Fighting 'Big Government Republicanism,' Mike Pence embraces entitlement reform and restoring 'fiscal integrity'


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
entitlement reform is codeword for cutting Social Security and Medicare. be honest, Mike!

entitlement reform is codeword for cutting Social Security and Medicare. be honest, Mike!

Same shit I've been hearing out of Republicans and conservatives for four decades. Cut taxes on corps and the wealthy. It will trickle down. At the same time, cut programs designed to help the weakest and most vulnerable (which constitute a miniscule part of the budget)...and don't ever think about removing the FICA cap on Social Security....yada, yada, yada....

Bored. 🥱
This is what angers me about Republicans. Just say you want to cut fraud, waste and abuse not full across the board cuts to SS and Veterans benefits. At the same time if they're going to cut benefits for the most disadvantaged they better not even vote to give themselves pay raises.
entitlement reform is codeword for cutting Social Security and Medicare. be honest, Mike!

you don’t have to cut it to reform it, reform is what the gop has been pushing since Bush…and that reform is to model the Nordic reform

The dems over the years have ignored it. kicking the can down the road which has lead to cuts..xiden admin wants cuts…raising the age of full retirement to 70 is a cut
entitlement reform is codeword for cutting Social Security and Medicare. be honest, Mike!

What the fuck is "big government Republicanism?" That soulds like the democrat party,
Same shit I've been hearing out of Republicans and conservatives for four decades. Cut taxes on corps and the wealthy. It will trickle down. At the same time, cut programs designed to help the weakest and most vulnerable (which constitute a miniscule part of the budget)...and don't ever think about removing the FICA cap on Social Security....yada, yada, yada....

Bored. 🥱
No one gives a shit about your opinion on Reublicans.
What the fuck is "big government Republicanism?" That soulds like the democrat party,
It's what Chimpy Bush engaged in, when he had full control of the congress for six years...He bloated the size and expense of The State faster than his "liberal" predecessor.....These are the assclowns that made Trump possible.

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