Fewer doctors take Medicare

But with our present system, Rabid can proudly point out

Based on how WHO scores these things I'd be happier being about NUmber 500.
When it comes to responding to actual illness and outcomes, the U.S. ranks #1.

Real nice lie there, Rabid, old boy.


Life expectancy

US ranks # 51


Maternal mortality

US ranks #47


Infant mortality

US ranks # 50

You really should do some research before flapping your stupid yap, Rabid. Those are hardly first rate results.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

Dear room temperature IQ..If fewer people are forced into the Medicare system, the cost will drop.
That leaves much more in funding for those who actually need it.
In a competitive marketplace, prices are always lower.
So that older person who now gets a bill for $400 for a routine checkup, that bill will be less than $100.
Why are you liberals so fearful of market based economics. Left to work without government interference( not absence of oversight) consumers always win out.
It is the overbearing regulations and mandates which government heaps upon the medical care and insurance industries which make medical care so bloody expensive.

Ah yes, that worked so bloody well with Enron.

And that is why we pay twice what other nations pay per capita for very inferior results. The UN rated the US # 37, our own CIA WorldBook rates us much lower than that.
This is just a preview of coming attractions for ObamaCare.

I expect we'll see more and more doctors move to concierge-subscription services which eschew insurance altogether.

That has stated already. many physicians have formed groups that resemble 'clubs'. Each "member" pays a yearly fee to belong to the group. When there is a visit, the member pays cash or via credit. There is no insurance. And because there is no insurance, the prices for service are much lower because the costs are lower.
The savings comes with the reduced amount of labor required for paperwork and other ancillary services.

Kind of like it would be under a Universal Single Payer system.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

Full Universal Single Payer Healthcare. Works in the other industrial nations, it would work here also. Just would not have millions per year CEO's bragging about how they made their millions by denying care to people that had been paying the whole lives into the insurance.

We will have this, sooner or later, better for all, sooner. Probably under President Hillary.:razz:

Eventually we'll end up with something similar to Britain's system, although it probably won't be quite as expansive and more people will probably take advantage of supplemental insurance. With a decent public system of healthcare combined with some private competition, they keep costs down, everyone receives medical care, and those who choose to pay a bit extra for supplemental private insurance get a little better service.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

Full Universal Single Payer Healthcare. Works in the other industrial nations, it would work here also. Just would not have millions per year CEO's bragging about how they made their millions by denying care to people that had been paying the whole lives into the insurance.

We will have this, sooner or later, better for all, sooner. Probably under President Hillary.:razz:
As long as you don't count the incredible debt and taxes that's associated with it. :rolleyes:

Is there a difference if we pay for it through taxes or insurance? Either way, it is not free and must be paid for. The fact is that it's cheaper paying for it through taxes, although there are issues of efficiency also. Service tends to not be quite as good, but it can also be argued that service is not as good only because taxpayers choose to limit the amount they pay for the service. Using Canada as an example, only because their system is completely run by the government, they pay half of what we do for healthcare. They also receive poorer service, at least for those who could afford better. But imagine if they doubled what they were paying so that they were paying the same as we pay here; they would then have much better care than we have here. You get what you pay for, to a certain extent. Unfortunately, we pay way too much for what we get.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

Full Universal Single Payer Healthcare. Works in the other industrial nations, it would work here also. Just would not have millions per year CEO's bragging about how they made their millions by denying care to people that had been paying the whole lives into the insurance.

We will have this, sooner or later, better for all, sooner. Probably under President Hillary.:razz:

Eventually we'll end up with something similar to Britain's system, although it probably won't be quite as expansive and more people will probably take advantage of supplemental insurance. With a decent public system of healthcare combined with some private competition, they keep costs down, everyone receives medical care, and those who choose to pay a bit extra for supplemental private insurance get a little better service.
No doubt that is what the libtards want. Of course Obama and the elites will still get top shelf treatment. Equal treatment is for the rest of us peons.
Not all rosy in Britain's healthcare system - Los Angeles Times
How long before doctors MUST take them in order to practice?

That's the solution.

If the doctors here don't like it, we can import thousands of doctors from overseas who'd be happy to making a fraction of what American doctors make.

Of course they'll all be marginally qualified.
But at least we can achieve liberal nirvana of equality--all of us will have equally shitty healthcare.

Well, if you know where the magic money tree is where seniors can go to get the money to pay for their healthcare at the prices the system is demanding they pay,

you should tell us all. Don't keep it a secret,

because the alternative is the big death panel known as the free market.

Remember, the free market doesn't care how many people die because they can't afford healthcare at the market price,

anymore than a BMW dealer cares how many poor people don't buy a car from him.
How long before doctors MUST take them in order to practice?

That's the solution.

If the doctors here don't like it, we can import thousands of doctors from overseas who'd be happy to making a fraction of what American doctors make.

just do not complain about the fraction of quality and fraction of results

The simple fact that healthcare of comparable quality to current US healthcare is being delivered all over the world at prices much lower than what are paid in the US PROVES that our healthcare is overpriced.
That's the solution.

If the doctors here don't like it, we can import thousands of doctors from overseas who'd be happy to making a fraction of what American doctors make.

Of course they'll all be marginally qualified.
But at least we can achieve liberal nirvana of equality--all of us will have equally shitty healthcare.

Well, if you know where the magic money tree is where seniors can go to get the money to pay for their healthcare at the prices the system is demanding they pay,

you should tell us all. Don't keep it a secret,

because the alternative is the big death panel known as the free market.

Remember, the free market doesn't care how many people die because they can't afford healthcare at the market price,

anymore than a BMW dealer cares how many poor people don't buy a car from him.

You understand that seniors are the single wealthiest demographic in this country, right?
The free market does care how many people cannot afford its product or service. The BMW dealer does care how many people can or cannot afford his cars. If too many cannot afford them he wont sell anything and go out of business.
I realize this is news to a bottom dweller like you who never had anything and never will.
Of course they'll all be marginally qualified.
But at least we can achieve liberal nirvana of equality--all of us will have equally shitty healthcare.

Well, if you know where the magic money tree is where seniors can go to get the money to pay for their healthcare at the prices the system is demanding they pay,

you should tell us all. Don't keep it a secret,

because the alternative is the big death panel known as the free market.

Remember, the free market doesn't care how many people die because they can't afford healthcare at the market price,

anymore than a BMW dealer cares how many poor people don't buy a car from him.

You understand that seniors are the single wealthiest demographic in this country, right?
The free market does care how many people cannot afford its product or service. The BMW dealer does care how many people can or cannot afford his cars. If too many cannot afford them he wont sell anything and go out of business.
I realize this is news to a bottom dweller like you who never had anything and never will.

The BMW dealer does not care whether or not poor people can buy BMWs.
But with our present system, Rabid can proudly point out

Based on how WHO scores these things I'd be happier being about NUmber 500.
When it comes to responding to actual illness and outcomes, the U.S. ranks #1.

Real nice lie there, Rabid, old boy.


Life expectancy

US ranks # 51


Maternal mortality

US ranks #47


Infant mortality

US ranks # 50

You really should do some research before flapping your stupid yap, Rabid. Those are hardly first rate results.

And those stats mean WHAT?
What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

Dear room temperature IQ..If fewer people are forced into the Medicare system, the cost will drop.
That leaves much more in funding for those who actually need it.
In a competitive marketplace, prices are always lower.
So that older person who now gets a bill for $400 for a routine checkup, that bill will be less than $100.
Why are you liberals so fearful of market based economics. Left to work without government interference( not absence of oversight) consumers always win out.
It is the overbearing regulations and mandates which government heaps upon the medical care and insurance industries which make medical care so bloody expensive.

Ah yes, that worked so bloody well with Enron.

And that is why we pay twice what other nations pay per capita for very inferior results. The UN rated the US # 37, our own CIA WorldBook rates us much lower than that.

ENRON? Cut the bullshit.
It is apparent you have no substantive rebuttal to my post and therefore felt it necessary to attempt deflection. Didn't work.
This is just a preview of coming attractions for ObamaCare.

I expect we'll see more and more doctors move to concierge-subscription services which eschew insurance altogether.

That has stated already. many physicians have formed groups that resemble 'clubs'. Each "member" pays a yearly fee to belong to the group. When there is a visit, the member pays cash or via credit. There is no insurance. And because there is no insurance, the prices for service are much lower because the costs are lower.
The savings comes with the reduced amount of labor required for paperwork and other ancillary services.

Kind of like it would be under a Universal Single Payer system.

Quite the opposite. Single payer is a captive marketplace where choice is banned.
Single payer is rationed low quality care. Period.
And very expensive.
You may want to believe it's free. It isn't. Taxes pay for it. And those rowing the boat outnumbered 10-1 by those riding in the boat get to pay for it.
The one glaring aspect of single payer is there is never enough funding to cover the cost of care.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

Full Universal Single Payer Healthcare. Works in the other industrial nations, it would work here also. Just would not have millions per year CEO's bragging about how they made their millions by denying care to people that had been paying the whole lives into the insurance.

We will have this, sooner or later, better for all, sooner. Probably under President Hillary.:razz:

Eventually we'll end up with something similar to Britain's system, although it probably won't be quite as expansive and more people will probably take advantage of supplemental insurance. With a decent public system of healthcare combined with some private competition, they keep costs down, everyone receives medical care, and those who choose to pay a bit extra for supplemental private insurance get a little better service.

The problem with a public system is that it cannot function where there is a competitive market alternative. This is the reason there are no private alternatives in nations where socialized medicine is policy.
For Doctors to obtain hospital privileges they have to be providers for both Medicare and Medicaid so where do you your information that so many don't take these insurances anymore?
Of course they'll all be marginally qualified.
But at least we can achieve liberal nirvana of equality--all of us will have equally shitty healthcare.

Well, if you know where the magic money tree is where seniors can go to get the money to pay for their healthcare at the prices the system is demanding they pay,

you should tell us all. Don't keep it a secret,

because the alternative is the big death panel known as the free market.

Remember, the free market doesn't care how many people die because they can't afford healthcare at the market price,

anymore than a BMW dealer cares how many poor people don't buy a car from him.

You understand that seniors are the single wealthiest demographic in this country, right?
The free market does care how many people cannot afford its product or service. The BMW dealer does care how many people can or cannot afford his cars. If too many cannot afford them he wont sell anything and go out of business.
I realize this is news to a bottom dweller like you who never had anything and never will.

Not in healthcare it doesn't, it is designed to get your premiums whether you obtain services or not. Health insurance companies prefer you never use it. In case you do they have found another way to still keep your premiums without them paying nothing or very little and that is high deductibles and other out of pocket cost.

We have a system that its main goal is to earn profits for their share holders and this has to be eliminated if any of us really want affordable healthcare.
This is just a preview of coming attractions for ObamaCare.

I expect we'll see more and more doctors move to concierge-subscription services which eschew insurance altogether.

If Obamacare puts more people on to private insurance, how exactly does anything that happens with Medicare become a "preview of coming attractions for Obamacare" ?

I know you won't answer, but I just wanted to highlight once again how clueless you are.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

Yeah, everyone should have the same shitty substandard health care. Hey, it's "equal" and "fair"!

You didn't answer the question. What's the better alternative?

Just say "let them die" already, you know you want to.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

No, I want your society where some faceless bureaucrats in DC are the death panels...

Another non-answer.
This is just a preview of coming attractions for ObamaCare.

I expect we'll see more and more doctors move to concierge-subscription services which eschew insurance altogether.

If Obamacare puts more people on to private insurance, how exactly does anything that happens with Medicare become a "preview of coming attractions for Obamacare" ?

I know you won't answer, but I just wanted to highlight once again how clueless you are.
Ocare puts fewer people on private insurance. Where did you come up with yet another outrageously incorrect and stupid opinion? Did your dog whisper it to you?

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