Fetus can't feel pain before 24 weeks, study says

This question has probably been asked a million times, but why is it these pro-lifers only give a shit about a baby before it's born? Afterwards it could go fuck itself for all they care regardless of the conditions or situation it was born into.

Hypocritical assholes.

What a disingenuous bunch of horseshit. Me personally, I have always supported a woman's right to choose...it's her body after all....but to say that pro lifers don't care about kids or the conditions they are raised in is an out and out LIE.....you think a socialist nation where the government coddles you from day one until you drop dead on the factory floor is the way to go? FUCK THAT!!!
You make your own way through life and make your own opportunities in life based on the values and morals taught to you by your parents. It's NOT the governments job to be your fucking parents.

exactly, and when you are ab orn to a crackhead with 10 other kids because she coulnd't get an abortion what morals and values do you see the kid being taught?

I know what you are saying, but I still defend the right of that unborn child to live. No one knows what will happen in that child's life and how much joy that child will experience in life. Life is hard for all... er many of us, maybe not those who were born with silver spoons in their mouths, so simply saying "what if" doesn't justify eliminating life unnaturally and early.

Objectively speaking, who is more qualified to access when pain is felt?

A leading anesthesiologist?
Baby butchers?
Oh you want objective reasoning now? Well, objectively, the most qualified person to assess when pain is felt is embryology and neurology researchers, followed by pediatric anesthesiologists, followed by adult anesthesiologists. Abortionists come pretty far down on the list. Coincidentally, it just so happens that the study was in fact performed by embryology and neurology researchers, and endorsed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Also, objectively speaking, the objective research of such groups is better qualified to draw conclusions about the topic than the SUBJECTIVE opinion of an anesthesiologist in the 80s. It's funny that you want to make this objective when your one and ONLY source has been subjective non-researched opinion from one person 3 decades ago.

I provide updated relevant recommendations from a credible source.

No, you provide nothing but a propaganda piece, concocted by those who butcher babies.
Propaganda piece? That's funny, because you used the same source on the previous page, the royal college of obstetricians and gynaecologists, when they were being mislead years ago. Now that they've actually looked at factual information, everything they say is concocted and they are baby butchers?

Funny how the same source is only valid when it says what you want it to say. You're still speaking objectively, right?
so scientists can't track creation of nerves?

There is not just one body involved here. There are two human beings. The fetus is a separate human being from the mother. That's a scientific reality.

which has what to do with determining if a fetus feels pain?

Allow me to put you under anesthesia so you feel no pain and then allow me to suck your brains out. Okay?
I remember when the vet used to say cats and dogs don't feel pain from their surgeries too. An amoeba reacts to pain stimulus. I might buy that a fetus doesn't have the same pain system as a developed child, but these folks are just plain wrong in their assessment.
I remember when the vet used to say cats and dogs don't feel pain from their surgeries too. An amoeba reacts to pain stimulus. I might buy that a fetus doesn't have the same pain system as a developed child, but these folks are just plain wrong in their assessment.

how do you feel pain without a functioning nervous system?
Does this all give license to killing people as long as they don't feel it? I'm sure that I can give you a little morophine while you sleep and dismember you. No pain at all.
Does this all give license to killing people as long as they don't feel it? I'm sure that I can give you a little morophine while you sleep and dismember you. No pain at all.

no, idiot, but it knocks down the arguement that abortion is wrong because fetuses feel pain
I remember when the vet used to say cats and dogs don't feel pain from their surgeries too. An amoeba reacts to pain stimulus. I might buy that a fetus doesn't have the same pain system as a developed child, but these folks are just plain wrong in their assessment.

how do you feel pain without a functioning nervous system?

Take it up with a one-celled amoeba.

Why should a 24 week old fetus have to feel pain anyways? It is supposed to be in a protected environment.
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I remember when the vet used to say cats and dogs don't feel pain from their surgeries too. An amoeba reacts to pain stimulus. I might buy that a fetus doesn't have the same pain system as a developed child, but these folks are just plain wrong in their assessment.

reacting to a stimulus is not the same as feeling pain.

Before 24 weeks, a fetus feels NO pain. They have no "pain system".
I remember when the vet used to say cats and dogs don't feel pain from their surgeries too. An amoeba reacts to pain stimulus. I might buy that a fetus doesn't have the same pain system as a developed child, but these folks are just plain wrong in their assessment.

how do you feel pain without a functioning nervous system?

How do some people function without a brain? They must because I see people around here who are so damn stupid they can't wipe their asses correctly and yet are making posts all the time.
Considering that premature babies born earlier that 24 for weeks can survive, it's highly unlikely that in the womb, they can't feel pain. In the UK, premature babies are declared viable and worthy of saving if they are at least 22 weeks. What this research really means is that for 2 weeks, it's okay to kill a viable fetus before it's born.

I'm highly skeptical of British Research in this area. They have a budgetary incentive to not save babies.

Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.

Sarah Capewell begged them to save her tiny son, who was born just 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy - almost four months early.

They ignored her pleas and allegedly told her they were following national guidelines that babies born before 22 weeks should not be given medical treatment. ...

Premature baby 'left to die' by doctors after mother gives birth just two days before 22-week care limit | Mail Online
Does this all give license to killing people as long as they don't feel it? I'm sure that I can give you a little morophine while you sleep and dismember you. No pain at all.

no, idiot, but it knocks down the arguement that abortion is wrong because fetuses feel pain

It is funny though, I have never heard or read any pro-life people that make that claim especially not as the sole basis for their argument. I have, however, read pro-choicers who make the claim that is the case.

edit: in fact, like with Sangha, I seem to remember that the lack of feeling pain is a justification for allowing abortions. It seems like the argument is that since the fetus cannot feel pain that makes it acceptable to abort the fetus.

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Does this all give license to killing people as long as they don't feel it? I'm sure that I can give you a little morophine while you sleep and dismember you. No pain at all.

no, idiot, but it knocks down the arguement that abortion is wrong because fetuses feel pain

It is funny though, I have never heard or read any pro-life people that make that claim especially not as the sole basis for their argument. I have, however, read pro-choicers who make the claim that is the case.


Then you haven't heard or read the pro-life arguments against third-trimester abortions. Here's a link to Reagan making the argument

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"Progressives" (now that's funny) will use any excuse they can find to justify murdering a human being in the womb. It can't feel pain, it isn't human, it can't live on it's own, etc, etc. None of those excuses can overcome the fact that the fetus is a human being. Not part human, but entirely human even before conception. A human egg and a human sperm.
"Progressives" (now that's funny) will use any excuse they can find to justify murdering a human being in the womb. It can't feel pain, it isn't human, it can't live on it's own, etc, etc. None of those excuses can overcome the fact that the fetus is a human being. Not part human, but entirely human even before conception. A human egg and a human sperm.

A fetus doesn't exist "before conception" :cuckoo:
no, idiot, but it knocks down the arguement that abortion is wrong because fetuses feel pain

It is funny though, I have never heard or read any pro-life people that make that claim especially not as the sole basis for their argument. I have, however, read pro-choicers who make the claim that is the case.


Then you haven't heard or read the pro-life arguments against third-trimester abortions. Here's a link to Reagan making the argument

Reagan on Fetal Pain During Abortion

Thank you.

I am trying to download the link but not getting the full copy at the moment for some reason. Give me a minute.


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