FINALLY! A President with some balls.

Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote
Trump needs to get a grip on reality. If Trump wants to MAGA, he's going to have to let us remain in a leadership position in the world. Right now he is backpedaling out of every leadership role he sees.
Paris, TPP, NAFTA, now the UN? If we aren't in front, if we aren't the country others rely on for funding, guess what? Another country will do that--it will be Russia or China; they'll be happy to take over.

In the long run, though, if they take over the leadership positions in the world, we won't be able to swagger around saying "fuck you" quite so much as we do right now.
So Trump might want to watch out.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
wrong again. He’s supposed to act on behalf of all Americans. He took an oath on it.
He’s violated that oath.
He does exactly what you said he does. He does everything to make his base happy and only them.
Caters to 35% of the country then says fuck you to the other 65%.
You actually believe only 35% of the country got his ass elected. It's going to be a landslide in 2018.
It’s 35% now genius and that’s who he aims all of his horrendous policies at.
Dems are up by 11 points to take back the Congress next year.

Good. Get to Vegas ASAP and put a years salary on that bet.
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
wrong again. He’s supposed to act on behalf of all Americans. He took an oath on it.
He’s violated that oath.
He does exactly what you said he does. He does everything to make his base happy and only them.
Caters to 35% of the country then says fuck you to the other 65%.

You must not have been paying attention to your big-eared dope when he was President. Catering to his base is all he did.
He’s doing fine?
What steps has he taken as president to help prevent Russia from not getting involved with our elections again?
No steps.
He’s done nothing.
He can’t even admit it happened because they helped him win.

He’s a useless miserable failure as a president.

If Russia had anything to do with our elections, it happened under the nose of DumBama--not Trump. Put blame where the blame is due. For crying out loud, the DNC emails were hacked because a Democrat used P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D for his actual password, or is Trump to blame for that too?
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin?? He’s like a little boy looking for approval around him.
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.

The serial sex offending pussygrabber is the biggest pussy this country has ever seen in office

Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote
Trump needs to get a grip on reality. If Trump wants to MAGA, he's going to have to let us remain in a leadership position in the world. Right now he is backpedaling out of every leadership role he sees.
Paris, TPP, NAFTA, now the UN? If we aren't in front, if we aren't the country others rely on for funding, guess what? Another country will do that--it will be Russia or China; they'll be happy to take over.

In the long run, though, if they take over the leadership positions in the world, we won't be able to swagger around saying "fuck you" quite so much as we do right now.
So Trump might want to watch out.

Trump has not shown any ability to think before he speaks or tweets. Real leaders understand that there are consequences for every decision they make, and know that unintended consequences can come back to bite them. Which is why real leaders listen to others, supporter and detractors.

Trump will not take advice, and when he has fucked up he will simply blame others. Most eight year old children have outgrown such behavior.
It’s time to pull out of the u.n. and repo the property in N.Y. When we pull out it will cease to exist. With out our money they have nothing. Our national debt won’t seem so hard to pay off when we quit supporting the entire world. To our friends in the world, if you need help we are here for you. To the rest oftheworld F.U.
The thin skinned whiny little bitch is not pleased others aren’t all excited about inflaming the Middle East as much as he is.
It’s time to pull out of the u.n. and repo the property in N.Y. When we pull out it will cease to exist. With out our money they have nothing. Our national debt won’t seem so hard to pay off when we quit supporting the entire world. To our friends in the world, if you need help we are here for you. To the rest oftheworld F.U.
Moron has no idea what the UN does and it’s importance.
Let me guess... a trump voter?
It’s time to pull out of the u.n. and repo the property in N.Y. When we pull out it will cease to exist. With out our money they have nothing. Our national debt won’t seem so hard to pay off when we quit supporting the entire world. To our friends in the world, if you need help we are here for you. To the rest oftheworld F.U.

A typical remark from a supporter of Trump. Thoughtless and Foolish.
It’s time to pull out of the u.n. and repo the property in N.Y. When we pull out it will cease to exist. With out our money they have nothing. Our national debt won’t seem so hard to pay off when we quit supporting the entire world. To our friends in the world, if you need help we are here for you. To the rest oftheworld F.U.
Moron has no idea what the UN does and it’s importance.
Let me guess... a trump voter?
Fine, if they are so importent we can stay as long as every member nation pays a equal amount so we don’t pay for all the disrespect. And you’re right I did voto for President Trump instead of the crooked loser.
It’s time to pull out of the u.n. and repo the property in N.Y. When we pull out it will cease to exist. With out our money they have nothing. Our national debt won’t seem so hard to pay off when we quit supporting the entire world. To our friends in the world, if you need help we are here for you. To the rest oftheworld F.U.
Moron has no idea what the UN does and it’s importance.
Let me guess... a trump voter?
Fine, if they are so importent we can stay as long as every member nation pays a equal amount so we don’t pay for all the disrespect. And you’re right I did voto for President Trump instead of the crooked loser.

It was obvious, and either you're very young or very dumb.
how so, isn't leading about moving things forward, not asking for permission?

We did the right thing, everyone will come around, change is tough for some people.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, does anyone dispute this?
They certainly do. He should have added that East Jerusalem could be the capital of Palestine state... That would really get things moving.

He didn't mention it's still there, but the Palestinians have to do more than whine. Isreal has given almost every concession they wanted and in some deal all their concessions, but they never find a way to finish...something tells me they don't want to...which is why we need to move forward and let them know we're not dicking's why I like Trumps take on Jerusalem and the implied threat during this UN Vote.....letting people know we scratch your back, now it's time for you to scratch ours.......
WTF are you talking about? Israel doesn't even allow Palestine an economy. it's blockaded.
If you want to trade in a neighboring country, or use their Hospitals, or simply drive across it into another country, you shouldn't fire rockets into it or chop off their heads.
So what concessions did Israel give then? LOL

Have you ever heard of Gaza dumb ass?
The vote today in the UN General Assembly doesn't mean $hit to the United States.

But it DOES give us an excuse to stop paying the Barbarians at the gates in a half-dozen places.

And it DOES take the gloves off in dealing with the so-called 'Palestinian' riff-raff that should be deported to the East Bank of the Jordan River anyway.

Where they belong.

In Arab Palestine.

( a.k.a. "Jordan" )

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