Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

The parents DON'T WANT them back!
clearly you are one without children; which is very sad, sad indeed
They either sold their children or used them to get across the border.
Oh how sad it is that someone would post such a hateful post with no proof or carrying thought.

Sad, sad indeed

That have served their purpose and are now unwanted.
sick, sick, sick minded post (puke)

They are now getting the best care they've EVER received!
All except the loving care of their parents.
should be charged
Heads up, I am going to follow you kaz to the end of the earth and then watch you fall of the edge into oblivion as I wave you goodbye hoping you have at least one good dream before the darkness overcomes you.

Btw: I am praying for your redemption

It is the least I could do

Bye :)-
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?


Committing crimes with your children in tow is child abuse. Their children should be put into foster care until they can prove they are worthy parents who aren't going to commit crimes at all much less involving their children
The parents are still in Mexico for the most part, the kids carried in Fentanyl

I think it's pretty mixed. There are both parents and children being used by sex and drug trafficers. But yes, all the more reason to take them until we can be assured they are going to be cared for in a crime free environment
Some of the kids were kidnapped so drug cartels could look like real families

Yep. We're on the same page. All the children are children of criminals though. Just what crime the parents committed varies
should be charged
Heads up, I am going to follow you kaz to the end of the earth and then watch you fall of the edge into oblivion as I wave you goodbye hoping you have at least one good dream before the darkness overcomes you.

Btw: I am praying for your redemption

It is the least I could do

Bye :)-

You're a sick fuck. You are victimizing children to encourage their parents to run across a dangerous desert, subject themselves to robbery, murder and rape, all so you can get them in the pipeline to win an elections.

You're a disgusting human being. Pray for yourself, Jerry Fallwell
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

View attachment 414264
These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?

Why is this a Trump debacle? Those kids were part of the caravans that flooded the Southern border as the Obama Administration wound down. People used them to gain entry into the United States.
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

View attachment 414264
These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?

Why is this a Trump debacle? Those kids were part of the caravans that flooded the Southern border as the Obama Administration wound down. People used them to gain entry into the United States.

That's why it's a debacle. Trump tried to stop them.

watchingfromafar wants children running across the desert with sex and slave traffickers to help his political party. He's a shitty human being
Trump looks at the final vote returns ~~
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

View attachment 414264
These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?


They don’t care. Just look at the replies. They consider this one of Trumps signature achievements, while simultaneously blaming anyone and everyone else for the atrocity.

They deported so many of the parents, most of them returning to remote rural areas of Guatemala, El Salvador etc. They parents lack the knowledge a ability to track down their children and this government doesn’t care.

But you are right. The kids need stability, family, normality. Not warehoused in detention centers.
You're a sick fuck. You are victimizing children to encourage their parents to run across a dangerous desert, subject themselves to robbery, murder and rape.,.,.,.,,..,,
Finally the truth comes out. Yes the children went through the above because the child's parents wanted their children to get a better life that they could not proved their children
Another child that died
View attachment 414265

No link? Just a picture, why are you afraid to give out the link?
Because that little girl was found with her father drowned. They were trying to cross The Rio Grande to get into this country.

Actually...that picture is not even from here...not sure why it is being used. This is it’s origin:

They don’t care. Just look at the replies. They consider this one of Trumps signature achievements

At least Trump did not order the assassination of the kids like the Israel IDF does.
If refraining from murdering these kids is an achievement, then yes it was a signature achievement.
They don’t care. Just look at the replies. They consider this one of Trumps signature achievements

At least Trump did not order the assassination of the kids like the Israel IDF does.
If refraining from murdering these kids is an achievement, then yes it was a signature achievement.
You are mixing up topics.
Another child that died
View attachment 414265

No link? Just a picture, why are you afraid to give out the link?
Because that little girl was found with her father drowned. They were trying to cross The Rio Grande to get into this country.

Actually...that picture is not even from here...not sure why it is being used. This is it’s origin:

Because a left wing poster is being dishonest and I called him out on it.
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

View attachment 414264
These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?


What say me is how many parents are searching in vain for theses children? What says you?
Finding the parents of the 500+ lost children

Trump’s team caged 500+ children at the border
. Two children died trying to cross the border and most likely even more have died.

View attachment 414264
These children need to be returned to their rightful parents leaving the unanswered question—how?

The simplest solution is simple enough, DNA tracing.

This process is not expensive, we are dealing with 500+ children, not thousands.

Out government must first collect the DNA record of all the children that are still in our government’s custody. Then our government can offer free NDA tests to anyone who claims to be the parents of these lost children. If no claims are made within a year, then the remaining children are given US citizenship and placed into foster homes ending this tragic Trump debacle once and for all.

What say you-?


Such fucking lies, the found the parents of all but about 45 kids, more than 500 said they didn't want them returned. I guess they feel it's better for the kid to just leave them in the US.

Of the parents who could be located in other countries, Wolf told CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge, "almost in every instance — in fact, I can't think of one that they haven't — they have chosen to have their kids remain here in the United States while they remain back in their home countries. They have chosen. They themselves have chosen to separate their children from themselves."


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