Fighting Against Election Fraud Has Been An Ongoing Battle


Republican Voters in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa Believe Joe Biden Did Not Win in 2020​

Who is going to change their minds? Ah, nobody. :mm:

Yeah. The MAGA base are a bunch of batshit crazy, reality-denying loons. We already know that.

That’s what MAGA wants!

MAGA lives in an alternative reality fantasyland, where Trump was elected President, every Democratic Presidential candidate over the past 60 years is a criminal because reasons, they’re persecuted by everyone all the time, the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese.

When all that matters is feelingz, you can tell yourself any lie.
Fantasyland as an example is a man with a shaved head that wear dresses and make up and has a luggage fetish at airports that was in the nuclear energy department hierarchy. His demeanor showed him to be crazy. That is DEI.
Bill Barr ran Deep State interference to Block any look into the massive 2020 Election fraud. He delayed, lied and then shutdown any meaningful activity. #NEVEREVERFORGET If you get a chance, take it.

Jeff Clark: Let me just summarize for your viewers that there is either in the public record or in testimony from my trial, three separate incidents where former Attorney General Barr shut down investigations.

Last Friday, the Arizona Free Enterprise Club, the Arizona Republican Party and Steve Gaynor, the 2018 Secretary of State Republican candidate, filed a lawsuit in federal court against the current Arizona Secretary of State for failing to comply with the National Voter Registration Act’s (NVRA) mandate that they maintain and update accurate voter registration records. The joint complaint alleges four Arizona counties have more registered voters than eligible citizens and there are over 500,000 ineligible voters listed on our state’s voter rolls.

*****When.....four years in since 30 million bogus votes for the Corpse dumped in 2020//

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