Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007

Manufacturing has become more automated, plus it's being shipped out of the country and you can thank Billy Boy Clinton for that. And also 20million illegal immigrants is taking JOBS from American citizens because nothing is being enforced by the wonderful government... and Now Obama wants to bring them into the fold for supposedly "out of the shadows "and give them AMNESTY on top of not enough jobs as it is.

so who's fault is it all
There Were 1.9 Persons Per Job Opening in October 2014 The Economic Populist

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Table 1. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region seasonally adjusted

There are 4.8 million jobs available. That works out to something like 1.9 persons per job. Not very competitive. Just 1.9 persons per job.

So, why the amount of unemployment? Republicans want to blame it on Obama.

And read the comments under the videos. Bullshit like I know someone who never finished high school and makes four times what college graduates make. Dumbass right wingers. Always saying the must ridiculous bullshit and expecting normal people to believe it.

This is why business wants immigrants. Why Red State governors go to Blue States looking for competent workers. Right wingers can't make it running on stupid. The only thing they have is the vote. And every year that will count less as more people understand the value of education. Immigrants won't take Republican jobs because Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs to begin with. And things will never get better for them as long as they have this ridiculous notion the country depends on them.

How come when you talk you always sound stupid?

Because you come from the Bizarro world? That would be my best guess.


Sounds like your creed, stupid.

There is NO PROBLEM is the US Education system, that would not be resolved the INSTANT the Left is removed from the Education equation.

To try and do anything which includes the Left, is a waste of time and money.

Nature will solve this problem... and all signs indicate that it is going to do so, very soon.

Seeing as you're a deranged partisan hack on this issue, there's no need to continue the conversation farther. Try not to be too overly excited as the failures of our education system continue to harm America.
Really. Walmart just built a new store about a mile from me. They employ about two humans on the registers there. They have another six or eight self-checkout registers. It's working out great. For some time now McDonalds had had photos on their registers of the Big Mac, fries, and other menu items enabling the clerk to just poke a photo to charge your order. I foresee a menu screen that customers simply key the photo of what the want, pay for it via debit card, take their receipt and sit down until called forth to get their order. Might be they can design a conveyor belt style delivery system whereby the tray moves down a conveyor while robotics grabs a Big Mac, their fries, and dispenses their drink without the need for human intervention.

If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there.
Really. Walmart just built a new store about a mile from me. They employ about two humans on the registers there. They have another six or eight self-checkout registers. It's working out great. For some time now McDonalds had had photos on their registers of the Big Mac, fries, and other menu items enabling the clerk to just poke a photo to charge your order. I foresee a menu screen that customers simply key the photo of what the want, pay for it via debit card, take their receipt and sit down until called forth to get their order. Might be they can design a conveyor belt style delivery system whereby the tray moves down a conveyor while robotics grabs a Big Mac, their fries, and dispenses their drink without the need for human intervention.

If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there.

I love Walmart. I shop there all the time. Where on earth did you conclude that I didn't like Walmart?
I'm an engineer. Automation is not taking my job away. Actually, I just designed and built an automated jet engine test facility for the military.
I love Walmart. I shop there all the time. Where on earth did you conclude that I didn't like Walmart?
I'm an engineer. Automation is not taking my job away. Actually, I just designed and built an automated jet engine test facility for the military.

I never said that you don't like Walmart. I said that if you don't like them, you don't have to shop there. Nobody has to shop there. Personally, I hate Walmart. I hate their way of doing business, I hate everything about them at this point. But obviously a great many people want them to exist, as many people continually support their existence. Nobody can complain about the way Walmart does business if they are continually willing to support it.
I love Walmart. I shop there all the time. Where on earth did you conclude that I didn't like Walmart?
I'm an engineer. Automation is not taking my job away. Actually, I just designed and built an automated jet engine test facility for the military.

I never said that you don't like Walmart. I said that if you don't like them, you don't have to shop there. Nobody has to shop there. Personally, I hate Walmart. I hate their way of doing business, I hate everything about them at this point. But obviously a great many people want them to exist, as many people continually support their existence. Nobody can complain about the way Walmart does business if they are continually willing to support it.

Well, people are people. Most don't wish to cut off their noses to spite their faces. People shop at Walmart to get their goods cheaper. Why pay more of your dollars just to prove a point that has already been lost ten times over?

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