FINALLY! A President with some balls.

Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote
Might as well, as the U.S. is no longer in a leadership role for the free world.
And just who is leading old fool?
Germany and Great Britain have taken up the leadership roles normally earned by American presidents. Trump has lost that right by his behavior ie threatening nuclear war, retreating a video by an extremist far right British group,
acting like a jerk in Asia and Europe trips, having the inability to understand diplomacy or act presidential etc.
Many British officials want him banned from their country. Our #1 ally. That’s so unprecedented it’s mind boggling.

Liberal Butt Hurt makes me Happy Happy Happy...
God you meathead cons are so stupid !

90% of the time the U.N. Is a proxy for the USA interests . And dopey trump just gave away a major Mid East chip with this capitol nonsense .
God you meathead cons are so stupid !

90% of the time the U.N. Is a proxy for the USA interests . And dopey trump just gave away a major Mid East chip with this capitol nonsense .
To hell with the New York City International Old Ladies' Debating Society (a.k.a. the United Nations).
Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
Hey moron it wasn’t the liberals that approved sanctions. It was the ENTIRE congress as I just said.
Comprehensive problems?

He’s doing fine?
What steps has he taken as president to help prevent Russia from not getting involved with our elections again?
No steps.
He’s done nothing.
He can’t even admit it happened because they helped him win.

He’s a useless miserable failure as a president.

You are one delusional Butt Hurt liberal...
I am loving it...
Do some more..
God you meathead cons are so stupid !

90% of the time the U.N. Is a proxy for the USA interests . And dopey trump just gave away a major Mid East chip with this capitol nonsense .

You are dumber than a sack of hammers...
how so, isn't leading about moving things forward, not asking for permission?

We did the right thing, everyone will come around, change is tough for some people.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, does anyone dispute this?
They certainly do. He should have added that East Jerusalem could be the capital of Palestine state... That would really get things moving.

He didn't mention it's still there, but the Palestinians have to do more than whine. Isreal has given almost every concession they wanted and in some deal all their concessions, but they never find a way to finish...something tells me they don't want to...which is why we need to move forward and let them know we're not dicking's why I like Trumps take on Jerusalem and the implied threat during this UN Vote.....letting people know we scratch your back, now it's time for you to scratch ours.......
WTF are you talking about? Israel doesn't even allow Palestine an economy. it's blockaded.

Do tell, you have some evidence or you want to just post bullshit.
the Palestinians have been given what they wanted and still said no........
Israel once agreed to a Palestinian peace treaty if the Palestinians renounced violence and recognized Israels right to exist. They refused. That's all I need to know. Those rag heads will not settle for anything less than the total destruction of Israel. That's what they really want. That's a fact. And that's why there can be no peace in the region.

I think it was Golda Meir that said there

would never be peace as long as the

Palestinians hated the Israelis more

than they loved their own children......
Might as well, as the U.S. is no longer in a leadership role for the free world.

As opposed to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's shameful policy of LEADING FROM BEHIND?

It’s time to pull out of the u.n. and repo the property in N.Y. When we pull out it will cease to exist. With out our money they have nothing. Our national debt won’t seem so hard to pay off when we quit supporting the entire world. To our friends in the world, if you need help we are here for you. To the rest oftheworld F.U.
Moron has no idea what the UN does and it’s importance.
Let me guess... a trump voter?

You are dumber than two sacks of hammers...
Not only does President Donald J. Trump

have balls of steel, he has outsmarted the

entire liberal freak show along with their

rino cousins at every turn. Every move

he makes has led the naysayers to make

fools of their selves over and over....

They are just too Stupid to figure it out...

Unlike our affirmative action, muslim loving,

American hating community organizer,

President Trump will make America Great Again.
If he actually does carry out his threat, what will he do with all the savings? Give corporations an even bigger tax cut?

I NEVER get an answer to this question but I never give up hope that one day, a Progressive will man up!

Specifically, who provides the dollars for any and all corporate taxes?
Yeah, obama only had the respect of the entire planet .

Especially the part of the planet where our taxation gave them American companies, those who wanted to advance their nuclear technology, and those who wanted to control our country from abroad with things like the Paris Accord.

You bet they respected him.
They certainly do. He should have added that East Jerusalem could be the capital of Palestine state... That would really get things moving.

He didn't mention it's still there, but the Palestinians have to do more than whine. Isreal has given almost every concession they wanted and in some deal all their concessions, but they never find a way to finish...something tells me they don't want to...which is why we need to move forward and let them know we're not dicking's why I like Trumps take on Jerusalem and the implied threat during this UN Vote.....letting people know we scratch your back, now it's time for you to scratch ours.......
WTF are you talking about? Israel doesn't even allow Palestine an economy. it's blockaded.
If you want to trade in a neighboring country, or use their Hospitals, or simply drive across it into another country, you shouldn't fire rockets into it or chop off their heads.
So what concessions did Israel give then? LOL

Have you ever heard of Gaza dumb ass?
Yep that's where Palestinians should have a port... That's where the Israelis bomb the crap out of children when Hamas gets ahold of crap Rockets that can't hit a thing....
how so, isn't leading about moving things forward, not asking for permission?

We did the right thing, everyone will come around, change is tough for some people.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, does anyone dispute this?
They certainly do. He should have added that East Jerusalem could be the capital of Palestine state... That would really get things moving.

He didn't mention it's still there, but the Palestinians have to do more than whine. Isreal has given almost every concession they wanted and in some deal all their concessions, but they never find a way to finish...something tells me they don't want to...which is why we need to move forward and let them know we're not dicking's why I like Trumps take on Jerusalem and the implied threat during this UN Vote.....letting people know we scratch your back, now it's time for you to scratch ours.......
WTF are you talking about? Israel doesn't even allow Palestine an economy. it's blockaded.

Do tell, you have some evidence or you want to just post bullshit.
the Palestinians have been given what they wanted and still said no........
Israel once agreed to a Palestinian peace treaty if the Palestinians renounced violence and recognized Israels right to exist. They refused. That's all I need to know. Those rag heads will not settle for anything less than the total destruction of Israel. That's what they really want. That's a fact. And that's why there can be no peace in the region.

I don't think anyone in the World would react any different if Jews, or anyone else tried to make a new nation on top of their homes.

If New York Jews tried to make NYC into Israel, how would the U.S tolerate that?
With acceptance, and no violence?
This was just stupid, something for the Dupes... Congress passed a law saying we were for a capital in Jerusalem so that every president has to sign a waiver every 6 months so we don't cause stupid trouble. Trump signed that waiver a couple of weeks ago. period. Probably what reminded him to be an idiot again...
This was just stupid, something for the Dupes... Congress passed a law saying we were for a capital in Jerusalem so that every president has to sign a waiver every 6 months so we don't cause stupid trouble. Trump signed that waiver a couple of weeks ago. period. Probably what reminded him to be an idiot again...
They passed the law in 1994... I wish Trump trump wasn't so brainwashed I guess I think he's dumb... I always wanted a smart businessman.
God you meathead cons are so stupid !

90% of the time the U.N. Is a proxy for the USA interests . And dopey trump just gave away a major Mid East chip with this capitol nonsense .
What chip? I love this crap, we actually made our position stronger, because the Palestinians know this administration will move on, they've had 60 years to talk......and they did for them

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