First early GOP debate handled terribly

Again, when you take Sarah Palin in 08, Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair in 12, Mitt Romney not having a concession speech at the ready, junior member of the Congress yelling "you lie" at the President during a presidential address, this fiasco of a debate set up with 7 national GOP figures relegated to the "kids table" by the rules that THE GOP AGREED TO DRAWN UP BY A NEWS NETWORK, and what I'm hearing is a convoluted attempt at a serious debate at the "grown up's table" (I'm not able to watch), the question should be whether the GOP is still a "ready for prime time party".

The national folks, it seems, could take a lot of lessons from the State Parties. Does this look like the same group that throttled the democrats less than 2 years ago?
The huge field makes this "debate" an unworkable cluster-fuck. No one is going to be happy. They should make it like a reality show where someone gets voted off the island every week until we get a manageable group of serious candidates.

Not true. You would have to go multi-platform. Give Fox about 90 minutes then move to CSPAN. THose who are interested will watch. That is what primaries are all about.
FOX news killed retail politics for Iowa and New Hampshire. I don't think it's a news organizations place to change the process only because it benefits their own network. Just another example of Fox news sucking.

But the entire idea of the FOX Network is to run the GOP.
Its their party...That's the whole idea of what we know as FOX News...
Roger Ailes said so from the beginning

They don't care about Iowa and New Hampshire.....FOX News wants to run the country

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