Fetus can't feel pain before 24 weeks, study says

Tacit consent. Not! There is no such thing as tacit consent in a rape.
Who said anything about rape?

If you haven't done anything about the pregnancy for six months, you've clearly consented to the pregnancy and the birthing, since you had ample opportunity to prevent pregnancy or end the pregnancy before the child developed.
Sounds like you are one of those twisted people who would punish a woman for having sex by forcing her to give birth.

Right... and making a man pay child support is punishing him for having sex :rolleyes:

Responsibility isn't punishment- it's responsibility and being a decent human being.

I think that is just about one of the most perverted things humans will do to another human. Not to mention using the innocent child that will be born from such a crime as an instrument of punishment.

A fetus has not taken breath. A woman has.

So if you give birth underwater, can feel free to do anything I want to the child, since it hasn't taken a breath?

JD tried the same moronic bullshit in the What should abortion laws be? thread. Cecile and I already addressed and refuted it- for 75 pages.
Ah so they cant feel pain they must not be People yet eh. I guess we might as well kill all the paralyzed people right now. After all there not people.

the lengths people will go to, to justify KILLING BABIES for just about any reason, is appalling to me.

If you are a women and you had an abortion for any but the most extreme reason, You are not worthy of life yourself IMO. Definitely if the only reason you did it was because you just weren't ready or didn't want a baby right now. You my friend are SCUM.

Any parent will tell you nobody is ready until they hold their kid the first time. :)

You dumbass, it's "Their" not people.

Illiterate grammar police should be shot.


You are a fucking moron.
Tell that to the thousands of fathers out there paying child support for kids they didn't want.

That would be me. I met this woman New years eve she got pregnant been paying child support ever since. Never once did I suggest that she have an abortion. Now that he's almost 17 thank God she didn't.

No I wouldn't do so either. That isn't what I was saying.

I am of the opinion that it is patently unfair to tell a father that he has no say in whether a woman keeps his child or not and then turn right around and tell him that if she keeps it he MUST pay child support. A man should certainly have some say in a decision that will affect him for the rest of his life.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was using me as an example of men paying child support.
Tacit consent. Not! There is no such thing as tacit consent in a rape.
Who said anything about rape?

If you haven't done anything about the pregnancy for six months, you've clearly consented to the pregnancy and the birthing, since you had ample opportunity to prevent pregnancy or end the pregnancy before the child developed.
Sounds like you are one of those twisted people who would punish a woman for having sex by forcing her to give birth.

Right... and making a man pay child support is punishing him for having sex :rolleyes:

Responsibility isn't punishment- it's responsibility and being a decent human being.

I think that is just about one of the most perverted things humans will do to another human. Not to mention using the innocent child that will be born from such a crime as an instrument of punishment.

A fetus has not taken breath. A woman has.

So if you give birth underwater, can feel free to do anything I want to the child, since it hasn't taken a breath?

JD tried the same moronic bullshit in the What should abortion laws be? thread. Cecile and I already addressed and refuted it- for 75 pages.

Don't forget about old people on oxygen pumps. Fuck them, they aren't breathing on their own, they ain't human, so it ain't murder.
Whether a fetus can feel pain or not isn't what makes it human life. It's human life and aborting it is killing it.

What of the braindead?

Once [the emergence of the sentient mind] occurs, we are dealing with a sentient mind- a true person. Prior to the emergence of the mind capable of perceiving its own existence and/or the world around it , we are dealing with a living entity that possesses no selfhood . Thus, ending the life of such a creature is fundamentally the same as letting the body of the braindead die- the individual does not exist as such and the tissue itself possesses only sentimental value in its association in our minds with the individual.
Viability isn't really a set point or all that useful, as technological improvements allow us to save preemies that would have died ten or twenty years ago and there's always the possibility of a child developing slowly or having a medical condition that must be treated after birth to ensure survival. Thus,m I find the concept of 'viability' to be of limited usefulness. Additionally, a child with no midbrain or real head, but with a functioning brainstem can be 'viable' in that the brainstem can ensure that the heart and lungs function, yet we're dealing with a creature that has no consciousness- not only it effectively braindead, it never was and never will be aware of its own existence. This is why I think we should focus on consciousness and and the earliest point at which a conscious mind appears to develop.
I stand by the above.
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That would be me. I met this woman New years eve she got pregnant been paying child support ever since. Never once did I suggest that she have an abortion. Now that he's almost 17 thank God she didn't.

No I wouldn't do so either. That isn't what I was saying.

I am of the opinion that it is patently unfair to tell a father that he has no say in whether a woman keeps his child or not and then turn right around and tell him that if she keeps it he MUST pay child support. A man should certainly have some say in a decision that will affect him for the rest of his life.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was using me as an example of men paying child support.

Ok, I was just clarifying b/c I got absolutely hammered by the feminatzis down in the abortion thread in the flame forum when I suggested that they will never get rid of "dead beat dads" until they address this inequality in the law. Oddly gslack , a dude, led the charge..............
Where is the equality here? The kid loses and the woman is not a mother. I guess if you consider lose-lose equality you got me. A win-win is the child is born and adopted. Many people can benefit from that and a possible relationship in the future is preserved.

Tell that to all the kids in foster homes. Too bad some states won't let homosexuals or single mothers/fathers adopt. But hey, I guess no parents is better than one or two of the same gender, right? :eusa_eh:
A good subject, but one for its own thread.
How does a woman lose by not becoming the mother of a child she does not want? How does she lose by not being pregnant for 9 months? How does she lose by not going through the emotional trauma of abandoning her child?

Oh please. Boo hoo hoo, she gives her baby up for adoption and feels she abandoned him. Waaaah. But hey, let's just rip 'em apart and kill 'em before he pops out and hey, it's all good. Give me a break.
Obviously you have no human feelings at all if you can't feel compassion for a woman who must give up her child.

Why should we 'feel for' a woman who acts out of her own will and volition and strictly for her own interests?

It's the child I feel for.
Oh please. Boo hoo hoo, she gives her baby up for adoption and feels she abandoned him. Waaaah. But hey, let's just rip 'em apart and kill 'em before he pops out and hey, it's all good. Give me a break.
Obviously you have no human feelings at all if you can't feel compassion for a woman who must give up her child.

Why should we 'feel for' a woman who acts out of her own will and volition and strictly for her own interests?

It's the child I feel for.

They have made clear. It isn't a child to them, just property. Hmm, sounds like slavery to me
Really depends on the other humans in question.

Adolph Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, murderers, rapists, sociopaths definitely less value.

you don't know anything about a child until it becomes an adult. You may just have murder another barrack obama. That isn't for you, me or anyone else to decide

You're wrong.

It's for the woman who is pregnant to decide and perfectly legal. Men have no dog in this fight and should butt out.

By your reasoning, I [directly or indirectly through the State] should but out of any homicide case in which I am neither victim nor assailant, since I've 'no dog in the fight'. Indeed, your argument serves to attack the very foundation of the Law and civilized society more than anything else.
Obviously you have no human feelings at all if you can't feel compassion for a woman who must give up her child.

Why should we 'feel for' a woman who acts out of her own will and volition and strictly for her own interests?

It's the child I feel for.

They have made clear. It isn't a child to them, just property. Hmm, sounds like slavery to me
They are going to love you after they read that last comment.:lol:
Why should we 'feel for' a woman who acts out of her own will and volition and strictly for her own interests?

It's the child I feel for.

They have made clear. It isn't a child to them, just property. Hmm, sounds like slavery to me
They are going to love you after they read that last comment.:lol:

Don't care. I blocked about 5 of them tonight and will continue to do so, I'm just not going to play their stupid games anymore. They are fucking idiots
Tacit consent. Not! There is no such thing as tacit consent in a rape.
Who said anything about rape?

If you haven't done anything about the pregnancy for six months, you've clearly consented to the pregnancy and the birthing, since you had ample opportunity to prevent pregnancy or end the pregnancy before the child developed.

Right... and making a man pay child support is punishing him for having sex :rolleyes:

Responsibility isn't punishment- it's responsibility and being a decent human being.

I think that is just about one of the most perverted things humans will do to another human. Not to mention using the innocent child that will be born from such a crime as an instrument of punishment.

A fetus has not taken breath. A woman has.

So if you give birth underwater, can feel free to do anything I want to the child, since it hasn't taken a breath?

JD tried the same moronic bullshit in the What should abortion laws be? thread. Cecile and I already addressed and refuted it- for 75 pages.

Don't forget about old people on oxygen pumps. Fuck them, they aren't breathing on their own, they ain't human, so it ain't murder.

Wait a second.....those people should have had their genes mapped when they were born....and when the predisposition to have enphysema was discovered...they should have been euthenized to prevent them from becoming a burden on society their whole lives. Let's make gene mapping of new borns the law right eugenics supporters?:cuckoo:
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it's murder.

No, it's not. 'Murder' is a legal term. JD tried the same shit and Cecile and I handled this in the other thread..
It's murder whether it's painful or not. You loons are the ones who are always trying to justify it by saying babies aren't alive


Cecile and I already addressed this in the other thread. Now cite where we've asserted such a thing.
haven't achieved "personhood".

If the brain structures are not present, they cannot be functioning. Hence, the mind that arises from their operation cannot exist. There is no existent individual to be dealt with, only living tissue.

Tissue has no rights. Individuals have rights. That's why I have rights while my arm does not.

People who support abortion are the only ones affected by the knowledge that babies don't feel pain prior to 24 weeks. It makes you feel better about killing babies. Good for you.


Cows feel pain. I have no problem with killing (and eating) them, although my personal morality is such that I believe it should be done as painlessly as possible. The same principle of minimizing the pain (see:harm) we cause can be applied here, as well.
Wow, a study supporting the baby butcher industry published by people who support baby butchering, documented by baby butchers themselves!

Well, any idea of you being an honest party just went out the window.

You use of such emotion-laden language shows that you're incapable of honest discourse.

I'll pay you no further mind
Pro-choice simply means believing that the individual has the right to make the choice...not someone else.

It would be easy enough to eliminate the vast majority of abortions. Sell the morning after pill over the counter in all the places condoms are sold.

But of course this outrages the control freaks among us because it means that women might get the idea that they are free to have sex whenever they want to have sex.

And when you get right down to it, "conservatives" are more concerned with making women think sex is shameful than they are about abortion...forbidding abortion is just one of their tools to accomplish that goal....
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Pro-choice simply means believing that the individual has the right to make the choice...not someone else.

It would be easy enough to eliminate the vast majority of abortions. Sell the morning after pill over the counter in all the places condoms are sold.

But of course this outrages the control freaks among us because it means that women might get the idea that they are free to have sex whenever they want to have sex.

And when you get right down to it, "conservatives" are more concerned with making women think sex is shameful than they are about abortion...forbidding abortion is just one of their tools to accomplish that goal....

What the fuck are you babbling it? No one I know gives a shit how many guys you let poke you. I have no control over the FDA and their approval of the morning after pill. However, why not just take regular birth control which IS available and virtually eliminate the concern? I mean the pill is what 98% effective? Don't like the pill, there are other options. No one keeps you from exploring those options.

You dummy
If you don't give a shit cornjob you might want to avoid spending all night discussing it.

I hadn't posted once all night about your sex life Ravi, frankly I couldn't possibly think of something more revolting.

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