FINALLY! A President with some balls.

Trump with big balls!
Has he imposed the sanctions on Russia yet that the entire congress approved?
Has he done ANYTHING to prevent Russia from hacking our elections again in 2018?
This thin skinned whiny little bitch won’t even admit Russia hacked into our democracy.

Ever see him around Putin, he’s like a little boy looking for approval around him?
So embarrassing.
Putin took Trump’s testicles a year and a half ago and he keeps them on his mantle in the Kremlin.
Whether he does what wacko Liberals think he should do is not the measure of his Presidency. The measure of his Presidency is whether he does what we, the folks who elected him, wants him to do. And he's doing just fine.
A president with balls? Did ne not get out of military duty because his feet hurt? Think he has ever had to face anything with out body guards around. He reminds me of that little turd Adam Rich walking around the oaks mall signing autographs for chicks and running his mouth to the males with his body guards just feet away. Found that little fucker behind the feild house ice scating rink once with out his body guards. One of my favorite days of my life, all of a sudden that big mouth turd did not have much to say other than screem call the cops!!!!!!!!!
As opposed to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's shameful policy of LEADING FROM BEHIND?


Yeah, obama only had the respect of the entire planet .
respect of who? Fellow socialists?
They love him leading from behind not pushing American interests

Iran loved him, N Korea loved him
and Syria, they looooved him
don't forget about could they not love him
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

Yeah, obama only had the respect of the entire planet .
respect of who? Fellow socialists?
They love him leading from behind not pushing American interests

Iran loved him, N Korea loved him
and Syria, they looooved him
don't forget about could they not love him
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...
obummerfail was the solution of tearing our healthcare down? I agree.
And still is... Of course the bought off new BS GOP will never do a damn thing to fix Healthcare. They are owned by big Health just as they are owned by big Pharma, Big Oil, Wall Street etc etc, super dupes...
Yeah, obama only had the respect of the entire planet .
respect of who? Fellow socialists?
They love him leading from behind not pushing American interests

Iran loved him, N Korea loved him
and Syria, they looooved him
don't forget about could they not love him
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.
respect of who? Fellow socialists?
They love him leading from behind not pushing American interests

Iran loved him, N Korea loved him
and Syria, they looooved him
don't forget about could they not love him
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

Commie Care didn't do squat yet alone stabllize prices. The only accomplishment of Commie Care was the intent which was to create as many new government dependents as possible.
respect of who? Fellow socialists?
They love him leading from behind not pushing American interests

Iran loved him, N Korea loved him
and Syria, they looooved him
don't forget about could they not love him
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.
In the five years prior to the ACA average health care raised 30%. From 2011 to 2016 it only raised 20%. So the ACA slowed cost increases as opposed to before. In 2012 there were 45.5 million americans with out insurance by 2015 there were 28.6 million americans with out insurance.
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

Commie Care didn't do squat yet alone stabllize prices. The only accomplishment of Commie Care was the intent which was to create as many new government dependents as possible.
Actually, the old way was to force people on to welfare in order to get Medicaid. Now poor working class People get Medicaid and continue to work, also 80% of those on the exchanges get health care insurance for $75 or less. Sorry your dupe boss fell for the b*******.... Dupe.
WTF are you talking about? Israel doesn't even allow Palestine an economy. it's blockaded.

Do tell, you have some evidence or you want to just post bullshit.
the Palestinians have been given what they wanted and still said no........
Israel once agreed to a Palestinian peace treaty if the Palestinians renounced violence and recognized Israels right to exist. They refused. That's all I need to know. Those rag heads will not settle for anything less than the total destruction of Israel. That's what they really want. That's a fact. And that's why there can be no peace in the region.

I don't think anyone in the World would react any different if Jews, or anyone else tried to make a new nation on top of their homes.

If New York Jews tried to make NYC into Israel, how would the U.S tolerate that?
With acceptance, and no violence?
Hmmmm, well the jews were around since biblical times, not sure that's gonna fly.

So did the Achaemenid Empire (Iran)


So did Assyria.


So did Egypt.


So did Greece.


So did the Roman Empire. (Italians)

You forgot Persia and Seleucid and Babylonias as well....

so the question is based on the they had it first, who gets it?
respect of who? Fellow socialists?
They love him leading from behind not pushing American interests

Iran loved him, N Korea loved him
and Syria, they looooved him
don't forget about could they not love him
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

Commie Care didn't do squat yet alone stabllize prices. The only accomplishment of Commie Care was the intent which was to create as many new government dependents as possible.
Actually, the old way was to force people on to welfare in order to get Medicaid. Now poor working class People get Medicaid and continue to work, also 80% of those on the exchanges get health care insurance for $75 or less. Sorry your dupe boss fell for the b*******.... Dupe.

Of course they get it for 75 bucks or less, that's because other people are paying for it.

As I have explained repeatedly, Commie Care was designed for Democrat voters. If you sweep floors for a living, make french fries, stock shelves, you did great under Commie Care, but you were also more likely to be a Democrat voter. If you were a middle-income earner, then there is a good chance you vote Republican and those are the people that got screwed.
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

Commie Care didn't do squat yet alone stabllize prices. The only accomplishment of Commie Care was the intent which was to create as many new government dependents as possible.
Actually, the old way was to force people on to welfare in order to get Medicaid. Now poor working class People get Medicaid and continue to work, also 80% of those on the exchanges get health care insurance for $75 or less. Sorry your dupe boss fell for the b*******.... Dupe.

Of course they get it for 75 bucks or less, that's because other people are paying for it.

As I have explained repeatedly, Commie Care was designed for Democrat voters. If you sweep floors for a living, make french fries, stock shelves, you did great under Commie Care, but you were also more likely to be a Democrat voter. If you were a middle-income earner, then there is a good chance you vote Republican and those are the people that got screwed.
Actually there are more Trump voters than Democrat voters being helped, super dupe. You are absolutely and totally brainwashed.
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
yep, he completely ignored the question....franco knows I just kicked his ass from one question....if he has to talk about anything other than cost, he loses
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
Problem is our health cares return on investment is more like that of the Ford Focus than the Ferrari.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
Problem is our health cares return on investment is more like that of the Ford Focus than the Ferrari.
do tell?
We're talking about the Civilized modern world the EU Australia New Zealand Japan Canada. even the United States though that's a rich people ripping off the dupes kind of socialism. Yes with Obamacare even the United States is socialist. Democratic socialism the only kind... And no that's not communism dingbats.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
You are absolutely Clueless like all dupes... Ferraris are built in the heart of socialism and nobody says anything like that. Idiot
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
You are absolutely Clueless like all dupes... Ferraris are built in the heart of socialism and nobody says anything like that. Idiot

LOL wow, another lakhota and starkey, they just spew talking points

so if they are socialist, why charge more for the Ferrari????

and none of that answered the other than price what do you not like about the American healthcare system?
So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

Commie Care didn't do squat yet alone stabllize prices. The only accomplishment of Commie Care was the intent which was to create as many new government dependents as possible.
Actually, the old way was to force people on to welfare in order to get Medicaid. Now poor working class People get Medicaid and continue to work, also 80% of those on the exchanges get health care insurance for $75 or less. Sorry your dupe boss fell for the b*******.... Dupe.

Of course they get it for 75 bucks or less, that's because other people are paying for it.

As I have explained repeatedly, Commie Care was designed for Democrat voters. If you sweep floors for a living, make french fries, stock shelves, you did great under Commie Care, but you were also more likely to be a Democrat voter. If you were a middle-income earner, then there is a good chance you vote Republican and those are the people that got screwed.
Actually there are more Trump voters than Democrat voters being helped, super dupe. You are absolutely and totally brainwashed.

Oh, is that what your Commie leaders told you to think? I would ask for evidence of your claim, but I know that would be a waste of time.
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
You are absolutely Clueless like all dupes... Ferraris are built in the heart of socialism and nobody says anything like that. Idiot
socialism is simply Fair democratic capitalism with a good safety net and it works great.
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
You are absolutely Clueless like all dupes... Ferraris are built in the heart of socialism and nobody says anything like that. Idiot
socialism is simply Fair democratic capitalism with a good safety net and it works great.

That's another thread, go start one.....but you didn't didn't answer the question
glad you admit Obamacare is socialism......and we see how bad that sucked...
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
yep, he completely ignored the question....franco knows I just kicked his ass from one question....if he has to talk about anything other than cost, he loses
What question? All I see from you is b******* talking points and stupid insults... Cost is the problem with our Healthcare... What we need now is more tinkering with the regulations on insurance companies and hospitals and doctors. All to bring down costs.

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