Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Yes it does, the numbers have drastically changed over time.

Many children have died at the border and the US media has not reported any of these children deaths.

Of course you knew that and now you're just trolling.

I know/new no such thing. Please post an update if you have such a thing
thanks in advance

Yeah, it's a shame parents put their children in such danger unnecessarily. And link I posted was less than two weeks old.

Didn’t we understand cause and effect by third grade?
Why can’t these ignorant fucks wrap their heads around the causation principle?
watchingfromafar jasonnfree

They're not concerned about children... it's political to them
Of course the retards aborted there own kids
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

View attachment 414264
These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?


....It's an obama era policy

Do people think we don't lock up parents all the time? What the fuck is wrong with you guys
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

View attachment 414264
These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?

The parents were found! Look it up
You're a sick fuck. You are victimizing children to encourage their parents to run across a dangerous desert, subject themselves to robbery, murder and rape.,.,.,.,,..,,
Finally the truth comes out. Yes the children went through the above because the child's parents wanted their children to get a better life that they could not proved their children

You're another stellar example of government schools.

I didn't say what the parents did, I said what you did. Try reading it again, sick freak. Sound out the words if you have to. Feel free to move your lips while you read.

You set up a dangerous situation for your own benefit. Why the parents did it is irrelevant to your motivation, which is yourself and your Democrat voter drive. What is a bunch of dead kids or kids sold into slavery or sex trafficking to you if you get some free government shit for it? It's nothing. You're depraved
should be charged
Heads up, I am going to follow you kaz to the end of the earth and then watch you fall of the edge into oblivion as I wave you goodbye hoping you have at least one good dream before the darkness overcomes you.

Btw: I am praying for your redemption

It is the least I could do

Bye :)-
So your a crazy ass bitch stalker?

I like a guy who lures parents to let their children die crossing a desert or be sold into sex trafficking or slavery all for his own selfish, greedy benefit praying for my redemption when I want those things to not happen. Talk about being prayed for by the devil
should be charged
Heads up, I am going to follow you kaz to the end of the earth and then watch you fall of the edge into oblivion as I wave you goodbye hoping you have at least one good dream before the darkness overcomes you.
Bye :)-

Kaz, I should not have talked to you in this way.

Hate feeds on hate; please forgive me

But posting misleading and dishonest pictures and stories are okay. Got it.
should be charged
Heads up, I am going to follow you kaz to the end of the earth and then watch you fall of the edge into oblivion as I wave you goodbye hoping you have at least one good dream before the darkness overcomes you.
Bye :)-

Kaz, I should not have talked to you in this way.

Hate feeds on hate; please forgive me


But it is true what you pointed out that Latino parents are poor.

When Democrats lure them with free government education, free healthcare, welfare, even covid payments when they are here illegally, then they tell them there really isn't anything wrong with coming here illegally and fight all efforts at border control, of course they are going to be lured here.

They know their girls will be raped on the way. Many children really do die in the desert and are abducted by sex and slavery traffickers.

I phrased it the way I did because of how you phrased it to me. But that is the reality of Democrat policies. Doesn't that bother you at all?

My solution would be to actually secure our borders and help them more where they are. Writing them a ticket and telling them to appear in court in three years isn't that. We can't have open borders, we wouldn't be a sustainable country
We can't have open borders, we wouldn't be a sustainable country
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Maybe kaz is a Russian immigrant and knows nothing about the USA culture and for this I forgive you
We can't have open borders, we wouldn't be a sustainable country
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Maybe kaz is a Russian immigrant and knows nothing about the USA culture and for this I forgive you

OK, so at least you admit you're for open borders. A country without borders is not a country.

And nowhere did the Statue of Liberty say they can self select. In fact even then when we had far more land and no welfare, they still had to prove they were not criminals, not sick and could support themselves.

You're attracting people who prove none of those, they just self select. Then they fill our prisons, welfare roles, medical centers, schools and according to you we have no say, it's up to them.

I still like the Ellis Island policy. Prove they are not sick, not criminals and they can support themselves and come on in. But self selection is bull.

What a load
But posting misleading and dishonest pictures and stories are okay. Got it.
I did not post any misleading and dishonest pictures.

FYI: lying does not further your cause


Post #16 is about a child who may or may not died. And she was not at the American Mexican border. I asked you for a link, you as if this time have refused to link, it is because the picture has nothing to do with the border situation.

Coyote posted the link, and proved the pic was just a dishonest post by you.

Before you call me a liar, clean up your lies.
We can't have open borders, we wouldn't be a sustainable country
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Maybe kaz is a Russian immigrant and knows nothing about the USA culture and for this I forgive you

OK, so at least you admit you're for open borders. A country without borders is not a country.
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,What a load
You must be a Roman ancestor who sees no border but the land before you----- right?

USA’s border is well known. Maps showing the USA borders can be found in any public library; I suggest you and yours visit one.

You can start with this one—

SP KAZ, the colors mark the border boundaries
If you need further assistance, I suggest you consult with your children
no animosity intended or implied :)-
Last edited:
We can't have open borders, we wouldn't be a sustainable country
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Maybe kaz is a Russian immigrant and knows nothing about the USA culture and for this I forgive you

OK, so at least you admit you're for open borders. A country without borders is not a country.
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,What a load
You must be a Roman ancestor who sees no border but the land before you----- right?

USA’s border is well known. Maps showing the USA borders can be found in any public library; I suggest you and yours visit one.

You can start with this one—
View attachment 415234
SP KAZ, the colors mark the border boundaries
If you need further assistance, I suggest you consult with your children
no animosity intended or implied :)-

watchingfromafar: I don't get it, kaz. Duh, dar drool ...

Maybe you shouldn't have relied on government for an education. Ya think?
Separation has more than one meaning.

It is my guess that 98% of the parents and 98% of the children want and need is a means to communicate between the parents and their children.

The steering committee should in the least open a means of communication between the kids and their parents.

It is the least they could do

If need be, a trust fund could be created to pay the phone bill.

watchingfromafar: I don't get it, kaz. Duh, dar drool ...

If your drooling problem persists, I have a suggestion that might stop it

Shut Your Mouth

Just a friendly suggestion
No animosity intended or implied

Maybe you shouldn't have relied on government for an education. Ya think?

maybe, maybe not

watchingfromafar: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are. You are, bam. No, kaz, you are!

Another leftist who's insults stop at third grade playgrounding

Haven't heard that one since Peewee Herman.


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