Fiona Hill Testifies ‘Fictions’ on Ukraine Pushed by Trump Help Russia

Oh great, another one of the many deep state conspiracy theorists.

Eh, the CIA admitted that the deep state is real so you can drop the nutty conspiracy excuse
OK, I'll play, tell me specifically who the individual members of the the deep state are.

What, all of them?

How about just the ringleaders.. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller.... the psycho princess herself of course... not Obama I'd say, he was more like a willing tool...

Nahhhhhh, it's everyone who did not vote for Trump and everyone who puts Country first, over Trump!!!! :p

And it's everyone who does not worship, the man of lawlessness....
Oh great, another one of the many deep state conspiracy theorists.

Eh, the CIA admitted that the deep state is real so you can drop the nutty conspiracy excuse
OK, I'll play, tell me specifically who the individual members of the the deep state are.

What, all of them?

How about just the ringleaders.. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller.... the psycho princess herself of course... not Obama I'd say, he was more like a willing tool...

Nahhhhhh, it's everyone who did not vote for Trump and everyone who puts Country first, over Trump!!!! :p
also guys like comey who helped trump to become president.
I see deep state members everywhere.

‘Thank God for Deep State’, ex-CIA boss says. Still think it’s a conspiracy theory?

Thank God for the ‘Deep State,’” declared former CIA director John E. McLaughlin at an event this week, describing the diplomats and intelligence officers testifying before the congressional impeachment inquiry as “people who are doing their duty or responding to a higher call.”
You could definitely benefit from some professional psychiatric help.

If you say so



Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
That article was researched and written by Politico, Chumlee....They're about as far from Trumpsters and/or any supposed VRWC as you can get.

And the fact that you trust the police/snoop/spook state just goes to show that the civil libertarians on the left are now extinct.
Fiona Hill put on an impressive performance.
I liked the part where she pointed out the Ukraine 2016 US election conspiracy was certainly pushed by Russia. Every time that someone pushed the.conspiracy, is rewarding Russia.
It was reported on by two of the moonbat flagships: Politico and the NYT.

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.
You don't have a case. All you have is bullshit, just like your messiah.
You're confused about who doesn't have a case. The people you trust are criminals.
Fiona Hill Testifies ‘Fictions’ on Ukraine Pushed by Trump Help Russia

WASHINGTON — The White House’s former top Europe and Russia expert sharply denounced what she called a “fictional narrative” embraced by President Trump and his Republican allies that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 elections, testifying that the claim at the center of the impeachment inquiry was a fabrication by Moscow that had harmed the United States.

Testifying on the final day of the week’s public impeachment hearings, the expert, Fiona Hill, tied Mr. Trump’s pressure campaign on Ukraine to a dangerous effort by Russia to sow political divisions in the United States and undercut American diplomacy. Her testimony before the House Intelligence Committee was an implicit rebuke to the president, suggesting that when he pressed Ukraine to investigate the theory that Kyiv rather than Moscow undertook a concerted campaign to meddle in the 2016 campaign, he was playing into Russia’s hands for his own political gain.

Dr. Hill’s account of how Mr. Trump’s team carried out what she called a “domestic political errand” that diverged from his own administration’s foreign policy amounted to sharp — albeit indirect — criticism of the president she served, and it brought home the grave national security consequences of the effort.

“These fictions are harmful even if they are deployed for purely domestic political purposes,” said Dr. Hill, the British-born daughter of a coal miner who became a United States citizen and co-wrote a length book analyzing the psyche of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

Both Dr. Hill and David Holmes, a top aide in the United States Embassy in Kyiv, testified in detail about what they understood to be a concerted campaign by the president and his allies, led by Rudolph W. Giuliani, his personal lawyer, to condition a White House meeting for Ukraine’s president on his announcement of investigations that Mr. Trump wanted into the 2016 election claim and of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“Investigations for a meeting,” is how Dr. Hill described her understanding of the deal laid out by the president’s inner circle, including Mr. Giuliani, Gordon D. Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union, and Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff.

Under questioning from the top Republican counsel on the House Intelligence Committee, Dr. Hill said she confronted Mr. Sondland in July about his failure to coordinate with other members of the administration on his actions regarding Ukraine. She understood only later that Mr. Sondland was part of a group of officials — along with Mr. Mulvaney and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — who were “being involved in a domestic political errand, and we were being involved in national security, foreign policy — and those two things had just diverged.”

Dr. Hill said she had told Mr. Sondland at the time that, “this is all going to blow up.”

Mr. Holmes said it was his “clear understanding” by the end of August that Mr. Trump had frozen $391 million in vital security aid to pressure Ukraine to commit to announcing an investigation into Mr. Biden and his family.

Fiona Hill Testifies ‘Fictions’ on Ukraine Pushed by Trump Help Russia
The pieces of her testimony I was able to catch yesterday were pretty impressive. I'm not sure why Dr. Wenstrup looked as if he were getting a bad chewing out when Hill made a reply to his remarks. She was highly sympathetic to his points and to the President's feelings about 2016 comments against him. Wenstrup, though, looked exactly like a kid on the naughty step. Did Schiff tell him to sit there until Hill answered him?
What was that all about?

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.
You don't have a case. All you have is bullshit, just like your messiah.
You're confused about who doesn't have a case. The people you trust are criminals.
You're the one who's confused, DOUCHEBAG!!!

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.
You don't have a case. All you have is bullshit, just like your messiah.
You're confused about who doesn't have a case. The people you trust are criminals.
You're the one who's confused, DOUCHEBAG!!!
Stunning comeback!
This is a poorly constructed thread so I came in here to liven it up.

Who believes that Hillary Clinton KNOWS where Jimmy Hoffa is Buried?

You can thank me later.... Comrade U2Edge
Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.
You don't have a case. All you have is bullshit, just like your messiah.
You're confused about who doesn't have a case. The people you trust are criminals.
You're the one who's confused, DOUCHEBAG!!!
Stunning comeback!
There was nothing intended to be stunning about it, just factual, which it is.
She's 100% full of shit.

Why do you continue to support this Con Man.
The last people off the Titanic all DIED.
Early jumpers died too, but those that hung on, yup, they DIED.

Trump is only afloat because the ship hasn't actually sunk yet, but be assured dude, it is sinking.
Trump is The Unsinkable Molly Brown.

He has God's protection because he defends Israel, and "NO Weapon formed against him shall prosper."

Now go cry to mommy Putin and tell her what a failure you are.
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.
You don't have a case. All you have is bullshit, just like your messiah.
You're confused about who doesn't have a case. The people you trust are criminals.
You're the one who's confused, DOUCHEBAG!!!
Stunning comeback!
There was nothing intended to be stunning about it, just factual, which it is.
It was stunningly idiotic, you moron.

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election.
Bulshit. To this day they still haven't released any shred of evidence whatsoever showing that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.
The guy they say did it is Romanian lol

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.

I notice that none of these people are facing any charges, while all of the Trump staffers with ties to Russia, are in jail or awaiting sentencing. In fact, the Grand Jury REFUSED TO INDICT McCabe, and was highly critical of the Justice Department attempts to prosecute McCabe.

At every turn, Trump makes bad decisions. Extortion and bribery have been staples of Trump's business practices all of his adult life. He picks smaller contractors he can bully around later. Then he stiffs them at the end. The Ukrainain mess Trump created for himself is just the same shit, different day.

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.

I notice that none of these people are facing any charges, while all of the Trump staffers with ties to Russia, are in jail or awaiting sentencing. In fact, the Grand Jury REFUSED TO INDICT McCabe, and was highly critical of the Justice Department attempts to prosecute McCabe.

At every turn, Trump makes bad decisions. Extortion and bribery have been staples of Trump's business practices all of his adult life. He picks smaller contractors he can bully around later. Then he stiffs them at the end. The Ukrainain mess Trump created for himself is just the same shit, different day.
Not one single Crime has been listed nor any evidence found of a single crime President Trump Committed other than beating Hillary, and stopping her from increasing her Body Count.

She knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried and he has a message from The Grave for you and her.


Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.

I notice that none of these people are facing any charges, while all of the Trump staffers with ties to Russia, are in jail or awaiting sentencing. In fact, the Grand Jury REFUSED TO INDICT McCabe, and was highly critical of the Justice Department attempts to prosecute McCabe.

At every turn, Trump makes bad decisions. Extortion and bribery have been staples of Trump's business practices all of his adult life. He picks smaller contractors he can bully around later. Then he stiffs them at the end. The Ukrainain mess Trump created for himself is just the same shit, different day.
Yes, Mueller got to go first. That's the only reason these criminals aren't in prison yet. Now it's AG Barr's turn.

Your post is 100% lies, of course, just like always.

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