Finally Trump will get 2 impeachments expunged

The reason presidents do not need a security clearance, is executive privilege.
Which the courts ruled never ends.
Executive privilege ends the second you are no longer "the" executive, as in the prez. Gosh, you folks are really messed up from all the lies you've been told.
Shokin was not investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden wasn't running it. I suppose you head is so full of shyte this won't matter but........

Then who was paying Hunter $100,000 a month?
Trump represents a majority of conservatives that believe in truth and justice.
Trump represents a basket of deplorables who CLAIM to be conservatives but don’t even know what that means
Joe was VP, but Obama, Joe, and Hillary were all complicit in the illegal subversion of the legal government in the Ukraine.
And it was Joe who publicly took credit for forcing the illegal firing of Shokin.
Watch the video.

Two impeachments because they didn't like the guy?

Failed impeachments that prove no crime, are indictments of those who brought the fake impeachment charges to begin with.
It is a huge violation of the election system to try to remove an elected official.
It should only be started when the need is so great that conviction is guaranteed.
Fake impeachments are incredibly criminal.
I didn’t lose……I was cheated

Yeah and we are all paying the price of it now.
Executive privilege ends the second you are no longer "the" executive, as in the prez. Gosh, you folks are really messed up from all the lies you've been told.
Wrong. Ex Presidents have privileges far beyond anyone else.
Not what Joe was saying when he bragged on camera about getting the prosecuter fired that was investigating the company his son was running. Then Trump makes a phone call to find out about it and gets impeached.

Still regurgitating that bebunked lie? Shokin was fired because he WASN’T investigating Burisma, not because he was.

And Trump wasn’t trying to get an investigation of it all. Trump was trying to get them to announce a fake investigation to help his political chances.

Trump knew that a real investigation would find nothing. He just wanted the bump in the polls that the news of an investigation would give him.

Trump spent his entire Presidency investigating Hillary Clinton and appointed multiple special prosecutors to go after Democrats throughout his Presidency.

So far all you have is a guilty plea on two misdemeanour tax charges against someone who isn’t even a member of any Democratic administration.

$100 million spent investigating b the Clintons and b not a single charge filed.
God isn’t on your side here, fool, especially when you blaspheme him.

There is no way to expunge Trump’s impeachments. He will forever be the disgraced, twice impeached, indicted, and eventually convicted criminal president of the United States of America.

His followers will be seen as an insane group of gullible fools who were easily lead by a more than willing, corrupt and power hungry Republican Party and the billionaire owned right wing media they trusted.

Nothing remotely "disgraced" to be vindicated by failed impeachments.
The stain in then on those who started something that was proven false.
impeachments are part of historical record which can't be simply erased by a congressional vote
And the hysterical record also shows it was a purely PARTISAN VOTE -- something Nazi Pelosi said she would do. But she is a Democrat and we all know about the he honesty of a Democrat

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