Final Clinton Ad...Fucking Great

Bush92 The second we elected Trump I shifted my focus from leaving a country that no longer supported freedom and the "American way" ((my 'ideological" beliefs,) to a country that just might come back from the depths of Hell.

Within the first few days of the election I'd made a killing on the stock market, an unexpected windfall that I decided to invest in "Trump's America." Thus far I've funded the start of four small businesses and I'll be closing on a clothing manufacturer in Georgia hopefully in the next few weeks. I have another $100k set aside to put into small businesses, first come, first serve. (I've got feelers out all over the place.)

I will happily support an America I can believe in, but I will never willingly support a country that has abandoned me, my ideals and my beliefs, its Constitution, and respect for "we the people." It's a principle thing, kind of like how you wouldn't donate to a cause you thought was wrong.
How has America "abandoned" you? I smell a Sikh liquor store owner.
I'm a wealthy person, was a corporate worker, was a manager, business owner -- I've been the target of hatred from the left for very a long time.
I'm a supporter of free speech, the "offended" target me constantly with lies and accusations.
I'm a NRA supporter, the "scared" have targeted my right to self defense and my Constitution.
I'm a supporter of truth and honor, the haters of this nation have targeted me for even that.

I am not a racist, I am not a sexist, I am not an Islamophobe, I am not a white supremacist, I am not a Nazi, I am not greedy, I am not "evil," I /cannot/ hate, and I am not a traitor, but I am damn sick of being called all these things because I state an opinion that the [former] "ruling class" doesn't approve of.

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