, in front of a grand jury, was to show reasons to indict for a jury trial. His job was not to play both prosecutor and defense. His job was to secure an indictment as a prosecutor. If there wasn't enough evidence or reasonable suspicion to support an indictment, the GJ decides there's insufficient cause to proceed to a jury trial. Again, it is not his job to introduce or offer evidence against indicting. Which is what he and his team did.

It's not his job to present reasonable doubt. It's not his job to counter himself. It's not his job to present both sides of the story. It is his job to try an secure an indictment from a GJ.

Prosecutor Says He Knew Some Witnesses Were Lying To The Ferguson Grand Jury - BuzzFeed News
He was taking about the ones who were lying by saying Brown was on his knees with his hands in the air. Those liars later fessed up that they didn't know, and some said they weren't even there.
The woman witness for the prosecution admitted she wasn't there. She's admitted to being arrested and for prior perjury. She said she saw Brown charge toward Wilson.
And more witnesses supporting brown have been discredited. The facts of the case support Wilson. Get over it.
Told you this from the beginning. No way there were that many witnesses but if he had excluded Mikeys friends and apologists he would have been called a racist and the system would be said to be broken.
St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch did an excellent job on this Mike Brown case. He was re-elected by 96% of the voters after this case was reviewed by the Grand Jury. 24% of St. Louis County & their voters are Black. Blacks supported St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch's decision.
Being elected and re - elected does not prove that that the electors were right or smart.

Obama was elected and re- elected.

The only person who was right was Jonathon Gruber.

Presently suffering from the phony indignation of Congress who were elected and re - elected by the same idiots.
Getting a small majority is a function of money spent swaying stupid people. Winning 96% percent without campaigning is clearly the will of the smart people.
Properly investigating this photo proves how & why so many blacks at Canfield Green lied.

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