Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

Humans are worth infinitely more to me, than animals.
Agreed. Elitist propaganda devaluing life is for the dumbed down that consume too much TV or were beat down in government schooling.

Seems only those with a rich spiritual life or free minds know the worth of an expanded consciousness and a holy spirit.
Seems only those with a rich spiritual life or free minds know the worth of an expanded consciousness and a holy spirit.
The Holy Spirit is missing in the vast majority of Mankind.

As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes.

The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the LORD said, ‘I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth
Considering it's a HuffPo link, I'm skeptical it's legit but I would not want to be in the same dept as someone who differentiated the value of people they volunteer to serve. When you sign up to put yourself in dangerous circumstances to save the lives of your fellow citizens, you become a liability if you have the slightest reservation about treating all victims the same. It doesn't matter if they're meth heads, pedophiles, liberals, or inmates at a prison on fire. You're obligated to do the best you can to preserve human life.

You can hate them later.

My point exactly. Places like HuffPo and Breitbart get off on feeding the flames of racism, bigotry and hate. I have skeptical if it is real to begin with, and if it is, it might be engineered, who the hell knows? :dunno:

My experience with the majority of Americans? When push to comes to shove, we're all better than this.

Maybe it's different where you folks live.

So, you equate HuffPo with Breitbart - for fighting back against racism, bigotry and hate? Interesting...
To me, that man should be fired. Even if he were to delete what he wrote, doing so isn't going to change where he has already chosen to stand on such a matter.

God bless you always!!!

As far as folks quoting the Jewish Bible, we all know about the Yahweh myths of him wiping out humanity for no apparent reason which never happened obviously, but Jesus was worse. The authors insisted Jesus said almost every human was going to be tortured in an eternal BBQ for not becoming eunuchs. Hey, he was a failed Jewish messiah, give him a break. :p
Really curious if Afro Americans in Africa have more value than Lions or other creatures that do not hate Whitey. As an ecologist, I have no problem with Lions wiping out primitive tribes of low IQ idiots.

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

Township officials released an official statement about Roysdon on Thursday, confirming that he was suspended until the township’s board of trustees can meet to determine his fate:

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.
Well, dogs are far more intelligent and commit far less crime.

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.

If a black volunteer firefighter had said that saving one dog gets priority over a million Nazis or Klan, do you think they would have suspended him?

Just curious.
Hopefully not but your words have consequences. Are you saying Blacks are analogous to Nazi or the clowns of the klan?

He didn't say "blacks", he said "*******". Is there no difference?

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

Township officials released an official statement about Roysdon on Thursday, confirming that he was suspended until the township’s board of trustees can meet to determine his fate:

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.
Well, dogs are far more intelligent and commit far less crime.

And cause far less problems.

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

Township officials released an official statement about Roysdon on Thursday, confirming that he was suspended until the township’s board of trustees can meet to determine his fate:

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.
How many black people have you saved?

How many dogs?

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.

If a black volunteer firefighter had said that saving one dog gets priority over a million Nazis or Klan, do you think they would have suspended him?

Just curious.
Hopefully not but your words have consequences. Are you saying Blacks are analogous to Nazi or the clowns of the klan?

He didn't say "blacks", he said "*******". Is there no difference?
Either you are illiterate or you are confused. MisterBeale definitely said Black. Here let me help you out.

"If a black volunteer firefighter ..."

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.
You should laugh at them. They keep sticking their foot in their mouths and whining about why no one likes white people.
People like white people. Not all white people are Republican even though nearly all Republicans are white.

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

Township officials released an official statement about Roysdon on Thursday, confirming that he was suspended until the township’s board of trustees can meet to determine his fate:

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.

So what's wrong with that statement? Dogs are more important to me than a community-wrecking, walking crime epidemic of the biggest crybabies in America's history. And how do you know he's a white supremacist as opposed to a black inferiorist?

Tyler Roysdon has been suspended for his racist Facebook post.

An Ohio fire department has suspended one of its volunteer firefighters for a racist Facebook post suggesting he’d prefer to save a dog in an emergency than a black person.

Tyler Roysdon, a volunteer for Franklin Township, wrote that if he had to choose between saving a dog or a black man from a burning building, the dog would get priority, because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”

Roysdon has since removed the post from his Facebook page, but a screenshot appears below.

Once township officials discovered the post, Roysdon was suspended indefinitely, according to local station WHIO-TV.

The township will hold a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27, the station reported.

Because he is a volunteer, Roysdon is only paid when he is called to duty. Authorities said he will not be called while the suspension is in effect.

Township officials released an official statement about Roysdon on Thursday, confirming that he was suspended until the township’s board of trustees can meet to determine his fate:

More: Firefighter Says Saving One Dog Is ‘More Important’ Than A Million Black People

One more reason to hate white supremacists.

So what's wrong with that statement? Dogs are more important to me than a community-wrecking, walking crime epidemic of the biggest crybabies in America's history. And how do you know he's a white supremacist as opposed to a black inferiorist?
People like you certainly go a long way to debunking white supremacy simply by opening your mouths. Thank you for your service.

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