Finally they are going after the rights leaders Family, The results will be gold.

Not even close-but even if it was true you're upside down and backwards thinking what she did justifies what the pig or what the pig's family does. That's all you people have , You all know in the back of your mind that your leader is a hateful ugly monster that is this countries biggest threat but you don't care.
Do a fraction of what Hillary did do, and see what happens to you.
What kind of a brain does it take to assume that the action of someone else justifies what your pile of shit leader does.
View attachment 271599
You just hanging out today?

I'd hit it. :thup:

Admit love the moobs.
Not even close-but even if it was true you're upside down and backwards thinking what she did justifies what the pig or what the pig's family does. That's all you people have , You all know in the back of your mind that your leader is a hateful ugly monster that is this countries biggest threat but you don't care.
Do a fraction of what Hillary did do, and see what happens to you.
What kind of a brain does it take to assume that the action of someone else justifies what your pile of shit leader does.
View attachment 271599
You just hanging out today?

I'd hit it. :thup:

Yeah, with a baseball bat.
The borders are falling apart and people are dying but the democrat majority in congress decides to go after the 1st Lady. No surprises here.
Oh good God she is Scum bags daughter not scum bags wife. How about 7 hate party committees that Clinton had to wade through for years on end, when all along the hate party knew she was Innocent , Don't you think that their decision of Innocents would ave been enough from the first committee . You raping the constitutions and our laws was a real good Idea. They will be charged if not by the Fed but by the states of which there is multiple possibility ,

Since when do we have more than 1 Constitution? You seem to be determined to affirm our opinion of you. Also what charges do you think will materialize, and what evidence do you have?

You people just don't get it, your God and leader is pond scum and most of his family are also. Dam no one has gone after my bad spelling yet.

If they were to do it, this would be a perfect example.

Put down the bottle. It's 11 AM for fuck sake.
If you have nothing to say , then don't say anything but if this is all you got , your gone.

Gone? Are you god?
Yup if you come in here and ask stupid question like that, that has nothing to with the thread of any specific comment , then you're gone. Say go ahead.

Go ahead, you're a speck, you're entertainment. Nothing more.
Put down the bottle. It's 11 AM for fuck sake.
If you have nothing to say , then don't say anything but if this is all you got , your gone.

Gone? Are you god?
Yup if you come in here and ask stupid question like that, that has nothing to with the thread of any specific comment , then you're gone. Say go ahead.

Go ahead, you're a speck, you're entertainment. Nothing more.
That was easy, bye

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