FINALLY! A President with some balls.

Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote
Might as well, as the U.S. is no longer in a leadership role for the free world.
And just who is leading old fool?
Germany and Great Britain have taken up the leadership roles normally earned by American presidents. Trump has lost that right by his behavior ie threatening nuclear war, retreating a video by an extremist far right British group,
acting like a jerk in Asia and Europe trips, having the inability to understand diplomacy or act presidential etc.
Many British officials want him banned from their country. Our #1 ally. That’s so unprecedented it’s mind boggling.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin?? He’s like a little boy looking for approval around him.
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.

The serial sex offending pussygrabber is the biggest pussy this country has ever seen in office
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
Hey moron it wasn’t the liberals that approved sanctions. It was the ENTIRE congress as I just said.
Comprehensive problems?

He’s doing fine?
What steps has he taken as president to help prevent Russia from not getting involved with our elections again?
No steps.
He’s done nothing.
He can’t even admit it happened because they helped him win.

He’s a useless miserable failure as a president.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
wrong again. He’s supposed to act on behalf of all Americans. He took an oath on it.
He’s violated that oath.
He does exactly what you said he does. He does everything to make his base happy and only them.
Caters to 35% of the country then says fuck you to the other 65%.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
Hey moron it wasn’t the liberals that approved sanctions. It was the ENTIRE congress as I just said.
Comprehensive problems?

He’s doing fine?
What steps has he taken as president to help prevent Russia from not getting involved with our elections again?
No steps.
He’s done nothing.
He can’t even admit it happened because they helped him win.

He’s a useless miserable failure as a president.
What has he done to stop Mexico from influencing America's elections? Or China for that matter, or NK. On and on and on expecting the impossible from him while he is doing the possible and making America Great Again.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
wrong again. He’s supposed to act on behalf of all Americans. He took an oath on it.
He’s violated that oath.
He does exactly what you said he does. He does everything to make his base happy and only them.
Caters to 35% of the country then says fuck you to the other 65%.
You actually believe only 35% of the country got his ass elected. It's going to be a landslide in 2018.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote
Might as well, as the U.S. is no longer in a leadership role for the free world.

how so, isn't leading about moving things forward, not asking for permission?

We did the right thing, everyone will come around, change is tough for some people.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, does anyone dispute this?
They certainly do. He should have added that East Jerusalem could be the capital of Palestine state... That would really get things moving.

He didn't mention it's still there, but the Palestinians have to do more than whine. Isreal has given almost every concession they wanted and in some deal all their concessions, but they never find a way to finish...something tells me they don't want to...which is why we need to move forward and let them know we're not dicking's why I like Trumps take on Jerusalem and the implied threat during this UN Vote.....letting people know we scratch your back, now it's time for you to scratch ours.......
WTF are you talking about? Israel doesn't even allow Palestine an economy. it's blockaded.

Do tell, you have some evidence or you want to just post bullshit.
the Palestinians have been given what they wanted and still said no........
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

Doing what's best for Netanyahoo you mean

Somehow I doubt that pi$$ing off the entire world is going to make murica great again

Asserting our power and the fact that we put the world on notice that we're not gonna be pussies leading from behind does make America great again. People atleast know we're serious and will push forward, jump on the train or's moving
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

Doing what's best for Netanyahoo you mean

Somehow I doubt that pi$$ing off the entire world is going to make murica great again

So, you think it would be better to let the rest of the world dictate our foreign policy? We saw how well that worked with Obama. If you act like a door mat, people will treat you like one. Get a clue. Besides, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It's a fact. Trump was simply recognizing that fact.
Might as well, as the U.S. is no longer in a leadership role for the free world.

how so, isn't leading about moving things forward, not asking for permission?

We did the right thing, everyone will come around, change is tough for some people.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, does anyone dispute this?
They certainly do. He should have added that East Jerusalem could be the capital of Palestine state... That would really get things moving.

He didn't mention it's still there, but the Palestinians have to do more than whine. Isreal has given almost every concession they wanted and in some deal all their concessions, but they never find a way to finish...something tells me they don't want to...which is why we need to move forward and let them know we're not dicking's why I like Trumps take on Jerusalem and the implied threat during this UN Vote.....letting people know we scratch your back, now it's time for you to scratch ours.......
WTF are you talking about? Israel doesn't even allow Palestine an economy. it's blockaded.

Do tell, you have some evidence or you want to just post bullshit.
the Palestinians have been given what they wanted and still said no........
Israel once agreed to a Palestinian peace treaty if the Palestinians renounced violence and recognized Israels right to exist. They refused. That's all I need to know. Those rag heads will not settle for anything less than the total destruction of Israel. That's what they really want. That's a fact. And that's why there can be no peace in the region.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

Balls without brains is very dangerous.

"Keep you friends close, and you enemies closer" seems to be the antithesis of the Commander-in-Chief's reckless adventurism.
It's better than brains and no balls. As President, Trump can appoint people with brains. It is, however, kind of hard to grow a pair. You either have them, or you don't.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
Hey moron it wasn’t the liberals that approved sanctions. It was the ENTIRE congress as I just said.
Comprehensive problems?

He’s doing fine?
What steps has he taken as president to help prevent Russia from not getting involved with our elections again?
No steps.
He’s done nothing.
He can’t even admit it happened because they helped him win.

He’s a useless miserable failure as a president.
What has he done to stop Mexico from influencing America's elections? Or China for that matter, or NK. On and on and on expecting the impossible from him while he is doing the possible and making America Great Again.
oh look a squirrel.
What a stupid answer but par for the course with you.
Our intelligence agencies have clearly stated only one country compromised our democracy in 2016.
No NK, not China not Mexico.
That is of course Russia.
Watching you carry the Dump’s water is amusing though.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
wrong again. He’s supposed to act on behalf of all Americans. He took an oath on it.
He’s violated that oath.
He does exactly what you said he does. He does everything to make his base happy and only them.
Caters to 35% of the country then says fuck you to the other 65%.
You actually believe only 35% of the country got his ass elected. It's going to be a landslide in 2018.
It’s 35% now genius and that’s who he aims all of his horrendous policies at.
Dems are up by 11 points to take back the Congress next year.
Who is the United States to tell another country where THEIR capitol is or is not? I completely agree with RWNJ (post #51):

'Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It's a fact. Trump was simply recognizing that fact.'

The U.N. Needs to GROW A PAIR and stop pandering to terrorists / a group whose own charter calls for the Destruction / Genocide of Israel.

As far as the U.N.'s condemnation vote of the U.S. goes.....ummm, U.N. ...

Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

Doing what's best for Netanyahoo you mean

Somehow I doubt that pi$$ing off the entire world is going to make murica great again

So, you think it would be better to let the rest of the world dictate our foreign policy? We saw how well that worked with Obama. If you act like a door mat, people will treat you like one. Get a clue. Besides, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It's a fact. Trump was simply recognizing that fact.
Do you know why Pence was at that dog and pony show yesterday removing the last shred of dignity he had left?
He was scheduled to be in the Middle East but had to postpone the trip because of his boss inflaming the ME with his unconsciousable Jerusalem decision.
Don’t you idiots EVER follow ANY news other than the state media controlled by Trump?
Who is the United States to tell another country where THEIR capitol is or is not? I completely agree with RWNJ (post #51):

'Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It's a fact. Trump was simply recognizing that fact.'

The U.N. Needs to GROW A PAIR and stop pandering to terrorists / a group whose own charter calls for the Destruction / Genocide of Israel.

As far as the U.N.'s condemnation vote of the U.S. goes.....ummm, U.N. ...

View attachment 167252
Would support the pussygrabber if he started WWIII.
You’re an embarrassment to the human race.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

Balls without brains is very dangerous.

"Keep you friends close, and you enemies closer" seems to be the antithesis of the Commander-in-Chief's reckless adventurism.
It's better than brains and no balls. As President, Trump can appoint people with brains. It is, however, kind of hard to grow a pair. You either have them, or you don't.

Have you listened to any of the comments made by his appointees? In mass, that are not the best and the brightest. No one in my command took a county mounty (a patrol car) for personal travel, seems pretty stupid that more than one violated policy and took plans at thousands of dollars per hour on boondoggles.

BTW, the BALLs sans Brains President was rebuked by the UN today.

Defying Trump, U.N. General Assembly Condemns U.S. Decree on Jerusalem

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