Fewer doctors take Medicare

As America has schools to teach the art of war, i.e. West Point and others, perhaps American should have a top notch medical school. Graduates would owe a few years to government service as do West Point graduates. If not a school, more scholarships awarded to medical Kaydets, nurses and so forth. Seems that learning to help the sick and disabled is as important learning how to kill people.

We have such a school. It's called ROTC.
There are loads of doctors right now who aren't taking Medicare or Medicaid.

Why should they? They get shortchanged moneywise and have to do loads of paperwork just to get what they do get. And who the hell wants deal with all that red tape?

Hell. If I were a Doctor I wouldn't take either of those Fed programs either.

How long before doctors MUST take them in order to practice?
We dodged a bullet. Congressman Ryan wanted to reduce elder care to a Medicare voucher--remember? Those vouchers would be worthless if the title of the OP is truthful.

Just another reason Obama was and remains the superior choice.
This is bad news for me, since I live in an isolated community with covenants that will not even allow anyone under 55 to live here. Hell, it may mean that I will have to drive 35 miles to Tucson, or else endure a waiting period of 3 days instead of 2 days to get in to see my doctor!

Oh, the horror!!!!!!
Remember when the media was telling young people prior to the passing of Obamacare, that it was selfish of them to place their individual liberty ahead of the welfare of the nation?

Guess what doctors. Soon, you won't be permitted to turn down government insured people. Not if you want your license to practice. How very selfish of you.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

Yeah, everyone should have the same shitty substandard health care. Hey, it's "equal" and "fair"!

The question was:

What's the better alternative?
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

No, I want your society where some faceless bureaucrats in DC are the death panels...

The question was:

What's the better alternative?

So far not a single person in this thread has a better idea. Why do you suppose that is?
There are loads of doctors right now who aren't taking Medicare or Medicaid.

Why should they? They get shortchanged moneywise and have to do loads of paperwork just to get what they do get. And who the hell wants deal with all that red tape?

Hell. If I were a Doctor I wouldn't take either of those Fed programs either.

How long before doctors MUST take them in order to practice?

That's the solution.

If the doctors here don't like it, we can import thousands of doctors from overseas who'd be happy to making a fraction of what American doctors make.
There are loads of doctors right now who aren't taking Medicare or Medicaid.

Why should they? They get shortchanged moneywise and have to do loads of paperwork just to get what they do get. And who the hell wants deal with all that red tape?

Hell. If I were a Doctor I wouldn't take either of those Fed programs either.

How long before doctors MUST take them in order to practice?

That's the solution.

If the doctors here don't like it, we can import thousands of doctors from overseas who'd be happy to making a fraction of what American doctors make.

Of course they'll all be marginally qualified.
But at least we can achieve liberal nirvana of equality--all of us will have equally shitty healthcare.
There are loads of doctors right now who aren't taking Medicare or Medicaid.

Why should they? They get shortchanged moneywise and have to do loads of paperwork just to get what they do get. And who the hell wants deal with all that red tape?

Hell. If I were a Doctor I wouldn't take either of those Fed programs either.

How long before doctors MUST take them in order to practice?

That's the solution.

If the doctors here don't like it, we can import thousands of doctors from overseas who'd be happy to making a fraction of what American doctors make.

just do not complain about the fraction of quality and fraction of results
How long before doctors MUST take them in order to practice?

That's the solution.

If the doctors here don't like it, we can import thousands of doctors from overseas who'd be happy to making a fraction of what American doctors make.

Of course they'll all be marginally qualified.
But at least we can achieve liberal nirvana of equality--all of us will have equally shitty healthcare.

libtard nirvana is about equality for the masses only

They want elite quality for themselves.

They won't get it.

They are unaware ( yet) that if the system deteriorates for the masses it deteriorates for the elite as well
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

My Chiropractor, with whom I play golf with and tip a few cold ones, tells me his Medicare reimbursements have decreased by almost half in the last 4 years.
Yet, because he does not want to lose those patients he accepts the loss.
Yes, each time he treats a patient using Medicare, he LOSES money on that visit.
This is just a preview of coming attractions for ObamaCare.

I expect we'll see more and more doctors move to concierge-subscription services which eschew insurance altogether.

That has stated already. many physicians have formed groups that resemble 'clubs'. Each "member" pays a yearly fee to belong to the group. When there is a visit, the member pays cash or via credit. There is no insurance. And because there is no insurance, the prices for service are much lower because the costs are lower.
The savings comes with the reduced amount of labor required for paperwork and other ancillary services.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

No, I want your society where some faceless bureaucrats in DC are the death panels...

death!!!!! death!!!!
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

Dear room temperature IQ..If fewer people are forced into the Medicare system, the cost will drop.
That leaves much more in funding for those who actually need it.
In a competitive marketplace, prices are always lower.
So that older person who now gets a bill for $400 for a routine checkup, that bill will be less than $100.
Why are you liberals so fearful of market based economics. Left to work without government interference( not absence of oversight) consumers always win out.
It is the overbearing regulations and mandates which government heaps upon the medical care and insurance industries which make medical care so bloody expensive.

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