Finally the events of 9-11-2001 will get their day in court

Moved to proper forum. Whether it's a conspiracy theory or not, the fact remains this is going to court. Have at it.........
Moved to proper forum. Whether it's a conspiracy theory or not, the fact remains this is going to court. Have at it.........

great, you let the loons out of the basement. At least now we can go in there and clean up a bit while they are out terrorizing the villagers.
I guess you could stretch credibility to it's breaking point and call it a "day in court"> Let us know how the case turns out in the quaint little village of Habersham, England. Better still, don't bother.
Moved to proper forum. Whether it's a conspiracy theory or not, the fact remains this is going to court. Have at it.........

Went to court days ago.

9/11 controversy in Horsham court - Local - West Sussex County Times

"The 9/11 truth movement had its day in court this week, as the BBC’s news coverage of the attacks was cited in a case of an unpaid TV licence.

Tony Rooke, 49, of Broyle Close, Chichester, pleaded not guilty to using a television without a licence.

He told Horsham Magistrates’ Court that he was not prepared to give money to the BBC because of the way it had covered the September 11, 2001, attacks on the US.

He said the BBC’s reporting of the incident and subsequent investigations made it complicit in acts of terrorism...

Judge Nicholls said that, even if he accepted and agreed with the evidence, that would not give him grounds to rule that Rooke was not guilty.

He found Rooke guilty, and imposed a six month conditional discharge with £200 legal costs."
Yeah. Me to.

Inside job my ass.

thanks for proving you ditched junior high school science classes since you ignorant about the laws of physics.If your so sure,then debunk these cant.You Bush dupes never have any answers to counter them.

thankfully,americans are the only ones around the world ignorant about the true events of 9/11.
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I see the mods moved this to the conspiracy dungeon. Everybody's a censor.

And you're a fucking moron.

that would be someone like yourself who ditched junior high school science classes since you obviously know nothing at all about the laws of physics and how they were violated that day.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Don't you worry about me, pumpkin, I know more than enough.

Though I do find it amusing that you would attempt to insult someone by suggesting they skipped a junior high school class, all the while not being capable of using any of the common rules of English taught in schools throughout ones education.

Damn amusing.

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