First Family accepts delivery of Christmas tree

What an outstanding job.
Being around when the tree is delivered.
The whole world is in awe!

For his next exciting, first time ever trick, he'll be there when they light the damn thing. :clap2:

The asswipe will probably start a thread to commemorate Obama's first Christmas Morning dump.

But will he start a thread about Obama watching his "wife" shaving her mustache off before her Christmas photo-op?? :dunno:

Whats the date on that post? if it was not during his term are you saying you don't know what hypocrite means?

Oh! You mean after 1/20/16 we can call obama "asshole" all we want?

Respect due to POTUS doesn't extend after he leaves office?
What's the difference?

I respect the office, but I have nothing but contempt for the man now occupying it. OK?

You misspelled "idiot".

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:
Jesus has nothing to do with your Freudian slip. Dont talk about giving head, dicks or anything of that nature or i will consider you as being someone that lives that lifestyle. Its ok if you do but I just don't get down like that.

Says the faggot whom as soon as i mentioned the words "give Lincoln head" came running faster than a bitch in heat...... :thup:

So you are a homophobe/closet gay person, racist, and stupid? You hit the trifecta.

Your originality is almost as dazzling as your obsession with race and male genitalia....... :cuckoo:

Whats the date on that post? if it was not during his term are you saying you don't know what hypocrite means?

Oh! You mean after 1/20/16 we can call obama "asshole" all we want?

Respect due to POTUS doesn't extend after he leaves office?
What's the difference?

I respect the office, but I have nothing but contempt for the man now occupying it. OK?
Yes. The difference is that at that point he is not your leader anymore. The respect is to the office not the man. If you respect the office shut your trap until he leaves the office.
Stay away from dick references. Pretty much proves you give head....a lot.

Jesus Christ, are you a slow witted, dimwitted pair of clownshoes in real life too? Or do you just play one on USMB? .... :dunno:

Jesus has nothing to do with your Freudian slip. Dont talk about giving head, dicks or anything of that nature or i will consider you as being someone that lives that lifestyle. Its ok if you do but I just don't get down like that.

Who the fuck cares WHAT you consider?
Says the faggot whom as soon as i mentioned the words "give Lincoln head" came running faster than a bitch in heat...... :thup:

So you are a homophobe/closet gay person, racist, and stupid? You hit the trifecta.

Your originality is almost as dazzling as your obsession with race and male genitalia....... :cuckoo:

You brought up giving Lincoln head. Go check your post. You even admitted it. Why are you so obsessed with sucking dick if you are not gay then?
Jesus Christ, are you a slow witted, dimwitted pair of clownshoes in real life too? Or do you just play one on USMB? .... :dunno:

Jesus has nothing to do with your Freudian slip. Dont talk about giving head, dicks or anything of that nature or i will consider you as being someone that lives that lifestyle. Its ok if you do but I just don't get down like that.

Who the fuck cares WHAT you consider?

You do of course. Are you stupid? Thats why you initiated a conversation with me by trying to insult me.
Whats the date on that post? if it was not during his term are you saying you don't know what hypocrite means?

Oh! You mean after 1/20/16 we can call obama "asshole" all we want?

Respect due to POTUS doesn't extend after he leaves office?
What's the difference?

I respect the office, but I have nothing but contempt for the man now occupying it. OK?

You misspelled "idiot".

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:

No. I was right. The correct misspelling for idiot is "shithead"
Jesus has nothing to do with your Freudian slip. Dont talk about giving head, dicks or anything of that nature or i will consider you as being someone that lives that lifestyle. Its ok if you do but I just don't get down like that.

Wow - you're really hung up on giving another man head.

You started the discussion about dicks by PMing me about mine. I'm into females. Go away.

I've never Pmd you in my life peckerhead
So he should get respect because he's black?

Wow. Just ... wow.
No he should get respect for holding the office of POTUS. I cant stand people bashing the POTUS regardless of your party affiliation. Once the votes are counted everyone should be in line supporting. People who dont are a drag on progress.

Wow! Are you sure you are not offended? I think Bush was as dumb as a chicken. Just my opinion. This is not about how stupid he is or not. He got into a school he never could have dreamed of if he did not have help by virtue of the fact his father graduated from Yale. Because of that he had more opportunity. His environment was conducive to success. If you have that type of head start do you agree that your chances of success are exponentially larger than someone that grew up in a broken home and was never exposed to an environment that taught them how to succeed?

lol, burn..
Obots, especially the cult members are all two faced hypocrites
USMB has, again, reached a pinnacle of some sort, when President Lincoln giving a blow job is a serious matter of debate.
Wow - you're really hung up on giving another man head.

You started the discussion about dicks by PMing me about mine. I'm into females. Go away.

I've never Pmd you in my life peckerhead

Gotcha dick sucker boy. Damn you are stupid! :lol:

I don't care what family is in the WH. What bugs the hell out of me is them having a crew go looking for magnificent trees and then chopping them down. OLD trees. Trees 500 years old or a thousand or even older. They see one? They kill it. For what? To celebrate what? So the tree dies as it is all gussied up for a holiday that means squat nowadays.

Kinda like yesterday. People giving thanks for what they have, then commence to go thump some heads over a toaster the next day or at midnight that night after acting so hypoctrically THANKING for what they have? And at what price?

Both holidays are starting to taste bitter. Starting? Wrong. They have been bitter for a long time and it will only get worse. The only enjoyment I will have on xmas day is watching my dogs tear into wrapped paper to get their toys inside. It is hilarious, pleasing to see, and nobody got hurt. And the local stores got a bit of money so they, in turn, can pay their bills and feed their family.

Blech. The whole thing is so......lopsided.
And, I don't give a rats ass what color the POTUS is. Killing a tree instead of PLANTING ONE to use over and over again on the grounds is stupid.
I don't get it. WHY do so many people think a comment in the neg or pos rep window is a PM????? Geez.

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