FFS - America looks like the joke of the world.....

He didn't actually say anything. It was all just vauge phrasing that didn't actually say anything or mean anything. Anyone can just say "we need to do this", that's easy to do.

It's like the person at work that always talks about what needs to be done, but that's all they have. They don't have any plans, no insight and don't actually do anything themselves.
Joe Biden has suffered from stuttering since he was a child.

There's a special place in Hell reserved for people who make fun of those with disabilities.
That's not stuttering. You are in denial. That's cognitive decline. Here, look, compare. Wake the fuck up already.

This is goddamn embarrassing.

We were an embarrassment to the world the moment these fucks were appointed. All that's happened since simply validates why.

Sadly Xiden is reading what's written for him, but he's been a fraud since day one, and leftists buy all of it.
They didn't respect him, either. It's not difficult to see that he's a buffoon.

Again, I know you guys weren't told this.
Keep telling yourself that, Spanky. :smoke:
You know how you can tell? They always said the snide shit behind his
back, but when confronted face to face with him? They were kissing
his ass.
Joe Biden has suffered from stuttering since he was a child.

There's a special place in Hell reserved for people who make fun of those with disabilities.

No, there's a special class for people like you who low themselves to any and all excuses and parroting to validate your kind. Which part of Xiden's disabilities lend themselves to a career politician simply because he has the mentality of a used car salesman where you buy what you're told to?

The first video demonstrates how this used car salesmen sold the deaths of his own family out for political aspirations. It also demonstrates how left run fact checks are frauds themselves, where they call this a mixture of truth.

When the US was a laughing stock on the world stage.


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