Finally...An American President!

Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

It's not a bad thing, but we have to be smart with our money and get as much bang for the buck as we can. Spending hundreds of billion over the rest of this century and only getting 2/10ths of one degree in less warming just doesn't cut it. Especially when we don't know where our money is going or what it'll be used for. I'll be damned if I want some UN buttfuck deciding how much of our money they get to spend and who gets it.

Increasing solar and wind power is a bad thing?
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

It's not a bad thing, but we have to be smart with our money and get as much bang for the buck as we can. Spending hundreds of billion over the rest of this century and only getting 2/10ths of one degree in less warming just doesn't cut it. Especially when we don't know where our money is going or what it'll be used for. I'll be damned if I want some UN buttfuck deciding how much of our money they get to spend and who gets it.

Increasing solar and wind power is a bad thing?

For trillions of dollars for 2/10 of a degree?
Why yes it is.
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

It's not a bad thing, but we have to be smart with our money and get as much bang for the buck as we can. Spending hundreds of billion over the rest of this century and only getting 2/10ths of one degree in less warming just doesn't cut it. Especially when we don't know where our money is going or what it'll be used for. I'll be damned if I want some UN buttfuck deciding how much of our money they get to spend and who gets it.

Increasing solar and wind power is a bad thing?

Solar and wind power installations are expensive to build and maintain, and more expensive for consumers to pay for. One day that might not be true, but for now it definitely is.
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

Absolutely. So China and India should try it sometime. America has been decreasing their emissions by leaps and bounds, the most in the world. How does selling workers and taxpayers out ensure these countries will all of a sudden change course, to change 2/10th of a degree within 83 years, absurd.

What to know just how imbedded this deal was to screw America? The actual official day in which America can withdraw from this ridiculous deal is October 2020!! Exactly one day AFTER the election then.

Just a coincidence right? Great talking points for Trump when he enters that election to illustrate just how some people are trying to sell out U.S workers and taxpayers.

Oh, by the way, any official reaction and announcement from the Democrats regarding this decision?

Quit buying products and using services from China and India.
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

The stuff you breathe out of your lungs at 8 to 12 times the concentration of "clean air" -- is NOT pollution that's why.. We should focus on REAL pollutants. The stuff that harms people and nature.

The issue is what comes out of smokestacks and tailpipes.

My truck gets anywhere from 7.5 to 10 mpg.
Am I a polluter?

Why do you drive a truck?
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

How will giving away billions of American tax dollars fight pollution?

How are we giving away billions of dollars?

You are too ill informed to have this discussion.

You don't know?

Do your own research skippy.
But I'll ask you one question...why would Trump say hell no if it was free?
Money manages the mind of the conservative today, and fossil fuels is big money. Notice how Trump bowed to the Saudis and sold them bombs, then when faced with real leaders such as Merkel he gets his panties all bunched up. Draft dodger Donnie is all about making money as president and he knows where it comes from. Although the Kochs didn't favor him before these stupid decisions, now he may get loans from them rather than from Russia. Interesting huh.

Topic is covered here excellently: "Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

'Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich'

The rise of the new global super-rich

"This disposition to admire, and almost to worship , the rich and powerful, and to despise, or, at least neglect persons of poor and mean great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments." Adam Smith

Merkel is a "real leader"? How do you define that, as someone who hates their sovereignty?
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

It's not a bad thing, but we have to be smart with our money and get as much bang for the buck as we can. Spending hundreds of billion over the rest of this century and only getting 2/10ths of one degree in less warming just doesn't cut it. Especially when we don't know where our money is going or what it'll be used for. I'll be damned if I want some UN buttfuck deciding how much of our money they get to spend and who gets it.

Increasing solar and wind power is a bad thing?

For trillions of dollars for 2/10 of a degree?
Why yes it is.

I have solar on one of my properties. It didn't cost trillions of dollars.
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

It's not a bad thing, but we have to be smart with our money and get as much bang for the buck as we can. Spending hundreds of billion over the rest of this century and only getting 2/10ths of one degree in less warming just doesn't cut it. Especially when we don't know where our money is going or what it'll be used for. I'll be damned if I want some UN buttfuck deciding how much of our money they get to spend and who gets it.

Increasing solar and wind power is a bad thing?

Solar and wind power installations are expensive to build and maintain, and more expensive for consumers to pay for. One day that might not be true, but for now it definitely is.

I have solar on one of my properties with an eight year payoff and a 25 year warranty.
Why is reducing pollution a bad thing?

The stuff you breathe out of your lungs at 8 to 12 times the concentration of "clean air" -- is NOT pollution that's why.. We should focus on REAL pollutants. The stuff that harms people and nature.

The issue is what comes out of smokestacks and tailpipes.

My truck gets anywhere from 7.5 to 10 mpg.
Am I a polluter?

Why do you drive a truck?

I haul my environment destroying SXS down some really nasty logging roads as well as the beach.

Plus it looks Bad Ass and it hauls Ass!!

Gratuitous shot of environment destroying SXS.

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