Finally a President who stands up to Putin

Are you implying that a prior president used to bend over for Putin?

Gad, who could that have been?!

Not like the last milquetoast we had.
Absolutely no difference from Trump. Don and Joe are damn near identical twins.
You're so damn predictable
As is our political system, but you can’t see it. Partisanship blinds partisans.
..just like he stands up for the border/the law/etc
..he is the most shithead POTUS ever......he's destroying the US --and you voted for that idiot

I'm not going to defend Biden, because I don't like him much, but Trump was awful and I bet you were defending everything he did.

Nothing worse than people who'll defend anything, no matter what it is, because of the label they have.
Are you implying that a prior president used to bend over for Putin?

Gad, who could that have been?!
frigidweirdo no need to defend him--he did nothing wrong..Biden hates whites/cops/America...Mr Trump loves all/cops/ America

What ridiculous nonsense.

As far as I could tell Trump loves one person. Himself. Everyone else he'll say he likes as long as he can get something from them, when he no longer thinks they're worth having on his side they become the worst.

We know this, because he's done it so many times.

He probably does love America, but probably not in the way you're thinking. He managed to bribe his way up the ladder, and made himself a billionaire. Who wouldn't love a country where you can cheat your way to the top?
Wow are you a schmendrick!!
Xiden has given him zero sanctions and the Russian oil lines are making billions

T put heavy sanctions and Xiden was bullied when he just meet Putin
Wow are you a big dolt
August West
Nope. Putin is a thug but a very politically savvy thug. I don't cheerlead for him as he's a murderer and everyone knows it. He likes dogs and horses though so he can't be all bad. LOL

However, he would chew Biden up and spit him out and Biden knows it.

You cheerlead for him. He's be right up your alley being the idiot you are.

Of course he declines. Putin would eat him for breakfast and he knows it.
Would you be head cheerleader for Team Putin? Of course you would.

No it's a reflection on Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Chamberlain style foreign policies. Who is allowing Putin to finish the Nord 2 pipeline to Europe? Who is surrendering to the Taliban? Who is allowing China to take over Taiwan and now put pressure on Japan for it's islands like Okinawa.

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