FINALLY! A President with some balls.

It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
yep, he completely ignored the question....franco knows I just kicked his ass from one question....if he has to talk about anything other than cost, he loses
What question? All I see from you is b******* talking points and stupid insults... Cost is the problem with our Healthcare... What we need now is more tinkering with the regulations on insurance companies and hospitals and doctors. All to bring down costs.

No, you have the talking points, all you talk about is cost, I asked you to name any other issue with our cant

and you cry because it's marginally more expensive, yet much better (oh and I'm including discovery and R&D, which other countries barely do)
He didn't mention it's still there, but the Palestinians have to do more than whine. Isreal has given almost every concession they wanted and in some deal all their concessions, but they never find a way to finish...something tells me they don't want to...which is why we need to move forward and let them know we're not dicking's why I like Trumps take on Jerusalem and the implied threat during this UN Vote.....letting people know we scratch your back, now it's time for you to scratch ours.......

You guys in the US just don't get it.....
Did the Jews have the right in Israel/Palestine yes so does the Muslims and the Christians. The problem is the Zionists wanted more than their entitled to, and occupied Palestinian Lands, pushed them out and killed scores of them. Till now there are refugee camps of those people and Israel refuses their return because they will not only outnumber the Israelis but Also Will ask for their lands and houses back.
If you ever go to Israel you'll notice that most of Israelis are immigrants or descendants of immigrants, some are purely European/American looking.
What makes matters more complicated, Jerusalem is a sacred land for the Muslims as well.....So if the Palestinians gave up their right, 1.5 billions Muslims won't. The current state of the Islamic world plays in favor of Israel, if i was them i would settle as fast as I can. Cause things do turn around and few years down the line they might not even be offered much to be honest.

Muslims have no rights whatsoever in PALESTINE-----they should be completely banned. The city called MEDINA should be handed BACK TO THE JEWS and
millions of jews FULLY COMPENSATED for lands and wealth and LIVES stolen
from them by the PIGS AND DOGS OF that which are called "Islamic lands" today. --------1.5 billion muzzie pigs and dogs have "rights" in Palestine?
You are delusional. FOR THE RECORD------I am supposed to own oil wells in
a land that is NOW A SHARIAH SHIT HOLE

well, that's a tad extreme, but Istanbul and Acre should be handed back to the Christians if we're playing the who was first game.
And the US to the natives?

yep, that's my point, it aint gonna happen, why? because people take over all the time.....the world said Israel would be where it was historically and they made it happen. Just have to deal with it.
The whole world just voided Trumps decision except few micro countries. Thr US is losing ground and fast, we shouldnt be siding with an appartheid state.
So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

Commie Care didn't do squat yet alone stabllize prices. The only accomplishment of Commie Care was the intent which was to create as many new government dependents as possible.
Actually, the old way was to force people on to welfare in order to get Medicaid. Now poor working class People get Medicaid and continue to work, also 80% of those on the exchanges get health care insurance for $75 or less. Sorry your dupe boss fell for the b*******.... Dupe.

Of course they get it for 75 bucks or less, that's because other people are paying for it.

As I have explained repeatedly, Commie Care was designed for Democrat voters. If you sweep floors for a living, make french fries, stock shelves, you did great under Commie Care, but you were also more likely to be a Democrat voter. If you were a middle-income earner, then there is a good chance you vote Republican and those are the people that got screwed.
Actually there are more Trump voters than Democrat voters being helped, super dupe. You are absolutely and totally brainwashed.

Oh, is that what your Commie leaders told you to think? I would ask for evidence of your claim, but I know that would be a waste of time.
St Hu, super dupe. The real question is how can you avoid that fact?
So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
yep, he completely ignored the question....franco knows I just kicked his ass from one question....if he has to talk about anything other than cost, he loses
What question? All I see from you is b******* talking points and stupid insults... Cost is the problem with our Healthcare... What we need now is more tinkering with the regulations on insurance companies and hospitals and doctors. All to bring down costs.

No, you have the talking points, all you talk about is cost, I asked you to name any other issue with our cant

and you cry because it's marginally more expensive, yet much better (oh and I'm including discovery and R&D, which other countries barely do)
Our big health big Pharma GOP system costs twice as much as anywhere else and has worse results. And now we're going back to a 45000 dead a year because of no insurance GOP scam system. Brilliant!
He's standing up to the NWO Globalist Elites. And that's made him Enemy #1. I'm actually worried about him surviving. I'll continue praying for him.
It is our ridiculously overpriced health system that is the problem and ObamaCare was the beginning of a solution to that. Price Rises have gone down since Obamacare...

So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
Problem is our health cares return on investment is more like that of the Ford Focus than the Ferrari.
do tell?
We rank 25th in life expectancy compared to other nations of the world. 27th in infant mortality rate. We have the infant mortality rate of Lebenon. Dead last in industrialized nations for mortality amenable to medical care. These are the three most used measures of Health care. It was an embarrasment on all standards except for vaccination. We pay three times more for a worse out come. This is with out the cost of medical bankruptcy calcualted in. We are the only industialized nation in which getting sick can send you into bankruptcy.
You guys in the US just don't get it.....
Did the Jews have the right in Israel/Palestine yes so does the Muslims and the Christians. The problem is the Zionists wanted more than their entitled to, and occupied Palestinian Lands, pushed them out and killed scores of them. Till now there are refugee camps of those people and Israel refuses their return because they will not only outnumber the Israelis but Also Will ask for their lands and houses back.
If you ever go to Israel you'll notice that most of Israelis are immigrants or descendants of immigrants, some are purely European/American looking.
What makes matters more complicated, Jerusalem is a sacred land for the Muslims as well.....So if the Palestinians gave up their right, 1.5 billions Muslims won't. The current state of the Islamic world plays in favor of Israel, if i was them i would settle as fast as I can. Cause things do turn around and few years down the line they might not even be offered much to be honest.

Muslims have no rights whatsoever in PALESTINE-----they should be completely banned. The city called MEDINA should be handed BACK TO THE JEWS and
millions of jews FULLY COMPENSATED for lands and wealth and LIVES stolen
from them by the PIGS AND DOGS OF that which are called "Islamic lands" today. --------1.5 billion muzzie pigs and dogs have "rights" in Palestine?
You are delusional. FOR THE RECORD------I am supposed to own oil wells in
a land that is NOW A SHARIAH SHIT HOLE

well, that's a tad extreme, but Istanbul and Acre should be handed back to the Christians if we're playing the who was first game.
And the US to the natives?

yep, that's my point, it aint gonna happen, why? because people take over all the time.....the world said Israel would be where it was historically and they made it happen. Just have to deal with it.
The whole world just voided Trumps decision except few micro countries. Thr US is losing ground and fast, we shouldnt be siding with an appartheid state.
Oh no, we're losing ground with the world.....sorry man, they need us, we know it, they know it. It's time other people step up though.

as for apartheid, you have some proof? Palestine has had their chances to deal....they don't want fuck em......
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

it does not cost anything to be nice and honest
So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
Problem is our health cares return on investment is more like that of the Ford Focus than the Ferrari.
do tell?
We rank 25th in life expectancy compared to other nations of the world. 27th in infant mortality rate. We have the infant mortality rate of Lebenon. Dead last in industrialized nations for mortality amenable to medical care. These are the three most used measures of Health care. It was an embarrasment on all standards except for vaccination. We pay three times more for a worse out come. This is with out the cost of medical bankruptcy calcualted in. We are the only industialized nation in which getting sick can send you into bankruptcy.

You make some valid points. We pay much more for endless war than we do for the health of our Citizens. There's a huge disturbing imbalance. We can do much better.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies

Well, Leftist extremists too. They've always had an 'Unholy Alliance' with Islam. It's about a shared hatred for Christians. It's a sad and bizarre alliance.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies

Well, Leftist extremists too. They've always had an 'Unholy Alliance' with Islam. It's about a shared hatred for Christians. It's a sad and bizarre alliance.

only lately. The donkey is temporarily pixilated. The "alliance" used to be
between Nazis and muzzies. Muzzies love Christians-----if you meet one
just let him know you are a Christian------he will tell you how much muzzies
LOVE Christians. If you want to know how muzzies feel about Christians---tell him you are a jew
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies

Many Muslims are key strategic allies. Turkey, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are all outraged at the move, with Turkey calling this move a 'red-line'. These are key allies that host our military forces, offer us oil, or both.

We've obliterated our influence in the peace process, with the Palestinians refusing to even take our calls now and starkly rejecting the US as a neutral moderator.

Worse still, in the vaccum of influence and leadership left by our move, Russia has taken the lead in proposed Mid East peace talks. We've expanded the influence of our rivals, infuriated our allies, and are now threatening the entire UN and each member state individually in exchange for....

......nothing. How is that 'America First'?
So our Healthcare is not ridiculously overpriced and prices have gone up faster since Obama Care? Read something.

So you completely ignored my question and you commies are always on price. So I guess a Ferrari should cost the same as a Ford guys are total dupes.
Problem is our health cares return on investment is more like that of the Ford Focus than the Ferrari.
do tell?
We rank 25th in life expectancy compared to other nations of the world. 27th in infant mortality rate. We have the infant mortality rate of Lebenon. Dead last in industrialized nations for mortality amenable to medical care. These are the three most used measures of Health care. It was an embarrasment on all standards except for vaccination. We pay three times more for a worse out come. This is with out the cost of medical bankruptcy calcualted in. We are the only industialized nation in which getting sick can send you into bankruptcy.

We can take you more seriously if you can provide evidence that our life expectancy or infant mortality rate is directly related to our healthcare.

We have the most people die in car accidents than just about any other country. People are murdering each other all the time, and in most cases, younger people with drug problems. Speaking of drug problems, our infant mortality rate is affected by recreational narcotics as well as women working too long into pregnancy or not getting care because of work. Plus we are the fattest country in the world so that is certainly no help.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies

Many Muslims are key strategic allies. Turkey, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are all outraged at the move, with Turkey calling this move a 'red-line'. These are key allies that host our military forces, offer us oil, or both.

We've obliterated our influence in the peace process, with the Palestinians refusing to even take our calls now and starkly rejecting the US as a neutral moderator.

Worse still, in the vaccum of influence and leadership left by our move, Russia has taken the lead in proposed Mid East peace talks. We've expanded the influence of our rivals, infuriated our allies, and are now threatening the entire UN and each member state individually in exchange for....

......nothing. How is that 'America First'?

You really wanna cast your lot with the Saudis and Turks? The Saudis carried out the 9/11 attacks for God's sake. And both countries funded & armed ISIS in Syria. You may wanna rethink your position on this one. Just a suggestion anyway.
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies

Many Muslims are key strategic allies. Turkey, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are all outraged at the move, with Turkey calling this move a 'red-line'. These are key allies that host our military forces, offer us oil, or both.

We've obliterated our influence in the peace process, with the Palestinians refusing to even take our calls now and starkly rejecting the US as a neutral moderator.

Worse still, in the vaccum of influence and leadership left by our move, Russia has taken the lead in proposed Mid East peace talks. We've expanded the influence of our rivals, infuriated our allies, and are now threatening the entire UN and each member state individually in exchange for....

......nothing. How is that 'America First'?

You really wanna cast your lot with the Saudis and Turks? The Saudis carried out the 9/11 attacks for God's sake. And both countries funded & armed ISIS in Syria. You may wanna rethink your position on this one. Just a suggestion anyway.

We already have. The Saudi's are one of our closest regional allies. We use Turkish military bases. Our partnership with Saudi Arabia goes back to WW2. Israel in contrast offers us neither military support, use of their bases, nor a significant amount of oil. To the contrary, they've cost us $40,000,000,000 in the last decade.

Attacks by citizens of a nation aren't attacks by the government of that nation. We were attacked by a pair of Americans in Oklahoma city. By your logic, we should be bombing Washington because Tim McVeigh detonated a bomb that killed Americans.

We've enraged key strategic allies, increased the influence of rivals like Russia, destroyed our own credibility in the peace process, and have been reduced to threatening other countries over this issue in exchange for nothing.

How is this America First?
Trump does it again. He's standing up to the international community and doing what's best for America.

Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote

That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies

Many Muslims are key strategic allies. Turkey, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are all outraged at the move, with Turkey calling this move a 'red-line'. These are key allies that host our military forces, offer us oil, or both.

We've obliterated our influence in the peace process, with the Palestinians refusing to even take our calls now and starkly rejecting the US as a neutral moderator.

Worse still, in the vaccum of influence and leadership left by our move, Russia has taken the lead in proposed Mid East peace talks. We've expanded the influence of our rivals, infuriated our allies, and are now threatening the entire UN and each member state individually in exchange for....

......nothing. How is that 'America First'?

You really wanna cast your lot with the Saudis and Turks? The Saudis carried out the 9/11 attacks for God's sake. And both countries funded & armed ISIS in Syria. You may wanna rethink your position on this one. Just a suggestion anyway.

We already have. The Saudi's are one of our closest regional allies. We use Turkish military bases. Our partnership with Saudi Arabia goes back to WW2. Israel in contrast offers us neither military support, use of their bases, nor a significant amount of oil. To the contrary, they've cost us $40,000,000,000 in the last decade.

Attacks by citizens of a nation aren't attacks by the government of that nation. We were attacked by a pair of Americans in Oklahoma city. By your logic, we should be bombing Washington because Tim McVeigh detonated a bomb that killed Americans.

We've enraged key strategic allies, increased the influence of rivals like Russia, destroyed our own credibility in the peace process, and have been reduced to threatening other countries over this issue in exchange for nothing.

How is this America First?

Yeah, you really should reconsider being so all-in with the Saudis and Turks. They're not good folks. I'm actually ashamed that my Government considers them 'Close Allies.'
That's not 'balls'. That's just stupid to follow stupid.

How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel 'America First'? And then threatening the UN and members countries individually over the issue? You're burning bridges and expending influence in exchange for....

.....jack shit. This doesn't benefit our nation. It costs us.

the ONLY 'people' who are offended are the muzzies

Many Muslims are key strategic allies. Turkey, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are all outraged at the move, with Turkey calling this move a 'red-line'. These are key allies that host our military forces, offer us oil, or both.

We've obliterated our influence in the peace process, with the Palestinians refusing to even take our calls now and starkly rejecting the US as a neutral moderator.

Worse still, in the vaccum of influence and leadership left by our move, Russia has taken the lead in proposed Mid East peace talks. We've expanded the influence of our rivals, infuriated our allies, and are now threatening the entire UN and each member state individually in exchange for....

......nothing. How is that 'America First'?

You really wanna cast your lot with the Saudis and Turks? The Saudis carried out the 9/11 attacks for God's sake. And both countries funded & armed ISIS in Syria. You may wanna rethink your position on this one. Just a suggestion anyway.

We already have. The Saudi's are one of our closest regional allies. We use Turkish military bases. Our partnership with Saudi Arabia goes back to WW2. Israel in contrast offers us neither military support, use of their bases, nor a significant amount of oil. To the contrary, they've cost us $40,000,000,000 in the last decade.

Attacks by citizens of a nation aren't attacks by the government of that nation. We were attacked by a pair of Americans in Oklahoma city. By your logic, we should be bombing Washington because Tim McVeigh detonated a bomb that killed Americans.

We've enraged key strategic allies, increased the influence of rivals like Russia, destroyed our own credibility in the peace process, and have been reduced to threatening other countries over this issue in exchange for nothing.

How is this America First?

Yeah, you really should reconsider being so all-in with the Saudis and Turks. They're not good folks. I'm actually ashamed that my Government considers them 'Close Allies.'

So abandoning our closest regional allies that provide us with *actual* use of their military bases and oil we desperately need is 'America First'?

Because you certainly can't tell me why Jerusalem being recognized as the capital of Israel is 'America First'.

You're in excellent company on that. I can't tell you why either. It makes no sense. It enrages our allies, emboldens our enemies, increases the influence of our rivals destroys our exchange for nothing. Then to follow that up with *threats* to the UN and individual member nations on this same stupid blunder?

That's doubling down on stupid.

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